The Democrats want to stop the SS cap.

So let's understand

If you make over $ don't pay a dime in tax for SS on any income above that?

That's true. But when Social Security was started the tax was 1% on the first $3000.

So its really gone up exponentially since Roosevelt created it.

Why increase it now to "unlimited"?
That's true. But when Social Security was started the tax was 1% on the first $3000.

So its really gone up exponentially since Roosevelt created it.

Why increase it now to "unlimited"?
Why not? Wealthy folks pay very little into it.

You and I pay 6% of every dollar we make into it. They don't
Why not? Wealthy folks pay very little into it.

You and I pay 6% of every dollar we make into it. They don't
And your employer pays 6% which makes 12% of your life time income being flushed down the SS toilet
That's true. But when Social Security was started the tax was 1% on the first $3000.

So its really gone up exponentially since Roosevelt created it.

Why increase it now to "unlimited"?
The cap is currently 147K

Go ahead and keep trying to convince yourselves that SS is a good deal.
So we're talking about the VERY wealthy getting a tax break no one else has...

If you are such a fan of SS you should at least get your numbers right. Youi are proving they you really are too stupid to handle your own money
View attachment 678572

Go ahead and keep trying to convince yourselves that SS is a good deal.

I think its even worse when you consider the Federal Income Tax on Social Security benefits as well as the fact that higher income people pay a lot more in Medicare Premiums once they are eligible.

And even that isn't enough for the Greedy Government.

Is there a limit to liberal greed?
View attachment 678572

Go ahead and keep trying to convince yourselves that SS is a good deal.
They tried this in Chile and it was a DISASTER. And it was at the behest of the Chicago University economists...who are still pushing it here

I think its even worse when you consider the Federal Income Tax on Social Security benefits as well as the fact that higher income people pay a lot more in Medicare Premiums once they are eligible.

And even that isn't enough for the Greedy Government.

Is there a limit to liberal greed?
Anything goes when keeping people dependent on the fucking government is the goal
Chile is not the US.

Chile is a corrupt 3rd world SHITHOLE and there is absolutely no comparison the the US

and your link doesn't work just like your comparison of the US and Chile doesn't work
Chile is corrupt because of what WE did wasn't always so. It is also not "third world" although driving their elderly into poverty certainly pushed them in that direction.

The link works fine
Fine by me, I often said they should remove the SS cap.
This is Socialist greed.

You greedy little shitheads want to remove the cap but you don't want to increase the pension.

The cap puts a limit on how much you have to pay in and also the amount you receive in a pension. You greedy little assholes want to remove the cap on how much is paid in but keep the cap on how much to get in the pension.

It is despicable the way you little Socialist turds like to get your hands on other people's money, isn't it?
Chile is corrupt because of what WE did wasn't always so. It is also not "third world" although driving their elderly into poverty certainly pushed them in that direction.

The link works fine
Yeah OK it's our fault the Chilean government fucked up their version of SS

an this is what you link got me

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Yeah OK it's our fault the Chilean government fucked up their version of SS
They fucked up YOUR version of Social Security

The one the University of Chicago economists pushed on them. The same guys you are shilling for
They fucked up YOUR version of Social Security

The one the University of Chicago economists pushed on them. The same guys you are shilling for
And it fucked up because the fucking government only allowed people to use investment firms picked by the fucking government and their government allowed those firms to charge ridiculous fees..

Anytime the government gets involved things get fucked up.

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