Parents in red-leaning suburbs outside NYC green-lighting armed security at public schools

Do you support armed guards in schools?

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And that is a problem with the woke movement. He was a muslim. IF anyone tried to separate him the religious/race card would be played.
Naw, guy.

If he was an E-4 instead of an O-4, he'd have been thrown out on his ass so fast you'd have seen the skidmarks.

This is more a case of "Officer Country".

Not only was he crazy, he wasn't particularly good at his job.

But they kept writing him good OOR's and promoting him.

There's also a bit of "Stoploss" here. By the time he flipped out, the War on Terror stopped being that popular and people were avoiding enlistment like the plague.

This is how you got guys like Manning and Bergdahl and a whole lot of other mutants who should have been rejected at the induction center.
If you are going to rewerite the history, there's not much to do for you.

The shooting started at 11:19 AM.
The first police response and counterfire was at 11:22 AM

The whole Columbine attack was over in less than 50 minutes.

Yeah....dipshit....and the police did not enter the building, you dumb ass.....

From you own Wikipeida dumb ass.....

Police tactics

Police departments reassessed their tactics and now train for Columbine-like situations after criticism over the slow response and progress of the SWAT teams during the shooting.[292][293]

Police followed a traditional tactic at Columbine: surround the building, set up a perimeter, and contain the damage. That approach has been replaced by a tactic known as the Immediate Action Rapid Deployment tactic. This tactic calls for a four-person team to advance into the site of any ongoing shooting, optimally a diamond-shaped wedge, but even with just a single officer if more are not available.

Police officers using this tactic are trained to move toward the sound of gunfire and neutralize the shooter as quickly as possible.[294] Their goal is to stop the shooter at all costs; they are to walk past wounded victims, as the aim is to prevent the shooter from killing or wounding more. Dave Cullen has stated: "The active protocol has proved successful at numerous shootings... At Virginia Tech alone, it probably saved dozens of lives."[155]

The first cop on the scened exited his car at 11:24

While exiting his patrol car in the senior lot at 11:24,

The massacre in the LIbrary started at 11:29 you idiot.......the police did not enter the building......because their training was to stay outside and set up a doofus...

The police did not enter the building until 1:09.......

two SWAT teams entered the school at 1:09, moving from classroom to classroom, discovering hidden students and faculty.[154]
You miss the point entirely. The problem was that Major Hassan, a mentally ill religious fanatic, was allowed to buy a gun. Also, even though all his superiors knew he was a problem, no one did anything to separate him from the military.

Your God, government, the middle of a war against muslim terrorism, the government allowed a musllim terrorist who displayed his extremism on his business cards, to remain int the military.......
Yeah....dipshit....and the police did not enter the building, you dumb ass.....
That's not the point, dummy. The point was that cops were exchanging fire with Klebold and Harris within 3 minutes of the shooting starting.

Yes, even trained cops show poor judgment, as we saw in Parkland and Uvalde. But they wouldn't have to show any judgment if we made it easy for mentally ill people to get treatment and HARD for them to get guns instead of the other way around.

Your God, government, the middle of a war against muslim terrorism, the government allowed a musllim terrorist who displayed his extremism on his business cards, to remain int the military.......
The government didn't fail. People failed. People fail all the time. I'm sure you fail a lot.
Nothing of the sort happened. The officer on hand exchanged fire with Harris. Another cop showed up and also exchanged fire. but by that time, they had already killed 15 people.

Right. So who is going to check them for PTSD?


Columbine had armed guards
VA Tech had armed guard
Ft. Hood was a fucking military base, and it had TWO mass shootings
Military bases are the most gun free zones on the planet. NO ONE except the MPs are armed and ALL weapons are locked in unit arms rooms and no ammo is kept anywhere but the ammo dump UNLESS a unit is on alert, then it's kept locked in the arms room.

I was stationed at Fort Carson, and we provided the alert response force for Cheyanne Mountain. Every day one company on the base was on five-minute alert with the entire company restricted to barracks and with weapons issued and at hand. Even then all the ammo was kept locked in the arms room in loaded magazines in foot lockers for each squad. When a roll out was issued two members for each squad picked up the ammo while everyone else loaded into our trucks. We had to be rolling within five minutes.

When I was stationed at Fort Lewis during Vietnam, my unit guarded a small arms repair facility and warehouse. On guard duty we were issued ONE twenty round magazine with FIVE rounds in it sealed in plastic and were forbidden to tear off the plastic OR load our weapons without direct orders.
I agree, that was badly handled.

The real problem was that kid was seriously disturbed, and the Universtiy was bending over to keep him on campus. Further, he had absolutely no trouble getting guns.
The Class-Biased University Is the Root of All Evil

He killed people he loved for rejecting him. If he hated them, why would he have stayed in college for almost four years?

He was afraid of going out to the real world outside the academic fantasyland. He could have easily made a living creating weird Dungeons and Dragons video games. But a degenerate artist has to have at least some tolerance for reality to get into that.
Naw, guy.

If he was an E-4 instead of an O-4, he'd have been thrown out on his ass so fast you'd have seen the skidmarks.

This is more a case of "Officer Country".

Not only was he crazy, he wasn't particularly good at his job.

But they kept writing him good OOR's and promoting him.

There's also a bit of "Stoploss" here. By the time he flipped out, the War on Terror stopped being that popular and people were avoiding enlistment like the plague.

This is how you got guys like Manning and Bergdahl and a whole lot of other mutants who should have been rejected at the induction center.
Under the Present Political System, America Is Terminal

Bring back the draft, which should have been in effect from the very beginning of our "independence." Also, ban Islam instead of appeasing it by recruiting Moslem officers.
Yeah....dipshit....and the police did not enter the building, you dumb ass.....

From you own Wikipeida dumb ass.....

Police tactics

Police departments reassessed their tactics and now train for Columbine-like situations after criticism over the slow response and progress of the SWAT teams during the shooting.[292][293]

Police followed a traditional tactic at Columbine: surround the building, set up a perimeter, and contain the damage. That approach has been replaced by a tactic known as the Immediate Action Rapid Deployment tactic. This tactic calls for a four-person team to advance into the site of any ongoing shooting, optimally a diamond-shaped wedge, but even with just a single officer if more are not available.

Police officers using this tactic are trained to move toward the sound of gunfire and neutralize the shooter as quickly as possible.[294] Their goal is to stop the shooter at all costs; they are to walk past wounded victims, as the aim is to prevent the shooter from killing or wounding more. Dave Cullen has stated: "The active protocol has proved successful at numerous shootings... At Virginia Tech alone, it probably saved dozens of lives."[155]

The first cop on the scened exited his car at 11:24

While exiting his patrol car in the senior lot at 11:24,

The massacre in the LIbrary started at 11:29 you idiot.......the police did not enter the building......because their training was to stay outside and set up a doofus...

The police did not enter the building until 1:09.......

two SWAT teams entered the school at 1:09, moving from classroom to classroom, discovering hidden students and faculty.[154]
Police risk more than death if they ignore the ambulance chasing lib lawyers by rushing to the sound of the shooting

Libs want to take their career away from them if the shooter doesent get them first
That's not the point, dummy. The point was that cops were exchanging fire with Klebold and Harris within 3 minutes of the shooting starting.

Yes, even trained cops show poor judgment, as we saw in Parkland and Uvalde. But they wouldn't have to show any judgment if we made it easy for mentally ill people to get treatment and HARD for them to get guns instead of the other way around.

The government didn't fail. People failed. People fail all the time. I'm sure you fail a lot.

Wow…keep tap dancing…….,,the cops did not go in and stop them…they left them alone in the building as your own link shows, you dumb ass…….once the two stayed in the building the cops did not enter and engage them..they stayed outside…..your own link states this…..

The new protocol directs all cops to enter any building, bypass the wounded and immediately seek out and shoot the attackers…..

Completely different tactic you buffoon.
Wow…keep tap dancing…….,,the cops did not go in and stop them…they left them alone in the building as your own link shows, you dumb ass…….once the two stayed in the building the cops did not enter and engage them..they stayed outside…..your own link states this…..

Stupid fuck, you are making my point. Armed cops, with guns, lots of training, STILL didn't engage these two mutants by chasing them into a building.

Why? Because of the human instinct for self-preservation.

So this crazy idea that you are going to give an overstressed teacher a gun, and somehow, he's going to perform better than a cop, is absurd.
Stupid fuck, you are making my point. Armed cops, with guns, lots of training, STILL didn't engage these two mutants by chasing them into a building.

Why? Because of the human instinct for self-preservation.

So this crazy idea that you are going to give an overstressed teacher a gun, and somehow, he's going to perform better than a cop, is absurd.

Dumb ass....I know you realize you were shown to be really stupid...and now you are flailing as you try to cover for yourself..........

From the link that you submitted....I quoted the statement that the policy at the time was to cordon off the area, make a perimeter, and then wait for hostage negotiators................

And then after Columbine that changed.....

The new protocal was to immediately enter the building and shoot at the attacker...

In Uvalde, you had a democrat party police chief who broke that rule because, as a democrat, he was incompetent and even having been through a refresher on the protocol just a few weeks before, ordered his men to stand down instead of breaching the the point he had officers restrained from breaching the room........

As to the police?

In Tennessee.....when the democrat party, left wing, transgender killer attacked the school.....two police officers, first on the scene, grabbed their rifles and immediately entered the building and killed the democrat party supporting killer.....the democrat party racist who said she wanted to kill white, cracker kids......

Then, also in Tennessee.....when another left wing, democrat party, anti-gun asshole, walked into the bank where he had been fired....tow more police officers also immediately entered the building and killed him....

And also......not one school that has advertised having armed staff has been attacked by mass public shooters....

You have been, and apparently, always will be a moron.
Dumb ass....I know you realize you were shown to be really stupid...and now you are flailing as you try to cover for yourself..........

From the link that you submitted....I quoted the statement that the policy at the time was to cordon off the area, make a perimeter, and then wait for hostage negotiators................

It doesn't matter.

You had cops with guns.

They failed to take down the shooters.

Just like they failed in Uvalde, VA Tech, Ft. Hood, Parkland, etc.

When you have a mass shooter who has had months to plan his big event and doesn't care about dying vs. a cop who just wants to get home to his family, my money is on the mass shooter all the time.

In Tennessee.....when the democrat party, left wing, transgender killer attacked the school.....two police officers, first on the scene, grabbed their rifles and immediately entered the building and killed the democrat party supporting killer.....the democrat party racist who said she wanted to kill white, cracker kids......
Not before she managed to kill six people.

Then, also in Tennessee.....when another left wing, democrat party, anti-gun asshole, walked into the bank where he had been fired....tow more police officers also immediately entered the building and killed him....
Not before he managed to kill five people, AND wound the two responding officers.

Come on, guy, these aren't good outcomes, no matter how you paint them as good outcomes.

A good outcome is that when a crazy person tries to buy a gun, he is stopped.
It doesn't matter.

You had cops with guns.

They failed to take down the shooters.

Just like they failed in Uvalde, VA Tech, Ft. Hood, Parkland, etc.

When you have a mass shooter who has had months to plan his big event and doesn't care about dying vs. a cop who just wants to get home to his family, my money is on the mass shooter all the time.

Not before she managed to kill six people.

Not before he managed to kill five people, AND wound the two responding officers.

Come on, guy, these aren't good outcomes, no matter how you paint them as good outcomes.

A good outcome is that when a crazy person tries to buy a gun, he is stopped.

Dumb shit...

Columbine, followed old protocol

Uvalde, democrat party cop told his cops not to do their jobs.

Tennessee...two cops enter and shoot the democrat party transgender killer......

Tennessee...two cops enter and shoot the democrat party anti-gun extremist..... Tennessee the democrat party shooters murdered people before the police arrived.......because the two locations were gun free idiot......this is why we want some staff armed and trained...

1) because mass public shooters do not target places where people can carry their legal guns and shoot back.

2) because in the best case, cops are 5-10 minutes...or more.....away when the attack starts.....armed staff means there are people with gun on scene at the time the attack starts....

A good outcome is when good people can defend themselves.....and save lives...

Lives saved....based on research? By law abiding gun owners using guns to stop criminals?

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

There are roughly 100,000 people shot in the United States yearly, and something over 30,000 die. If this 1/3 vs. 2/3 ratio of deaths to injuries in actual shootings pertains in these DGUs, that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.

that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

Stupid fuck, you are making my point. Armed cops, with guns, lots of training, STILL didn't engage these two mutants by chasing them into a building.

Why? Because of the human instinct for self-preservation.

So this crazy idea that you are going to give an overstressed teacher a gun, and somehow, he's going to perform better than a cop, is absurd.
Cops, like soldiers, do not have the right to let the instinct for self-preservation override their duty to protect society from violent criminals. In a active shooting situation they need to pull up their pants and immediately engage the shooters even if the odds are they will be injured or killed. That's what they take a public paycheck for. All an armed teacher has to do is to defend his or her classroom. He or she doesn't have to go hunting the shooter(s).
It doesn't matter.

You had cops with guns.

They failed to take down the shooters.

Just like they failed in Uvalde, VA Tech, Ft. Hood, Parkland, etc.

When you have a mass shooter who has had months to plan his big event and doesn't care about dying vs. a cop who just wants to get home to his family, my money is on the mass shooter all the time.

Not before she managed to kill six people.

Not before he managed to kill five people, AND wound the two responding officers.

Come on, guy, these aren't good outcomes, no matter how you paint them as good outcomes.

A good outcome is that when a crazy person tries to buy a gun, he is stopped.

When you have a mass shooter who has had months to plan his big event and doesn't care about dying vs. a cop who just wants to get home to his family, my money is on the mass shooter all the time.

And when you have armed citizens, instead of gun free zones.....mass public shooters choose different places to attack.....they go to gun free zones to attack...
When you have a mass shooter who has had months to plan his big event and doesn't care about dying vs. a cop who just wants to get home to his family, my money is on the mass shooter all the time.

And when you have armed citizens, instead of gun free zones.....mass public shooters choose different places to attack.....they go to gun free zones to attack...
Not to mention every time a mass shooter goes up against either an armed citizen or trained cop the shooter loses and winds up dead.
I always have trouble believing the US actually has police in its schools. WT actual F?
And CNM posts stupid crap again.....

The internet responds....

Toronto, Canada...

TORONTO — Toronto police say two suspects fired gunshots at a Jewish girls school early Saturday morning and damaged the building.

Investigators say nobody was injured in the shooting, which happened shortly before 5 a.m. at Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School.

Police say two suspects shot at the building from a dark-coloured vehicle, which was not on school property.

They are investigating the possibility that the shooting was hate-motivated, but say it's too early to draw any conclusions.

View attachment 950350
What other countries have actual police in their schools?


In 2012, payback for Israel’s actions in Gaza was the stated motivation of a jihadist who killed three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in Toulouse. Since then, Jewish institutions across Europe and French Jewish schools especially have been protected by armed guards – most often soldiers toting automatic rifles.


In 1974, at a school in the northern Israeli town of Ma'alot, three terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine murdered 22 children. After the Ma'alot Massacre, Israel put into place a nationwide system to fortify and protect all schools of 100 students or more. There have been no other school shootings in Israel since then.

The first thing the country did after the Ma'alot Massacre was to make certain that each school had a perimeter barrier and guarded entry points. This in itself makes a school an unattractive target for a deranged would-be murderer.

Dumb shit...

Columbine, followed old protocol

Uvalde, democrat party cop told his cops not to do their jobs.

Tennessee...two cops enter and shoot the democrat party transgender killer......

Tennessee...two cops enter and shoot the democrat party anti-gun extremist.....

Uh, guy, repetition doesn't help your weak case.

Cops were there. Cops had guns. Cops failed to stop murders from happening in all those cases.

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