The Feast of the Circumcision: A Blessed New Year!

What demography in the world has the largest amount of circumcised humans?

Muslims. But, January 1st was the Feast of the Circumcision Day in the Catholic Church and was shared with a Marian Feast Day. Now the Feast of the Circumcision Day kind of disappeared. The Orthodox still has it.

No, it was still a Catholic holy-day when I was a wee tyke.

Friggin' weird thing to plant a holy-day on innit? :cuckoo:
I always thought they ate calamari on that day..

The first time I saw calamari--------I had to restrain myself from laughing
Did you try and use them for rings?
Not eating pork? Simple.............because pigs have a parasite called trichinosis, and if the meat isn't treated properly with cooking and other measures, the parasite can pass to the person who eats it. Same thing with how long you could leave food out before having to throw it away, because there was no refrigeration back then.

Now you got me wondering if I really should give away this slice of pork pie..... :uhh:

Modern day processing methods of slaughtering pigs has evolved to the point where pork is just as safe as any other meat. Only trouble is, back in the ancient times, there was no way to make the meat safe to eat. Now? Because of the technology we now have, the rule of not eating pork is pretty much outdated, and has been since modern times. In some cases, when you see a hole in the ham that looks like someone took out a small round piece of meat, that is where a trichinosis worm once lived. Sorry if this turns you off pork products, but it's true.

But like I said, modern processing techniques make pork safe to eat now.
The Jews also had laws on not eating anything that did not have a split hove..

HOOF----or HOOVES. You have never seen a case of CYSTICERCOSIS.
------treatable now----but the diagnosis is often missed
I'm barely alive today, so you get what I can put out...

it's ok-------not much traffic on USMB today-------I am desperate enough to accept ANYTHING
What demography in the world has the largest amount of circumcised humans?

Muslims. But, January 1st was the Feast of the Circumcision Day in the Catholic Church and was shared with a Marian Feast Day. Now the Feast of the Circumcision Day kind of disappeared. The Orthodox still has it.

No, it was still a Catholic holy-day when I was a wee tyke.

Friggin' weird thing to plant a holy-day on innit? :cuckoo:
I always thought they ate calamari on that day..

The first time I saw calamari--------I had to restrain myself from laughing
Did you try and use them for rings?

my dining companions ----which included a few persons of Italian descent could not understand why I did not like the glorious little ----------things
Fun God fact:
God told Abraham to circumcise Isaac on the 8th day for a reason that only God knew, and was much later discovered by science. A child's clotting factor is at it's peak on day 8. God understood Vit. K before we did.

Vitamin K is not a clotting factor-----it is involved in the ACTION of several of
the clotting factors-----specifically II VII IX and X. Ie without the vitamin
K-------they don't do it right (sorry----my new year's resolution is ----"BE A PICKY BITCH" ) a muslim colleague of mine lost a brother to a muslim circ-------the kid
bled out Muslims circumcise at about age ??12. According to legend------
Abraham did IT on himself (ouch!!!)

I know. God understood which day all of the factors came together for optimum results regarding the surgical procedure. Muslims did not.
Your calendar is wrong. Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25th. He probably was born closer to mid to late October.

*My* calendar is just fine.

He's right though. If Jesus was circumcised a week after birth there's no way that's January 1. Which further confirms that the whole set, Christmas and the Circumcision --- were moved to an already-existing calendar niche in order to co-opt and cover up what was already there -- the Solstice observance where the sun "dies" on the southern cross, lingers for three days and then starts to rise again....

And I agree.
Fun God fact:
God told Abraham to circumcise Isaac on the 8th day for a reason that only God knew, and was much later discovered by science. A child's clotting factor is at it's peak on day 8. God understood Vit. K before we did.

Since "God" is a human invention I suspect it had a lot more to do with trial and error over the years, including a number of infants who bled to death for a wacko superstition.

Maybe, if they were atheist's babies. If they followed God's advice, they didn't bleed to death. That's the point. Now it is the doctor's advice because now they know the same thing someone else knew 4,000 years ago that prevented babies from bleeding to death. It is once again, science discovering God's knowledge. Just like science recently finding God's hyper dimensions. Exciting stuff.

Apparently so 'exciting' it flew over your head. Lemme give you a timeline.

  1. over thousands of years lots of things are figured out including when babies bleed the most/least and which mushroom you can't eat....
  2. after gleaning this various folk knowledge somebody invents concept of "God" in order to consolidate power (in other words for the same purpose as political parties)...
  3. Body of folklore knowledge is then transferred to "God" puppet as strategy to make "Him" (why 'him'?) seem omniscient.

In that order.
Fun God fact:
God told Abraham to circumcise Isaac on the 8th day for a reason that only God knew, and was much later discovered by science. A child's clotting factor is at it's peak on day 8. God understood Vit. K before we did.

Vitamin K is not a clotting factor-----it is involved in the ACTION of several of
the clotting factors-----specifically II VII IX and X. Ie without the vitamin
K-------they don't do it right (sorry----my new year's resolution is ----"BE A PICKY BITCH" ) a muslim colleague of mine lost a brother to a muslim circ-------the kid
bled out Muslims circumcise at about age ??12. According to legend------
Abraham did IT on himself (ouch!!!)

I know. God understood which day all of the factors came together for optimum results regarding the surgical procedure. Muslims did not.
They should get a subscription to the Farmer's Almanac...
Fun God fact:
God told Abraham to circumcise Isaac on the 8th day for a reason that only God knew, and was much later discovered by science. A child's clotting factor is at it's peak on day 8. God understood Vit. K before we did.

Since "God" is a human invention I suspect it had a lot more to do with trial and error over the years, including a number of infants who bled to death for a wacko superstition.

Maybe, if they were atheist's babies. If they followed God's advice, they didn't bleed to death. That's the point. Now it is the doctor's advice because now they know the same thing someone else knew 4,000 years ago that prevented babies from bleeding to death. It is once again, science discovering God's knowledge. Just like science recently finding God's hyper dimensions. Exciting stuff.

Apparently so 'exciting' it flew over your head. Lemme give you a timeline.

  1. over thousands of years lots of things are figured out including when babies bleed the most/least and which mushroom you can't eat....
  2. after gleaning this various folk knowledge somebody invents concept of "God" in order to consolidate power (in other words for the same purpose as political parties)...
  3. Body of folklore knowledge is then transferred to "God" puppet as strategy to make "Him" (why 'him'?) seem omniscient.

In that order.

it is not exactly all the conspiratorial

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