The End of the Christian Right

Religious tyranny often leads to judicial murder: witness the Inquisition, witness the Puritans. Organized religion and government will not be allowed to be intertwined in America.

Fakey jake, you fraud and fucking moron..

Over the course of 350 years, 2,251 persons were executed by the Inquisitions of Spain and Portugal. 6 people per year.

[ame=]How many people were actually killed during the Inquisition?[/ame]

700 years later, hate filled leftists like you still point to it as the greatest crime in history. Yet Islam kills more than 6 people every hour in the name of their evil god, while you praise them as the religion of peace. And we aren't talking 700 years ago, this is happening today - while you defend and praise them.

Once again you prove that there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrasy.

You are truly a stupidfuck jake, truly.

How many Christians were killed during the French Revolution? Which is really why the left idolizes the era so much.

The Christian right is not declining, it might be withdrawing, but not declining.
Not buying into the fearmongering.

Still not sure how you can say there's more division now than during the Civil War. Sounds like utter lunacy to me.

It's about the same.

Did you watch that dumbfuck Obama last night? His claims that he is expanding energy opportunity, AFTER Solyndra, AFTER Keystone? The man is a shameless liar but has troops that will lie with him, ask Shallow, or Jake, or RW..

We are a divided nation, a small push, Obama ordering federal troops to fire on a Tea Party, the OWS Shitters bombing a police station, or anything like that, and we WILL fall into civil war.
Not buying into the fearmongering.

Still not sure how you can say there's more division now than during the Civil War. Sounds like utter lunacy to me.

It's about the same.

Did you watch that dumbfuck Obama last night? His claims that he is expanding energy opportunity, AFTER Solyndra, AFTER Keystone? The man is a shameless liar but has troops that will lie with him, ask Shallow, or Jake, or RW..

We are a divided nation, a small push, Obama ordering federal troops to fire on a Tea Party, the OWS Shitters bombing a police station, or anything like that, and we WILL fall into civil war.

No it's not, back then ppl were willing to die just to be divided from other americans.

I don't watch that shit anymore, anytime a politician or bureacrat opens his or her trap i just assume lies/pandering/verbal diarhea will be spewing from their face.
How many Christians were killed during the French Revolution? Which is really why the left idolizes the era so much.

LOL unbelievable. First off, the left does not "idolize" the French Revolution, and if the "era" of it is appreciated it's for the Enlightenment. Second, most everyone in France was Christian at the time, and suggesting that Louis XVI and many French nobles were guillotined because they were Christian (as were their executioners) is quite a stretch. Is that really what you are asking people to believe?
I'm going to use wiki since that is the only source you trust:

"The dechristianisation of France during the French Revolution is a conventional description of the results of a number of separate policies, conducted by various governments of France between the start of the French Revolution in 1789 and the Concordat of 1801, forming the basis of the later and less radical Laïcité movement. The goal of the campaign was the destruction of Catholic religious practice and of the religion itself."
Dechristianisation of France during the French Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look, more common knowledge that our well-edumancated "Dragon" apparently had absolutely no inkling of. The same dragon who prides himself on "schooling" christians on Christian forums. I can just imagine.
No it's not, back then ppl were willing to die just to be divided from other americans.

There are plenty on both sides today that are willing to die to ensure power. Then, as now, it was about power. You don't think Dragon would be willing or eager to die if it would help establish a Communist dictatorship?

I don't watch that shit anymore, anytime a politician or bureacrat opens his or her trap i just assume lies/pandering/verbal diarhea will be spewing from their face.

He made several veiled remarks about the government "managing" manufacturing. If we are stupid enough to allow him a second term, he WILL introduce Chavez like programs.
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No it's not, back then ppl were willing to die just to be divided from other americans.

There are plenty on both sides today that are willing to die to ensure power. Then, as now, it was about power. You don't think Dragon would be willing or eager to die if it would help establish a Communist dictatorship?

I don't watch that shit anymore, anytime a politician or bureacrat opens his or her trap i just assume lies/pandering/verbal diarhea will be spewing from their face.

He made several veiled remarks about the government "managing" manufacturing. If we are stupid enough to allow him a second term, he WILL introduce Chavez like programs.

No i don't think Dragon would be willing to die for that. I dunno enough about Dragon's views, but if he is truly someone who's a hardline liberal he could just move to Europe if he thinks things were too conservative here.

He will, Romney will, Newt will. Couldn't care less if it's Obama doing that or any of those other big gov't liberals.
Every so often, I like to peek at posts by people on my ignore list to see if their behavior merits taking them off it. Usually it doesn't, and that last post by Koshergirl is a case in point. It was not an attempt to refute my point, but an attempt to cut me down personally. She stays on ignore. Life's too short to put up with malevolent, vindictive, malicious assholes.

Now, to reiterate, what Katzndogs suggested in her last post was that the left "idolizes" the "era" of the French Revolution because so many Christians were KILLED at that time. Nothing that does not bear on the reasons why people were KILLED in the course of the French Revolution has any relevance to that question, unless it bears on whether or not the "left" "idolizes" that "era."

Implied in Katndogs' assertion is that the people who were KILLED in the course of the French Revolution (who were, for the most part, Christian, as were most other French people) were KILLED because they were Christian. So I repeat: is it really her belief that King Louis XVI and the many French nobles who were KILLED during the Reign of Terror were KILLED for their faith -- as opposed to their social class and the abuses heaped upon the common people under the monarchy? Further, is it really her belief that the left "idolizes" the French Revolution, as opposed to merely not condemning it altogether? Does she really, truly believe that liberals do not recognize the bloodbath that ensued, or the breakdown in civic authority that led to the dictatorship of Napoleon? To the extent that liberals actually do have any positive views of the French Revolution at all, does she really, truly believe that they have those views because many Christians were KILLED in the course of it, as opposed to the fact that we respect the ideals on which the Revolution was based?

Is she really, truly that out of touch with reality, so as to believe anything that utterly preposterous? Truly?

EDIT: Sometimes it's not necessary to peek at people's posts because others quote them. Uncensored stays on ignore, too.
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Actually, you idiot, it wasn't a personal attack so much as it was evidence that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Ignore my ass, lol. What a loser.
No i don't think Dragon would be willing to die for that.

Oh come on, he clearly views himself as one of the Bolsheviks from the glory years of 1917.

I dunno enough about Dragon's views, but if he is truly someone who's a hardline liberal he could just move to Europe if he thinks things were too conservative here.

He will, Romney will, Newt will. Couldn't care less if it's Obama doing that or any of those other big gov't liberals.

Politicians are politicians. But I've never seen this country on edge the way it is now - not in the 60's or 70's. Obama feeds on division, he wages class warfare and fans the flames of the idiot left, which stirs up the reactionary right.
I wasn't aware you had.

And no, I didn't. I spent the weekend supervising 3 children ages 8-14. You?

Well that's too bad, calling a babysitter for a night and having a bottle of wine I think would do you a lot of good.

I went around encouraging women to have abortions, driving gays to Vermont to get married, and ripping the crosses off of necklaces of anyone who would dare wear one in public.
How many Christians were killed during the French Revolution? Which is really why the left idolizes the era so much.

LOL unbelievable. First off, the left does not "idolize" the French Revolution, and if the "era" of it is appreciated it's for the Enlightenment. Second, most everyone in France was Christian at the time, and suggesting that Louis XVI and many French nobles were guillotined because they were Christian (as were their executioners) is quite a stretch. Is that really what you are asking people to believe?

You need to educate yourself. I can't do it for you.

No I am not suggesting that the French nobles were guilliontined because they were Christians (the executioners were NOT having rejected Christianity). The Christians were slaughtered in addition to the slaughter of the nobiity.

Eventually the revolutionaries ran out of enemies and slaughtered one another.

The entire current liberal idea of the secular theocracy comes out of the French Revolution. You should read about it sometime.

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