The Emperors Have No Clothes


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
We saw this throughout the pandemic, throughout the Ukraine war, throughout spiking crime, and now once again with the recent stabbing of little children in Ireland.

The recent events in Ireland clearly illustrate the global elites’ modern playbook in all industrialized nations:

  1. Introduce policies that do not benefit the best interest of most citizens.
  2. When, as a direct result of these policies, something very bad happens:
    1. Don’t accept any responsibility.
    2. Refuse to blame the actual culprits.
    3. Instead cast aspersions at anyone who dares point out the obvious connection.
    4. Be sure to make use of any/all of these terms when squelching your opposition: far-right, hater, Nazi, deplorable, extremist, denier, conspiracy theorist
    5. Encourage your legion of “journalists “ to support your narrative.
  3. Fine and/or jail anyone who dares to keep complaining about your incompetence and/or corruption.
  4. If/when you’re kicked out of office in a future election, move onto another job provided by your fellow global cretins.
Citizens are demanding corrective actions and instead are being attacked because they don’t like their kids being murdered.

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I completely understand. "Our" leaders in the west don't represent US or OUR will. They in their unquestionable wisdom, unilaterally enact policies that the general populace didnt need, don't want and didn't ask for. WHY is the western political system so buggered up that they act opposite to the majorities wishes?
Democrats have become the new fascist dictatorship. Fascism, the Italian word for authoritarian representation. Democrats have stealthily moved into that realm. Democrats have created policies THEY made without vox populi surreptitiously without fanfare just pulled out of their hat without fiat of the people. FIAT. Not that 50cc cute little car, wise guys.
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We saw this throughout the pandemic, throughout the Ukraine war, throughout spiking crime, and now once again with the recent stabbing of little children in Ireland.

The recent events in Ireland clearly illustrate the global elites’ modern playbook in all industrialized nations:

  1. Introduce policies that do not benefit the best interest of most citizens.
  2. When, as a direct result of these policies, something very bad happens:
    1. Don’t accept any responsibility.
    2. Refuse to blame the actual culprits.
    3. Instead cast aspersions at anyone who dares point out the obvious connection.
    4. Be sure to make use of any/all of these terms when squelching your opposition: far-right, hater, Nazi, deplorable, extremist, denier, conspiracy theorist
    5. Encourage your legion of “journalists “ to support your narrative.
Sounds like your blob during the pandemic.

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