The FBI “Kamikaze Pilots” Case


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
In a public statement issued on Monday, January 31, members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded a prompt response from the former Chairman and the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission regarding Former FBI Language Specialist Behrooz Sarshar’s censored testimony to the Commission. The former commissioners failed to respond to this request.

In February 2004 Behrooz Sarshar provided the 9/11 Commission’s investigators with specific documents and names of the related witnesses, including the full name and contact information of the key “FBI Asset/Informant” in an FBI case titled ‘Kamikaze Pilots.’ However, the commission chose not to contact or interview any of these witnesses, including FBI Director Robert Mueller. The Commission’s final report did not mention a single word of this documented testimony, and their recently released memorandum omitted the entire interview with no explanation provided.

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

I'll go out on a limb and conject that the Commish knew our intel so badly dropped the pre-911 ball they probably thought censorship a better stance than the entire populance being po'ed....
This is a good example of how truthtard stories change over time to become far more sensationalistic.

For instance, back in 2004 when this story broke, there was only talk about attacks, not the means.

Original story
The asset, a veteran Iranian intelligence officer stationed in Afghanistan under the shah, did not know details of how or when the attacks would be carried out, sources familiar with the briefings say. At no time did he intimate that planes would be used as missiles.

However, he did relay that the al-Qaida terrorists were already in place in the U.S., and that they would strike very soon, possibly within the next few months.

The two agents took the tip seriously because the asset, who has lived in the U.S. since fleeing Iran in the early '80s, was considered very reliable and had been on the FBI payroll for a decade, working in the Washington area. Also, he had Afghan contacts close to al-Qaida's inner circle. Sources say the case agent filed a report with his squad supervisor, Thomas Frields, but it's not clear if the information was sent by teletype to headquarters, the standard operating procedure.

So the asset, who apparently knows something is up, cannot tell who they are, when they will attack, where they will attack, or how they will attack. A good reason to increase efforts, but nothing someone can act on.

I also found this interesting:

An FBI insider cautions that the 66-year-old Sarshar may be a disgruntled former employee. He was placed on administrative leave for undisclosed reasons before he resigned. It's not clear if he was allowed to keep his Top Secret security clearance.
I'll go out on a limb and conject that the Commish knew our intel so badly dropped the pre-911 ball they probably thought censorship a better stance than the entire populance being po'ed....

Didn't work. I'm still POed! :lol: Interesting theory though.
Patriot911, you're a distraction, and only spread fallacies.

To continue, this is a great post. This lady was censored and soon the 9/11 truth will be revealed.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Truthtards have been saying the same old bullshit for over nine years now. When are you assholes going to shit or get off the pot already?

Anyone else watch the retarded video? :lol: They had what... maybe a couple dozen people? Given the number of chairs, it looks like that is all they expected as well.

And who gives a flying fuck what actors and artists think about 911? It is all truthtards have left. Divide up the truthtard community by occupation and pretend it somehow gives them more credibility. :lol:

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