The English language is important


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Why do Leftists always rise up against any suggestion of making English the official language of the United States?

Because our sense of community obviously depends heavily on it. Where a common language is present, it creates a cultural glue; where it isn’t, there are usually deep-seated divisions.

Nice, pleasant Canada has been nearly torn apart in recent decades by the presence of a French-speaking province, Quebec, in an English-speaking country. Equally nice, pleasant Belgium is perennially riven between its French-speaking and Dutch-speaking regions. Spain has been buffeted by an independence movement in Catalonia, where, despite the best efforts of the Spanish central government over the centuries, Catalan is still spoken by much of the population.

English marks who we are. To give it prominence in our country can only enhance our feeling of unity.

It really frosts me to get voting material and find it split into two sections; English and Spanish. I don’t live in Mexico, I live in Nevada, USA!

More @ English Language Is Important in America | National Review
If we make it official what does that achieve? Wetbacks are still not going to compel their children to speak it. ESL will still continue to drain dollars from the school systems.
I mean...I could go on. There has to be a cultural and social shift to accompany it. Americans have grown too accustomed to just signing a piece of paper and expecting magic.
Why do Leftists always rise up against any suggestion of making English the official language of the United States?

Because our sense of community obviously depends heavily on it. Where a common language is present, it creates a cultural glue; where it isn’t, there are usually deep-seated divisions.

Nice, pleasant Canada has been nearly torn apart in recent decades by the presence of a French-speaking province, Quebec, in an English-speaking country. Equally nice, pleasant Belgium is perennially riven between its French-speaking and Dutch-speaking regions. Spain has been buffeted by an independence movement in Catalonia, where, despite the best efforts of the Spanish central government over the centuries, Catalan is still spoken by much of the population.

English marks who we are. To give it prominence in our country can only enhance our feeling of unity.

It really frosts me to get voting material and find it split into two sections; English and Spanish. I don’t live in Mexico, I live in Nevada, USA!

More @ English Language Is Important in America | National Review

It takes a lot of time to learn the English language. It's faster if an individual is literate in their first language. It sucks when they aren't.

I don't have a problem with material in different languages. I find this especially important when it comes to laws and ordinances.
Senator Hayakawa (no racist) of Hawaii proposed this in the 60's, and was told it was not necessary.

Truly, the great difference between yesterday's immigrants and today's is that ALL immigrants pre1960 came here because they wanted to BE AMERICANS (with whatever heritage they brought), and it seems like MOST immigrants today want to come here and establish communities here where they all speak the same language (NOT English), adhere to the same culture as in the shit-hole country they came from, and criticize the United States because it is not a shit hole like the one they left.

It is OUTRAGEOUS that our governments and public schools accommodate non-English speaking immigrants. This was never done in the past, and immigrants were conversant in English within a year - because they had no choice. Now we have people who have lived here for DECADES and they can't order a fucking meal in McDonald's in English.

And of course they vote. But that's the whole point, isn't it?
First generation immigrants typically aren't real big on learning the english language. It is why America used to have over 700 German language newspapers. Usually it isn't until their grandkids that they are fully integrated into America.
Speaking the language at home is one thing. Most immigrants continue to speak their native language at home. Demanding that the outside world accommodate your inability to speak English is bullshit. Living in an enclave to avoid exposure to America is bullshit. Fuck all of them. They should, as the saying goes, "Go back where they came from." Who is stopping them?
Why do Leftists always rise up against any suggestion of making English the official language of the United States?

Because our sense of community obviously depends heavily on it. Where a common language is present, it creates a cultural glue; where it isn’t, there are usually deep-seated divisions.

Nice, pleasant Canada has been nearly torn apart in recent decades by the presence of a French-speaking province, Quebec, in an English-speaking country. Equally nice, pleasant Belgium is perennially riven between its French-speaking and Dutch-speaking regions. Spain has been buffeted by an independence movement in Catalonia, where, despite the best efforts of the Spanish central government over the centuries, Catalan is still spoken by much of the population.

English marks who we are. To give it prominence in our country can only enhance our feeling of unity.

It really frosts me to get voting material and find it split into two sections; English and Spanish. I don’t live in Mexico, I live in Nevada, USA!

More @ English Language Is Important in America | National Review

English is important.

Yet somehow we managed to go over 200 years without having to make English 'the official language'.

I don't think it would be a horrible thing- I just think it is a dog whistle to those scared by immigrants.
Speaking the language at home is one thing. Most immigrants continue to speak their native language at home. Demanding that the outside world accommodate your inability to speak English is bullshit. Living in an enclave to avoid exposure to America is bullshit. Fuck all of them. They should, as the saying goes, "Go back where they came from." Who is stopping them?

Yet for most of American history we have had enclaves of immigrants- literally from the founding of the United States.

First generation immigrants typically aren't real big on learning the english language. It is why America used to have over 700 German language newspapers. Usually it isn't until their grandkids that they are fully integrated into America.

I live around tons of immigrants.

Second generation, along with anyone who comes to the United States by the time they are around 5 or so, generally are fully integrated into the U.S., even if they still maintain links to the old country.
Speaking the language at home is one thing. Most immigrants continue to speak their native language at home. Demanding that the outside world accommodate your inability to speak English is bullshit. Living in an enclave to avoid exposure to America is bullshit. Fuck all of them. They should, as the saying goes, "Go back where they came from." Who is stopping them?

The shuttle back to 1855 is leaving soon. Don't miss it.
It is a shame that new citizens, for example, are not required to use an English-language ballot.

One part of the citizenship test is to show evidence that the applicant can speak and understand basic English.

So -- in theory -- any new citizen should be able to mark his/her preferred candidate's name on a ballot.

Kind-hearted liberals, however, have decided to coddle new citizens by letting them choose their language of choice at election time.

1. It costs millions and millions of dollars of taxpayer money.
2. It shows that those liberals do not expect new citizens to show respect for their new country by voting in English. (I assume that this practice started ONLY after World War II.)
Speaking the language at home is one thing. Most immigrants continue to speak their native language at home. Demanding that the outside world accommodate your inability to speak English is bullshit. Living in an enclave to avoid exposure to America is bullshit. Fuck all of them. They should, as the saying goes, "Go back where they came from." Who is stopping them?
So you are not native American, why don't you go back to where you came from?

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