The ends justify the means, right?


Feb 14, 2011
Doesn't matter how many lies Obama told to get to today's results. All that matters is that Obamacare was upheld.

And as a bonus, Obamacare will bring so many headaches with it that when the implementation is finally over politicians will have all the ammo they need to scrap it and move to nationalized healthcare.

Win-win, huh?
Doesn't matter how many lies Obama told to get to today's results. All that matters is that Obamacare was upheld.

And as a bonus, Obamacare will bring so many headaches with it that when the implementation is finally over politicians will have all the ammo they need to scrap it and move to nationalized healthcare.

Win-win, huh?
Right. Anyone who celebrates this is a fool. WE, The People, are right back to square one. Congress and Obama didn't do it right the first time. (I can't count on them doing it right the second time, either.)

But, a part of me loves this ruling - it's a validation for those of us who have said from the beginning that O-care is snake oil.

How many Mulligans does Obama get after 3.5 years in office?
Well, Sis, we now have the ability to put health care on a rational basis in this nation, thanks to Justice Roberts. Since we can base it on a tax, then an income tax on all income targeted to the health care system only, is the way to go. A single payer universal system, based this way, would cost far less per capita than our present system. We can clearly see that from the results that other nations have achieved with their systems. Not only would it be less costly, but the results in health benefits would be much better, again, as we have seen in the other industrial nations with universal single payer systems.

this should help him get re-elected..

enjoy paying them you all who voted for the liar in chief
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70% of the American people didn't like this bill BEFORE it was a TAX.. think they'll love it now that it is a TAX?
can you people EXPLAIN how any LIE made the right leaning Scotus decide this one this way?
Well, Sis, we now have the ability to put health care on a rational basis in this nation, thanks to Justice Roberts. Since we can base it on a tax, then an income tax on all income targeted to the health care system only, is the way to go. A single payer universal system, based this way, would cost far less per capita than our present system. We can clearly see that from the results that other nations have achieved with their systems. Not only would it be less costly, but the results in health benefits would be much better, again, as we have seen in the other industrial nations with universal single payer systems.
Well, that has little to do with much of what I said.


We are back to where we were in 2009 BECAUSE Congress and Obama couldn't do it right.

I'm not a fan of such wasted time.

O-care must go back to Congress, so says the SCOTUS, because taxes now need to be levied and mandates eliminated.
The lie outed from the right side about this bill is that it ois some unconstitutional monster.

that lie is now dead.

Now your party will be seen as the liars you are
Doesn't matter how many lies Obama told to get to today's results. All that matters is that Obamacare was upheld.

And as a bonus, Obamacare will bring so many headaches with it that when the implementation is finally over politicians will have all the ammo they need to scrap it and move to nationalized healthcare.

Win-win, huh?
Right. Anyone who celebrates this is a fool. WE, The People, are right back to square one. Congress and Obama didn't do it right the first time. (I can't count on them doing it right the second time, either.)

But, a part of me loves this ruling - it's a validation for those of us who have said from the beginning that O-care is snake oil.

How many Mulligans does Obama get after 3.5 years in office?

Right. I hope people can focus long enough to see the snake oil label.

The media haven't 100% been giving him a free pass lately.

But the news is going to be the success of Obama's signature legislation. Can we get the media to help expose the rotted wood underneath the victory banner? Or will they gladly help keep it hidden?
The lie outed from the right side about this bill is that it ois some unconstitutional monster.

that lie is now dead.

Now your party will be seen as the liars you are

Obama lied about the mandate not being a tax, and he lied about not raising taxes on those families making under $250k. You have a helluva lot nerve talking about lies.
The lie outed from the right side about this bill is that it ois some unconstitutional monster.

that lie is now dead.

Now your party will be seen as the liars you are

Obama lied about the mandate not being a tax, and he lied about not raising taxes on those families making under $250k. You have a helluva lot nerve talking about lies.
Poor thing is so brain damaged that she doesn't even know what is going on.
The lie outed from the right side about this bill is that it ois some unconstitutional monster.

that lie is now dead.

Now your party will be seen as the liars you are
So, the SCOTUS got it wrong?

I think the SCOTUS got it right calling the mandate a tax, cuz that's what is was and is. Where they got it wrong IMHO is allowing Congress pretty much the right to tax ANYTHING, even inactivity. They can now make up ANY req't to pay for something, anything, and if you don't pay they can tax you. I'm sorry, but that just ain't right.
The lie outed from the right side about this bill is that it ois some unconstitutional monster.

that lie is now dead.

Now your party will be seen as the liars you are
So, the SCOTUS got it wrong?

I think the SCOTUS got it right calling the mandate a tax, cuz that's what is was and is. Where they got it wrong IMHO is allowing Congress pretty much the right to tax ANYTHING, even inactivity. They can now make up ANY req't to pay for something, anything, and if you don't pay they can tax you. I'm sorry, but that just ain't right.
Oh, I agree. The SCOTUS did get it right. Now it goes back to Congress. And, in the great political cycles of the USA, The People have spoken about what sort of representation they actually do want in Congress.

We will see what Congress does, now.

ObamaCare Now Officially the
Largest Tax Hike in US History
From $94 billion to $1.6 trillion...

President Obama has repeatedly asserted that the new health care law's individual mandate requiring everyone to have qualified health insurance coverage or pay a penalty is not a tax.

In a testy exchange with ABC's George Stephanopoulos--who, ironically, also pushed for sweeping health care reform legislation when he worked for then-President Bill Clinton--Stephanopoulos pointed out that ObamaCare critics call the mandate a tax.

Obama rejected the claim and noted that his critics call everything a tax: "For us to say that you've got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase." -Forbes

the rest
Reaganite Republican: ObamaCare Now Officially the Largest Tax Hike in US History
So, the SCOTUS got it wrong?

I think the SCOTUS got it right calling the mandate a tax, cuz that's what is was and is. Where they got it wrong IMHO is allowing Congress pretty much the right to tax ANYTHING, even inactivity. They can now make up ANY req't to pay for something, anything, and if you don't pay they can tax you. I'm sorry, but that just ain't right.
Oh, I agree. The SCOTUS did get it right. Now it goes back to Congress. And, in the great political cycles of the USA, The People have spoken about what sort of representation they actually do want in Congress.

We will see what Congress does, now.

Same as before. Lots of bloviating, and damned little done. Your Teabaggers are more interested women's vaginas than real policy.

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