The End of the Christian Right


I went around encouraging women to have abortions, driving gays to Vermont to get married, and ripping the crosses off of necklaces of anyone who would dare wear one in public.

So you don't take weekends off?

Was obviously joking.

I want zero abortions, couldn't care less about gays getting married or not, couldn't care less if every citizen wears 10 crosses out in public.

I'm just playing along with the assumptions kosher has made about me.
Was obviously joking.

As was I, obviously.

I want zero abortions, couldn't care less about gays getting married or not, couldn't care less if every citizen wears 10 crosses out in public.

I'm just playing along with the assumptions kosher has made about me.

Was obviously joking.

As was I, obviously.

I want zero abortions, couldn't care less about gays getting married or not, couldn't care less if every citizen wears 10 crosses out in public.

I'm just playing along with the assumptions kosher has made about me.


Lol my bad.

Sometimes the sarcasm detector doesn't work well when simply reading words on a screen.
Not buying into the fearmongering. Still not sure how you can say there's more division now than during the Civil War. Sounds like utter lunacy to me.

We are a divided nation, a small push, Obama ordering federal troops to fire on a Tea Party, the OWS Shitters bombing a police station, or anything like that, and we WILL fall into civil war.

What an utterly shallow, meaningless post by Uncensored.

If the militias rises up, their families will be devastated with the outcome.
Not buying into the fearmongering. Still not sure how you can say there's more division now than during the Civil War. Sounds like utter lunacy to me.

We are a divided nation, a small push, Obama ordering federal troops to fire on a Tea Party, the OWS Shitters bombing a police station, or anything like that, and we WILL fall into civil war.

What an utterly shallow, meaningless post by Uncensored.

If the militias rises up, their families will be devastated with the outcome.

You are confusing revolution with civil war.

The American Civil War, was more accurately a rebellion. The states were in a state of rebellion seeking to dismember the Union. Civil war is what you see when the people start fighting one another.

Whether the US enters a state of revolution or outright rebellion will depend on what the government does when a republican is elected president and obama refuses to leave office.
We are a divided nation, a small push, Obama ordering federal troops to fire on a Tea Party, the OWS Shitters bombing a police station, or anything like that, and we WILL fall into civil war.

What an utterly shallow, meaningless post by Uncensored.

If the militias rises up, their families will be devastated with the outcome.

You are confusing revolution with civil war. The American Civil War, was more accurately a rebellion. The states were in a state of rebellion seeking to dismember the Union. Civil war is what you see when the people start fighting one another. Whether the US enters a state of revolution or outright rebellion will depend on what the government does when a republican is elected president and obama refuses to leave office.

Um . . . if you nominate Newt, then you will have to wait to 2016 to see if you are correct.

However, you militias call it whatever you want; if you rise up, your neighbors will put you down immediately.

The great majority made that quite clear during the Civil War.

And, no, you are not the heirs of the Founders. They would put you down as well.
The Civil War was a loooong time ago.

I don't think neighbors would put them down. Maybe in the cities, which are populated with liberals. Who typically don't have guns or any other firepower.
Umm . . . you are revealing how dense you are, and Katz brought up the illustrations. Liberals, centrists, and rightists will not tolerate militia uprisings, and most are armed.

koshergirl, you are fun to watch when you act silly. :lol:
What an utterly shallow, meaningless post by Uncensored.

What an utterly shallow, meaningless poster fakey jake is.

If the militias rises up, their families will be devastated with the outcome.

And if your SEIU brothers launch a Kristalnacht?

Don't you still sing "Onward ACORN soldiers" every morning? Sure you do, don't be coy.
You need to educate yourself. I can't do it for you.

You need to stop being so fucking condescending. I WON'T do that for you.

No I am not suggesting that the French nobles were guilliontined because they were Christians (the executioners were NOT having rejected Christianity). The Christians were slaughtered in addition to the slaughter of the nobiity.

Oh? So who was doing this slaughtering? I am well aware of the program opposing the Catholic Church during the Revolution, but that was just slightly more anti-Christian than the Protestant Reformation, which you may recall also opposed Catholic authority, sometimes violently. It was not in opposition to Christianity per se but to the power of the Church in French society, which was as guilty of oppression as the nobility or the monarchy.

The measures adopted by the government against the Church were not violent. They included cancelling the power of the Church to tax, confiscation of Church lands, legalizing divorce, nationalization of registries of births/marriages/deaths (previously handled by the Church). Robespierre attempted to create a new religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being, but obviously did not succeed. The clergy actually were, proportionate to their numbers, the greatest victims of the Reign of Terror, but this was not religious in motivation. In fact, none of it was. It was all in protest against the POWER of the Church and the abuse of that power. One should not be confused about it.

The entire current liberal idea of the secular theocracy comes out of the French Revolution. You should read about it sometime.

"Secular theology" is an oxymoron, of course.

I'm well aware of the Enlightenment roots of both the French Revolution and the separation of church and state in the U.S. The latter, however, precedes the former and therefore cannot arise from it.
What an utterly shallow, meaningless post by Uncensored.

What an utterly shallow, meaningless poster fakey jake is.

If the militias rises up, their families will be devastated with the outcome.

And if your SEIU brothers launch a Kristalnacht?

Don't you still sing "Onward ACORN soldiers" every morning? Sure you do, don't be coy.

A fascist like Uncensored associates me naziism, typical of one raised on the big lie.
The nice point is that the far extremists, like katz and Uncensored and koshergirl, are in such small numbers.

They get to yell and smell, flail and wail, and all that good stuff, but Uncensored's fascism and koshergirl's theocracy and whatever it is that katz wants is not going to happen.

Why? They don't have the numbers. :lol:
No, the progressives are the in tiny minority. And I do mean tiny.

That's the good thing.

I am in the vast majority. That's why you had to make a list of those who share my viewpoint.

Incidentally, when the travesty that is RvW was passed, the vast majority was adamantly opposed to legalized abortion. The vast majority still is.
No, the progressives are the in tiny minority. And I do mean tiny.

That's the good thing.

I am in the vast majority. That's why you had to make a list of those who share my viewpoint.

Incidentally, when the travesty that is RvW was passed, the vast majority was adamantly opposed to legalized abortion. The vast majority still is.

I am not a progressive and you are not mainstream. This may inform you better.

TUESDAY, July 26 (HealthDay News) -- Despite recent moves by some states to restrict access to abortion, more Americans now support a woman's right to choose than they did two years ago, a new Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll finds. // Nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of those polled in 2009 supported the idea that a woman should have access to abortion in "all circumstances." But that number has risen to 36 percent in 2011 -- the highest proportion seen in Harris polls on the issue since 1985.

At the same time, the percentage of Americans opposed to abortion under any circumstances fell from 21 percent in 2009 to 17 percent this year. // The poll also found that almost half of U.S. adults (47 percent) favored permitting abortion under "some [but not all] circumstances," a slight dip from the 53 percent observed in 2009.

"Despite the current trend of fiscal conservatism in the United States stemming from the economic downturn, Americans overall remain socially moderate on abortion rights," said Jennifer Colamonico, senior vice president for healthcare research at Harris Interactive, which conducted the online survey of nearly 2,400 adults from July 6 to 8.

Americans Show Rising Support for Abortion Rights: Poll - US News and World Report

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