The Dragon King (Original Story)

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Description: Princess Annabelle (Annie) Grace Dawn Cross was just an infant when she lost her parents to two evil sorcerers. Now, twenty-one years later her aunt Ellie is forcing her to marry a prince, but instead she falls in love with the son of the sorcerers who murdered her parents. It is going to be up to her and her very special friend,.. a (singing) knight and dragon tamer by the name of Sir James (DJ as in David James) to prove to her aunt that when it comes to true love, it doesn’t have any boundaries.

Chapter One: Princess of Dragons

Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a king and a queen, both born of royalty. They had met and fell in love just like their parents had wanted them to because their marriage had been arranged ever since the king was thirteen and the queen was ten. For this had been the royal tradition for generations and no child ever questioned their duties and always accepted what was expected of them.

However, one day just at the break of dawn, this would all change as the queen of Dractopia gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that she and her husband decided to name Annabelle Grace Dawn, and they also decided to give her the nickname of Annie for her bright red hair and freckles. She was also given the name of Grace because of what her first name meant and Dawn because of when she was born.

Annie’s parents were both blessed for she had her mother’s bright red hair and her father’s hazel eye color. King Chase and Queen Sarah Elizabeth couldn’t wait to break the news of their daughter’s birth to their whole entire kingdom. Annie didn’t realize it yet, but she was no ordinary baby girl, for she was the princess and the only child next in line to become queen and rule Dractopia.

For as Annie grew, she started to become more and more aware of all the responsibilities that were bestowed upon her for being the princess. However, as a child the only things that were important to her were to see and play with all the fairies, unicorns, and mermaids, wearing her tiara and pretty dresses, and her most favorite thing to do in the whole entire world was ride on the back of Sir James’ dragons that he tamed.

However, it wasn’t until she was ten years old that she was even allowed to ride them and by that time she had become a big sister and now Dractopia also had a seven-year-old prince named Harry Charles Cross. Prince Harry had his big sister’s eyes, but instead of bright red hair, he had his father’s light-brown hair.

It was at this time that the queen had announced that she was pregnant again. For her and her husband had only planned for one child and now she was on her third child. This one would also be a baby girl. As much as Princess Annie loved her little brother, when she had heard the news that she would finally have a little sister she was so excited, and so were her parents, brother, (although at first, he was upset that he wouldn’t have a brother himself as he had hoped for) and their dear friend Sir James as well as the rest of the kingdom.

However, just outside the kingdom lived a man and a woman who weren’t happy about the news. A witch and warlock who were reduced to living inside a cottage in the woods with their infant son who was currently asleep inside his cradle. They were jealous of everything that the king and queen had had and all their riches.

It was right then and there that they had decided to come up with a very evil plot. That night they planned to murder the whole entire royal family and steal their family’s jewels. However, they knew that not only was the castle guarded by fire-breathing dragons that the princess rode, but that they would also have to deal with Sir James who was both a knight and kept these magnificent creatures underneath his command.

That night while their son’s uncle came to babysit him, they made their way to the castle. The witch transformed into a furry black cat while the warlock transformed into a raven and underneath his bill, he clasped a tiny golden vial with a green liquid substance inside of it that was full of poison.

The witch disguised as the cat was able to camouflage easily in the darkness of the middle of the night and sneak past the sleeping dragons while the warlock disguised as the raven flew up to the windowsill where he could see the empty and humongous kitchen in which such a short time ago was full of servants rushing around and making the Crosses their supper.

The witch disguised as the cat leapt up beside him and then stood up on her hind legs to push open the window for him to get inside and drop and pour out the vial of poison into the gallon of milk. The evil deed was done since the whole entire Cross family used the milk. Now all they would have to do was wait until the next day.

Sure enough Queen Sarah poured the milk into a bowl of cereal for Chase, Harry, and Annie, but Annie had a stomachache so she decided to go back to bed to lay down before her mother poured herself a bowl of cereal. A little while later Annie had to go use the bathroom when Sir James met her out in the hallway. He had just come back inside from feeding his dragons their breakfast before deciding to get some breakfast himself and that’s when he had found both of her parents and little brother dead inside the kitchen with all of their bodies collapsed on the floor.

Annie could see the worry, fear, and sorrow all inside Sir James’ eyes as he looked at her and that’s when she knew that he had horrible news for her. That’s when it just occurred to her that she hadn’t seen the rest of her family in about an hour.

“What happened Sir James? Where are Mommy and Daddy and Harry?” She asked him aloud before her friend knelt down to her level and brushed back some hair and tucked it around her ear while he met her eyes.

“I’m sorry Princess.” He began softly. “But they all went to Heaven.” He finished as tears silently began rolling down Annie’s cheeks because she knew that this also meant that she would never even get a chance to meet her baby sister.

“Your Aunt Ellie is on her way. She will be the new queen of Dractopia and we’ll both raise you until you’re old enough to get married and take the throne.” He explained. “And in the meantime, I’m sure that your parents would have wanted you to help me watch over and take care of the dragons in return. I mean, after all, we both already know that dragons get such a bad reputation, but hopefully with the dragon king’s and the dragon’s princess’ help, we’ll eventually change that.”

He added with mournful smile while he wiped away her tears and Annie nodded agreeing to become secondary caregiver to Sir James’ dragons. That became the day that she was no longer known as the princess of Dractopia, but the princess of dragons.
Chapter Two: The Coronation of a New Queen

On the day of her family’s funeral Annie opted to stay back with Sir James and his dragons even though it was usually required that all remaining royal family members attend. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to go, but she just found it way too incredibly difficult to see her family being placed into the ground. It was on that day that Sir James had decided to finally share a secret with her that he had been keeping all of her life.

Annie looked at the rather long haired dirty-blonde haired and bluish-greened man standing in front of her wearing his black shiny armor as he turned to face her. “Well Princess, looks like you’re not the only royal opting not to go to the funeral.” He told her.

“You’re not a king or even a prince though.” Annie began. “Sure, you have the nickname of the dragon king, but you’re not an actual king.” She pointed out before he took a deep breath.

“Actually I am. Not of this world though. My kingdom is in a whole different realm.” He confessed.

“You mean to tell me that you’re Jesus Christ the Messiah?” She asked him as he nodded at her.

“Yes, that is exactly what I would be telling you.” He admitted while continuing to nod.

“So, if you’re Jesus then what are you doing back on earth taming dragons and battling bad guys and all of that instead of living in Heaven?” She questioned him.

“Because first of all I have a job to do to help take care of you and my other creations and two,.. ever pause to stop and think that maybe just maybe I might actually like living in the twenty-first century? I mean we have cars, motorcycles, and videogames now. Not to mention the fact that I have my singing career and you can’t beat the food. Pizza, chocolate, and ice cream. It’s impossible not to love any of that stuff.” He explained.

“So, wait, if you’re Jesus then you could have saved my family.” Annie suddenly realized before Sir James heaved out a heavy sigh.

“Annie listen.” He began.

“That’s Princess Annie to you!!” She hollered angrily at him before she burst into tears and hurried back towards the castle just as a carriage pulled by four white unicorns trotted up towards the entrance. A woman with strawberry blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and dark red lipstick stepped out of it. Annie knew at once that although she hadn’t seen her since she was a year old that it was her aunt Ellie.

Annie quickly ran over to her and embraced her tightly before sobbing inside her chest. “I know Annabelle, this day isn’t easy for me either.” She told her.

“Actually, it’s Annie.” Her niece responded.

“Right, my apologies as I did not realize that you still went by that name.” her aunt began. “Anyways, in a few more days the coronation will happen and then I can take over as queen of Dractopia. Now, what do you do for schooling?” She wondered.

“My mother used to teach me and my little brother.” Annie responded with a sniff.

“Well in that case we better find a school for you since I’m not qualified to teach you. It’ll also be nice for you to make some friends your own age.” Her aunt told her. However, Annie wasn’t all that sure about that because due to the fact that she was a princess, she was afraid that everybody at school would treat her differently. Although she just silently nodded and went to her bedroom.

Meanwhile, Sir James decided that he wanted to try desperately to make it up to Annie that he wasn’t able to save her family and went to the animal shelter. “Umm, I’m looking to adopt a dog.” He told the woman behind the counter.

“Alright, what kind of dog do you have in mind?” She wondered.

“It doesn't matter. I just want to buy one for the princess. Considering the fact that she just lost her whole entire family, I figured that she could use a friend.” He explained.

“Right this way then please.” The woman responded before leading him straight towards the kennel.


The new queen of Dractopia sat on top of her throne with a grin on her face. The laws of Dractopia stated that since she was only taking over for her sister and brother in-law, she wouldn’t have to marry to be queen. However, as soon as Annie reached her twenty-first birthday she would have to marry and reclaim the throne herself since she was the only surviving child of King Chase and Queen Sarah Cross.

Meanwhile, Sir James went to Annie’s bedroom and knocked on the door holding a black and white Border Collie mixed puppy inside his arms. “Hey Princess, can you please open the door? I got a surprise for you, but I don’t have a free hand to knock with.” He told her and waited for a few moments, but there wasn’t any response. “Princess?” He repeated questioningly before gently setting the puppy down and opened the door.

Once he entered her bedroom to his complete and utter shock and horror, he had found it empty, with nothing but a note upon the princess’ bed. It read:

I’m sorry Aunt Ellie,

I can no longer be the princess or become queen.

This is just way too difficult for me.


With that Sir James raced back towards the throne room with the note inside his hand. “Your majesty we have a problem.” He began. “Princess Annie has run away.” He told her before showing her the note and her face suddenly lost all its color.

“Sir James, you were always my big sister’s favorite knight. Please find her.” She pleaded.

“Yes, your majesty. I’ll go get Goliath, my most trusted dragon. Which is completely ironic since my first name is David and biblically speaking, I should be killing him and not riding him.” He told her with a chuckle, but the queen just simply looked at her unblinkingly. “You know, the story of David and Goliath where David kills Goliath the giant with a slingshot.” He added.

“I wouldn’t know as I have never read the Bible.” She began. “No go find Annie before she gets herself either hurt or killed as my sister would never forgive me if that would be the case.” She finished.

“You can count on me your majesty.” Sir James told her with a salute before hurrying out of the throne room and out of the castle.
Chapter Three: The Princess and The Wizard

“I have to find Princess Annie before Diablo does.” Sir James said to himself after emerging from the brightly colored white and pink three towered castle. That’s when suddenly he paused and turned back to look at it. “Then afterwards I seriously have to talk to Queen Ellie to see if it’s possible to redecorate the building with blue and yellow instead.” He finished before somebody popped next to him.

He had short brown hair, chocolate-colored eyes, and a shaggy beard and was dressed in white. “The mighty king of kings now has reduced himself to asking permission from another royal that he outranks?” He questioned him with uncertainty.

“Gabe, I don’t want to hear it. This isn’t my kingdom. I’m just living here until I have finished my mission before I return to Heaven.” DJ (as he was better known to him although he never called him that personally) told him.

“Well, I wouldn’t even have come if I wasn’t worried about Annie, but in all seriousness will you please drop this dragon king nonsense?” Gabe questioned him but DJ just simply shook his head.

“The dragons need me because they are often seen like monsters, yet I can see their hearts. Not only that, but they know that I provide for them and give them life and have become my friends as well as servants and they have already made me their king. I wish I could say the same about all humanity.” He told him before continuing to walk towards an open field.

“Do you think that Annie believes all of that?” Gabe wondered.

“She did before her family was killed. I honestly can’t say that I blame her though. She’s only a child and she doesn’t understand my plan for her yet.” DJ replied and a few minutes later they reached a gigantic enclosure. “Now, are you coming with me to find her or are you going back to Heaven?” He asked him.

“I thought you knew everything.” Gabe said but DJ just simply face-palmed.

“The same rules apply to me being Sir James slash David James slash DJ as they did underneath my identity of Jesus Christ.” He began. “I’m human as well as God so my human half doesn’t have all the knowledge in the universe.” He finished.

“You actually think that I would even consider riding a dragon?” Gabe questioned him with complete and utter disbelief while raising an eyebrow at him.

“Last time I checked you were an angel Gabriel, so you’re used to flying.” DJ told him while placing his thumb on the fingerprint scanner. He felt a slight electric shock after the blue light before the gate was open. “You know, we should upgrade the pearly gates and get with the times in Heaven too.” He said as he and Gabe both entered the enclosure where most of the dragon were eating as they were tied to chained ropes inside the ground.

However, the humongous black dragon that DJ was now approaching was fast asleep underneath a shady apple tree. “I can see now why you named him Goliath. He’s bigger than an elephant.” Gabe remarked when suddenly the great dragon woke up and started sniffing the air with his great long snout.

His short pointy ears perked up and he opened his shamrock-colored eyes and grinned widely as soon as he spotted DJ and thudded his long skinny tail against the ground causing a great earthquake making DJ laugh. “I do believe that the last time the ground shook this much is when I died on the cross.” He pointed out that as both he and Gabe could barely keep their balance.

Once they both got close enough, Goliath stood up on all four feet and raced over to them as far as his chain would reach. Afterwards, he started repeatedly licking DJ’s cheek making him laugh even more.

“I’m really going to need your help today boy. The princess has run away and I’m counting on you and your scent to find her.” He explained while gently stroking his face as he spread his black leathery wings and DJ unchained him before he crouched over allowing the dragon king to mount him. After he was on top of his back, DJ turned over to look at Gabe. “Coming or staying?” He asked him.

“You go ahead. I’ll stay here just in case Diablo shows up.” Gabe responded as DJ just simply grinned at him.

“Are you sure that that isn’t just talk for you’re afraid?” He wondered as Gabe scowled at him.

“Yes, I’m sure.” He told him heatedly before DJ shrugged.

“Suit yourself.” He told him before Goliath stood up and started to run across the field and then took flight with an enormous flap of his wings. “WOOHOO!!!” Gabe could hear him shouting from the ground and just simply shook his head and chuckled.

“He’s never going to go back to Heaven. He’s way too earthbound now.” He said to himself before he started heading back towards the castle.

Meanwhile, Princess Annie was busy trotting along the gravel path on top of the back of one of the carriage unicorns named Angel. She had a bright pink backpack on her back and had First Aid with her so other than the fact that she didn’t know where she was going, in every other way she was prepared until a short and stubby brown troll came out of one of the bushes in front of her.

He had a really long and warty old nose with a shaggy black beard, bright green teeth, beady yellow eyes and breath that smelled worse than a skunk’s. He was also dressed in shiny silver armor and had a pointy silver spear out and pointed at the princess. “Halt! Who goes there!?” He grumbled.

“Annie.” She instantly responded.

“You mean Annie like Princess Annie?” He grumbled back at her questioningly and that’s when suddenly she started to sweat.

“Annie? You thought I said Annie? No, what I really said was Angie. I’m a peasant girl on my way home and so I would like to pass please.” She told him unaware that a small boy was currently watching them in the shadows behind an old oak tree.

“What’s this? You think I’m a generous soldier!? Well, I have news for you young lady! I’m a troll and I will not be granting your request when you’re on my property! So, either go a different way or die trying to get passed me but a little defenseless girl such as yourself who doesn’t have any powers whatsoever doesn’t stand a chance against a hundred-year-old troll like me!” He boasted before throwing his spear towards her but ultimately missed and caused Angel to rear up and accidentally throw Annie off her back before she galloped away.

The boy instantly let out a gasp as he saw her hit the ground and finally came out of hiding. He had silver hair with a silver hair with a black tint to it and bright green eyes and was dressed in a black hooded cloak. “By the power of Merlin inside of me, I now shrink you down to the size of a flea!” He cried out as a great big ball of blue and silver ball of electric waves appeared between his hands and then he shot it at the troll and sure enough it shrunk him as tiny as a speck of dust.

Annie quickly got to her feet and stepped on top of him and squashed him instantly. “How did you do that? Are you a wizard or something?” She asked him.

“As a matter of fact, I am and for a peasant girl you seem awfully rich. After all, unicorns aren’t cheap.” He pointed out.

“Alright so I lied. I am Princess Annie.” She told him before he placed his hand on top of his chest and bowed his head.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Princess, but if I may ask, what are you doing out here in the woods? Aren’t you supposed to be at the castle?” He asked her but before she could answer him, they both looked up at the sky when they heard a loud flapping sound.

“Yes, she is.” DJ responded before landing Goliath on top of the ground behind her. “Come along Princess, your aunt is worried sick about you.” He told her before she let out a sad sigh and slightly looked down at the ground.

“Goodbye.” She whispered as he turned around and slightly looked down at the ground too while he started walking away from them.

“Goodbye.” He echoed back softly and it wasn’t until Annie was riding back to the castle with DJ that it suddenly occurred to her that she hadn’t even asked him for his name.
Chapter Four: Eleven Years Later

As the boy had left the scene, it just had occurred to him that the man he had seen had gained control of the dragon and had become its master. The enormous and terrifying creature that people often feared.

“You have an awful lot of explaining to do young lady.” DJ began. “Running away like that and then associating with the child of the sorcerers who slaughtered your family. That’s not very princess like.” He told her.

“What?” Annie questioned him in complete and utter disbelief while widening her eyes in shock.

“You’re never to see that boy again or you will have to deal with the consequences.” DJ told her and took her back to the castle where she had received a wicked scolding from her aunt and was grounded inside her bedroom for the next week.

Over the years Princess Annie grew. She made and lost friends along the way but was restricted to making only female friends since she attended an all-girls’ boarding school. (Ironically enough named The Royal Academy) She kept up with her horseback riding lessons as long as she could keep up with all of her homework and princess school lessons and most other girls that she met accepted her due to the fact that they thought that it was rather cool that she was known as “the rebel princess.”

The only boy that she ever hung out with was her new puppy Samson, that grew much faster in size, weight, and knowledge than she did. When she had turned sixteen years old, she had so desperately wanted to attend her first royal ball, but her aunt told her that that wouldn’t happen until her twenty-first birthday. However, that was the year that she started wearing makeup and got her very first tiara.

Normally royals wouldn’t be able to drive their own cars, but Annie put up such a fuss that her aunt finally relented and let DJ teach her how to drive. Over the years DJ became like her pseudo uncle and was there to comfort her when she didn’t have a date to go to prom, and attended her high school graduation and took a video and lots of pictures.

Finally, it was the day that everybody else except Princess Annie was looking forward to. It was her twenty-first birthday. Now obviously she wasn’t upset because it was her birthday, but this was the year that she was supposed to get married to a prince and become the new queen of Dractopia.

That morning DJ knocked upon her bedroom door. “Time to get up Princess, you have a very exciting day ahead of you.” He said and waited for a few moments but then realized that he wasn’t going to receive a response. “Princess?” He questioned before opening the door. “Oh no!” He exclaimed when he saw that her bedroom was completely empty, and he didn’t even see a note upon her bed.

“You are so lucky that it’s your birthday and that I’m feeling generous today!” He exclaimed to himself and then started getting angry as he had warned her constantly of the dangers of sneaking out alone. Especially because his archnemesis, Diablo, lived just outside of the kingdom. “I think I’m going to give the dragons a break today.” He added to himself before he called for Samson and placing two fingers in between his teeth gave a rather loud and long whistle.

That’s when the dog scampered over to him, and he clipped his leash onto his collar. “Come on Sammy, let’s go find Annie.” He told him before leading him down the hallway.

Meanwhile, Annie was busy walking through the woods dressed in a red hooded cloak. Her hair was now more auburn than red, and a lot longer than she had kept it as a child (only to her shoulders) for now it reached the center of her back. That’s when suddenly she felt an acorn hit her on the head.

“Ouch!” she exclaimed while putting her hand to the top of her head and gently rubbing it.

“I beg your pardon madam.” She heard a tiny squeaky voice begin in response as she turned her head to see a tiny furry brown creature with chocolate-colored eyes standing up on top of one of the branches on his hind legs. He had the face and body of a mouse but was the size of a chinchilla and had the tail of a squirrel.

“I was just trying to add that nut to my pile before my brothers steal it from me again.” He explained.

“You can talk.” Annie said within a gasp of astonishment.

“You don’t get out much, do you?” The creature questioned her.

“No, mostly I have to just stay inside my castle walls.” She explained as this time it was the creature’s turn to be amazed.

“Hickory nuts!” He exclaimed in a gasp of astonishment as his tiny eyes began to widen. “Are you trying to tell me that you’re Princess Annie!?” He cried out but Annie just simply put her finger to her lips.

“Shh!! I don’t want anybody else to know.” She began while taking off her hood. “And I’m not trying to tell you anything as I already told you.” She explained as the rodent knelt down on top of the branch and bowed his head.

“It’s an honor Princess.” He began. “My name is Jeremy Squouse.” He told her.

“I really hope that this doesn’t offend you, but that’s a rather strange last name.” She told him but Jeremy just chuckled.

“That’s not my surname that’s my breed. We all go by Squouse after whatever our first names are. Now, what are you doing out here in the woods? It’s not the place to be for a princess.”

“I’m through with being the princess.” Annie began. “My aunt is forcing me to get married and I don’t really want to be with anybody. I can look after myself.” She told him.

“You might want to rethink that young lady. As I said before, the woods isn’t any place to be for a princess. There are scrabs and candiables out here.” He told her as she suddenly felt a chill go up her body. She remembered her father had warned her about those things when she was a little girl. Especially the canidables. The scrabs probably wouldn’t bother her unless she bothered them, but the candiables would kill her and eat her if they caught sight of her.

Annie started thinking about what she would do to handle this situation when she turned her head and saw a cottage in the woods. “Maybe whoever lives there can help me.” She said as she started walking towards the cottage.

“Oh yes, I’m sure he can, he’s a very powerful wizard.” Jeremy responded but before Annie could get closer to his cottage the door opened and she hid behind the tree that Jeremy was in. Her eyes widened and her jaw fell open. For there directly in front of her was the child she had met over a decade ago.
Your opinion is noted in the "I don't give a shit" category.
Maybe if you an re-write your story to have the dragon king dealing in blow and banging whoowahs, then funneling the coke money to a neo-Nazi organization seeking to destroy the west by infecting our water supply with a secret drug that will make us all gay. THAT is a compelling story.
I forgot to add this updated description as well as the new chapter since I changed my mind of Annie being a child when lost her parents, not an infant.

Princess Annabelle (Annie) Grace Dawn Cross was just a child when she lost her parents to two evil sorcerers. Now, twenty-one years later her aunt Ellie is forcing her to marry a prince, but instead she falls in love with the son of the sorcerers who murdered her parents. It is going to be up to her and her very special friend,.. a (singing) knight and dragon tamer by the name of Sir James (DJ as in David James) to prove to her aunt that when it comes to true love, it doesn’t have any boundaries.

Chapter Five: Diablo Enters Dractopia

Annie stayed hidden behind the tree as she saw a lot of bright red beetle-like creatures flying around his head as well as a bunch of fairies fluttering around in the background. That’s when suddenly he grabbed a glass jar and captured one of the beetles and then screwed a lid tightly on the top of it. “You guys just never learn, do you? Nobody is going to ever love me so you’re wasting your time.” He said to himself before Annie closed her eyes and accidentally let out a sneeze.

“Who’s there!?” The silver haired man exclaimed while drawing a rather long skinny black wand from his cloak. “I’m warning you; I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it as I know some very powerful magic.” He explained.

“You needn’t worry!” Jeremy squeaked. “It’s only Annie!” He told him as Annie scowled at him.

“Thanks for blowing my cover.” She told him sarcastically.

“You’re welcome!” The rodent squeaked in a very friendly response.

“Obviously sarcasm is foreign language to squouses.” Annie replied with a shrug while she came out of hiding and lowered her hood.

“That would be squice actually.” Jeremy corrected while the man looked at her as he widened his eyes in shock and amazement.

“You seem vaguely familiar, have we met before?” He asked her.

“A long time ago when we were kids.” She told him.

“Princess Annie?” He questioned her with uncertainty.

“Actually, I’ve dropped the Princess part now but other than that it’s me. I never did get your name.” She pointed out as he stuck out his hand and met her eyes.

“I beg your pardon.” He began. “Michael Thomas Drake, but everybody usually just calls me Mickey.” He finished and that’s when a few moments of silence fell between them.

“Umm,.. I should really get going.” She told him completely unaware that Jeremy had leapt inside her pocket and hid himself. That’s when Annie looked up to see Mickey finally let the beetle go. “What is that thing?” She wondered.

“Love bug. They’ve been trying to get me for years but they’ve always been unsuccessful.” He replied.

“I take it that means that they make people fall in love with each other then.” Annie guessed.

“Not quite. More like they make people fall in lust as gaining sexual desires for one another, so their name should really be the lust bug. After all, only the heart can make you experience true love, not some insect in the woods.” He explained and at that moment that’s when they heard barking and Samson sprinted over towards her wagging his tail.

“Uh oh.” Annie began. “I bet he’s here too.” She told Mickey.

“Who?” He wondered, but before Annie could have time to answer him DJ appeared.

“Princess Annabelle Grace Dawn Cross,” he began sternly. “What have I told you about running off!? You have a ball to get ready for remember!?” He exclaimed before locking eyes with Mickey.

“I remember you.” He told him.

“I remember you too,..” Mickey began. “who are you exactly?” He asked him making DJ burst out laughing at the way that sounded.

“I have many names.” He began. “Sir James, David James, DJ, Jesus Christ,.. just go ahead and pick one that suits you.” He told him before he turned to look over at Annie again and whispered in her ear.

“Did this guy escape from a mental institution?” He whispered softly while pointing his thumb back over his shoulder at him.

“Actually no, he really is Jesus Christ.” Annie told him.

“Then what’s he doing here?” Mickey wondered while glancing back at him.

“Good question, I’ve been trying to figure that out myself for the past eleven years now.” She responded. “Anyways, I’m sorry Mickey but I really have to go.” She apologized before turning away hurriedly and running off while Mickey silently stared after her.

“Come on Sammy let’s go!” DJ exclaimed with a sharp whistle and a pat of his leg before they both hurried after the princess.


“I thought I told you that you couldn’t see that boy again or you would be faced with the consequences!” DJ cried once they were back inside Annie’s bedroom before she heard a low rumble of thunder out in the distance.

“DJ please calm down or you’ll cause a thunderstorm.” She told him as she noticed that it was getting dark, and another rumble was heard only this time it was louder than the previous one, but DJ just simply shook his head at her.

“That wasn’t me. Diablo’s here in the kingdom.” He told her when all of a sudden, she felt her heart start pounding up against her chest and her face grew as white as snow.

“Diablo?” She repeated. “You mean Satan?” She questioned him with uncertainty.

“Yes. Did you happen to run into any serpents when you were taking a walk through the woods while in the process of trying to run away,… AGAIN???” He asked her.

“I don’t think so.” She replied but that’s when suddenly Jeremy popped his head directly out of her pocket.

“I did.” He began. “It slithered past you when we met.” He told her as DJ looked down at him not even bothering or caring to ask what the squouse was doing in the castle.

“What did he look like!?” He exclaimed anxiously as it was now his heart that pounded up against his chest.

“He was long fat and black and had two glowing devilish red eyes.” Jeremy told him.

“Well, now you blew it.” DJ began. “Diablo was spying on you and now he knows that you no longer want to be a princess so he’s going to try and take over this kingdom.” He finished. “I have to go and tell the queen so she can alert the rest of the kingdom and it looks like the royal ball is going to have to be cancelled.” He finished before fleeing the room.

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