The DNC will pick a younger candidate to run against Trump


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012

The indictments against Trump are only strengthening his candidacy, while Biden's popularity continues to shrink. The DNC knows that Biden will not be reelected. The question is when and with whom to replace him. I believe that a younger candidate is their only hope of preventing a Trump victory.


The electorate may be distinguished between older, middle-age and younger voters. As the Covid scare fades away, older voters will return to their conservative voting patterns. Middle-age voters are seeing their liberal social values being turned on their heads. Only younger voters, with little or no real life experience, are still susceptible to propagandistic messaging, so they will be the primary target in the upcoming election.


The DNC will select a younger candidate for its 2024 Presidential Nominee. In order to avoid an embarrassing primary campaign against Biden, the new candidate will be announced shortly before or during next year's party convention. Gavin Newsom is a likely pick, but his California credentials might hold him back this time around. But in 2028, it could be Newsome vs. DeSantis.

The indictments against Trump are only strengthening his candidacy, while Biden's popularity continues to shrink. The DNC knows that Biden will not be reelected. The question is when and with whom to replace him. I believe that a younger candidate is their only hope of preventing a Trump victory.


The electorate may be distinguished between older, middle-age and younger voters. As the Covid scare fades away, older voters will return to their conservative voting patterns. Middle-age voters are seeing their liberal social values being turned on their heads. Only younger voters, with little or no real life experience, are still susceptible to propagandistic messaging, so they will be the primary target in the upcoming election.


The DNC will select a younger candidate for its 2024 Presidential Nominee. In order to avoid an embarrassing primary campaign against Biden, the new candidate will be announced shortly before or during next year's party convention. Gavin Newsom is a likely pick, but his California credentials might hold him back this time around. But in 2028, it could be Newsome vs. DeSantis.
This is a comical example of how pathetically weak Dem voters are. Dem voters should demand more candidates. Dem voters are TOLD WHAT TO DO, THINK, SUPPORT, BELIEVE and simply say YES MASTER for a GOVERNMENT CHECK.

Any rational person can see Traitor Joe is WAY TOO OLD for starters

To run Traitor Joe and tell the rest of the party to STFU is what the Democrat Party is = ANTI democrat = no freedom of thought allowed
You honestly think Joe Briben is going to just step down and hand the throne over to someone else?

I sure hope not. I hope Joe trips over it trying to get to his seat and does another full face plant! :auiqs.jpg:

Screen Shot 2023-06-01 at 6.25.23 PM.jpg

The indictments against Trump are only strengthening his candidacy, while Biden's popularity continues to shrink. The DNC knows that Biden will not be reelected. The question is when and with whom to replace him. I believe that a younger candidate is their only hope of preventing a Trump victory.


The electorate may be distinguished between older, middle-age and younger voters. As the Covid scare fades away, older voters will return to their conservative voting patterns. Middle-age voters are seeing their liberal social values being turned on their heads. Only younger voters, with little or no real life experience, are still susceptible to propagandistic messaging, so they will be the primary target in the upcoming election.


The DNC will select a younger candidate for its 2024 Presidential Nominee. In order to avoid an embarrassing primary campaign against Biden, the new candidate will be announced shortly before or during next year's party convention. Gavin Newsom is a likely pick, but his California credentials might hold him back this time around. But in 2028, it could be Newsome vs. DeSantis.
Michelle..... I'll lay good money on it
You honestly think Joe Briben is going to just step down and hand the throne over to someone else?
If Biden/Harris aren't nominated for reelection by the DNC, the democrats will lose. It would be tantamount to admitting their mistake. Why would anyone look at them with any credibility after this four year dumpster fire. Even with the msm giving him a free pass, the train wreck is just too large to cover up.
The more the hurt in the butt they are, the more sore-loser BDS threads that Trump cult losers make. So it's good to see them. It demonstrates that good things are happening in the USA.
Take your pick for your next president, Commie faggot traitor:


If I was you, I'd go with Trump, he's more moderate/liberal, but you do you.
If Biden/Harris aren't nominated for reelection by the DNC, the democrats will lose. It would be tantamount to admitting their mistake. Why would anyone look at them with any credibility after this four year dumpster fire. Even with the msm giving him a free pass, the train wreck is just too large to cover up.
People know how bad they're hurting from Democrat policies. The MSM and fake polls and news articles can't cover up

how much money is coming out of all Americans' pockets.
Remember back when most of the righties here said that Biden wasn't really going to run in 2020? They were certain that Hillary Clinton was going to swoop in at the last moment. Because DNCsomethingsomethingsomething.

Not the brightest bunch, the righties here. They always fall for the dumbest propaganda, over and over, yet they never figure out they're being played by their masters.
If Biden/Harris aren't nominated for reelection by the DNC, the democrats will lose. It would be tantamount to admitting their mistake. Why would anyone look at them with any credibility after this four year dumpster fire. Even with the msm giving him a free pass, the train wreck is just too large to cover up.
Oh but wait it's the greatest economy in history! Oh but wait inflation is on target! Oh but wait the average working American is making more money than ever before! Oh but wait The truth is the nation is sinking into poverty rapidly, homelessness is growing exponentially, crime and disorder are on the rise.
Remember back when most of the righties here said that Biden wasn't really going to run in 2020? They were certain that Hillary Clinton was going to swoop in at the last moment. Because DNCsomethingsomethingsomething.

Not the brightest bunch, the righties here. They always fall for the dumbest propaganda, over and over, yet they never figure out they're being played by their masters.
Link to that being posted anywhere-? :rolleyes-41:

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