The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Left did it to themselves with their IN YOUR FACE Moral Mandates, and shoving Liberalism down everyone's throats, their hatred of Law Enforcement and Decent Hard Working People and with all the corruption and scandals in The Obama Regime.

And their pain is not over yet. There is a BIG HURT coming in 2018. If you wondered why they have been so Irrational, Nasty, Violent and Hateful, then all you have to do is to look no further than 2018 where The Democrats are most likely going to lose that last grip they have on their Fascist Tyrannical Leftist Utopian Nightmare for America!

They are cornered rats on a sinking ship and they know it.

They may even lose the party itself as it continues to crumble under the weight of it's own corruption. What we are seeing now is a distraction. An attempt by The Left and Their Allies in The Media, and on The Establishment Right to stop the Bleeding for THE DNC.

They keep trying to pound the pulpit with RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, trying to delay the inevitable CRIMINAL Investigations soon to come in to THE DNC, The Obama Regime, Hillary Clinton, Schultz, James Comey, Lynch, Holder, Lerner, Koskinen, Rice, Powers, Brennan, Clapper, Farkas, Podesta, Abedin & Weiner. There has never been such an assemblance of Political Criminals as The Obama Regime. And we are seeing daily bit by bit how the false accusations they leveled at others, are coming right back at them to haunt them forever.

Mueller is just a clean up man to help sweep up the mess Comey wasn't able to, and his crew of Lefties, are nothing but a distraction and a last ditch attempt to divert what will assuredly be a Run Away Scandal Ridden Lefty Train about to run off the rails and over the cliff.

We, and Every Conservative, The President, and THE GOP needs to be aware of that, and be aware that THE GOP and President TRUMP RIGHT NOW, have their own destiny in their own hands. They can put their entire Agenda in play and after 2018 The Radical Left won't be able to stop them even if The RINOS continue to help them. They can hold fast and accomplish what they can, and prevent The Dems from doing anything until 2018, and then, The GOP can go full bore in to their legislative agenda.

What The Republicans should do is Vote EVERY SINGLE DEM PROPOSAL DOWN. After ALL, DEMS SHOWED EVERYONE for the Last 8 years and last 8 MONTHS that they simply refuse to work with anyone on ANYTHING.

In Fact they should VOTE ALL DEM PROPOSALS DOWN all the way through 2018.

10 SENATE SEATS are up for grabs in 2018! These are seats analysts say have the most likely chance of being flipped. It doesn't look good for The Democrats. Maybe that's why they tried to rig the election and then create the Fake Russian Collusion Narrative.

The most likely seats to be flipped are listed below snipped from the accompanying article I posted. Only one is Republican.


"Democrats reeling from a devastating election face a daunting task: the 2018 Senate map.

It favors Republicans in a big way. The GOP will be defending just eight seats, while Democrats must fight for 23 — plus another two held by independents who caucus with Democrats."

10 Senate seats that could flip in 2018

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
Jon Tester (D-Mont.)
Dean Heller (R-Nev.)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.)
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)


And if you think AMERICA isn't sick of THESE DEMOCRATS and their Bullshit "RESIST" movement and people like BLM and ANTIFA, Illegal Alien Gangs on killing sprees, Mexican Heroin, Dembots in the GOV betraying their country and leaking classified information, & Fake News now, wait until 2018!

That's when they should do OBAMACARE Repeal!
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People actually like Obamacare . While red state leaders try and sabotage it , the Aca does well in other areas .

If anything the GOP should try to help . Instead of actively trying to blow it up.
People actually like Obamacare . While red state leaders try and sabotage it , the Aca does well in other areas .

If anything the GOP should try to help . Instead of actively trying to blow it up.
man.... alternate reality. you know who likes obamacare ? people with preexisting conditions, everyone else gets fucked. i'm ok with the first part. peopleosi wants jail time for not "buying in".

remember the process that got us to obamacare. reid, pelosi and obama high on adrenaline, thought they would take America into socialism... access denied.
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Our health system is not merely a political issue, it's a nation of people genuinely concerned about the future of their coverage and a substantial portion of the economy. Republicans have recently discovered that simply treating this as a political football to be spiked in the democrat's face is going to cost them dearly if they get it wrong. If they simply do nothing while working behind the scenes to sabotage things into a horrible crisis just for a political point they will have done this country a terrible disservice and will be made to pay for for it dearly.
People actually like Obamacare . While red state leaders try and sabotage it , the Aca does well in other areas .

If anything the GOP should try to help . Instead of actively trying to blow it up.

Well, you can always be a little more creative with you lies.

Obamacare is the reason you lost 1,000 political seats, and the majority of Governorships as well as The Presidential Election.

People Like It?

8 Million People this year alone decided to pay The Fine instead of be on it. Insurers realized it was such a cluster fuck that up to 30 Million People may find themselves without an insurer by 2019.

People LIKE IT?

You mean people who don't work like it, right? And Corrupt Politicians who are getting More Medicaid money like the Piece of Shit Rob Portman and Kasich? RINOS like McCain and his band Grifters?

People Like IT?

You have Illegal Aliens getting Entitlements meant for your parents and grandparents and healthy able bodied people on Medicaid.

Why should the GOP help The Left fix a horrible Bill, THE LEFT shoved down everyone's Throats?
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I think the seat flipping is more of a wish list in some part. I can't see Manchin flipping, for example, he's very popular.

The Republican brand is also really hurting right now.
How Senator Up for 2018 Re-Election Are Faring At Home

Only one senator facing re-election next year, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, has an approval rating lower than his disapproval rating — a somewhat surprising result considering Democratic incumbents are playing defense in a swath of states President Donald Trump won in 2016.

I'm in Missouri & McCaskill is a goner because Trump won here by 20 points & the people here know the Dems have gone batshit insane far left with their transgender/TOILET obsession among a lot of other LUNACY!!
Have you noted that all of President Trump's Critics on that list are in decline with their approval numbers?

Including Jeff Flake (R) and Dean Heller (R) both very critical of President Trump

  • Jon Tester (D) did not attend Trump's Inauguration and has been a constant critic
  • Tami Baldwin (D) voted NO on Gorsuch
  • Bob Menedez (D) had been a constant Trump Critic and opposed Trump's positions on The EPA, The Paris Accord, and Immigration
  • Debbie Stabenow (D) did not attend Trump's Inauguration and criticized Trump's position on cutting government spending.
  • Claire McCaskill (D) has openly criticized President Trump and Town Hall meetings and in the media
  • Bob Casey (D) has criticized President Trump on everything he has done and has been very aggressive about it.
  • Sherrod Brown (D) has been openly hostile towards President Trump and blamed The President for The Failure of Obamacare.

I think THE LEFT and The Media AGAIN and underestimating THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

How Senator Up for 2018 Re-Election Are Faring At Home

Only one senator facing re-election next year, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, has an approval rating lower than his disapproval rating — a somewhat surprising result considering Democratic incumbents are playing defense in a swath of states President Donald Trump won in 2016.

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The Left did it to themselves with their IN YOUR FACE Moral Mandates, and shoving Liberalism down everyone's throats, their hatred of Law Enforcement and Decent Hard Working People and with all the corruption and scandals in The Obama Regime.

And their pain is not over yet. There is a BIG HURT coming in 2018. If you wondered why they have been so Irrational, Nasty, Violent and Hateful, then all you have to do is to look no further than 2018 where The Democrats are most likely going to lose that last grip they have on their Fascist Tyrannical Leftist Utopian Nightmare for America!

They are cornered rats on a sinking ship and they know it.

They may even lose the party itself as it continues to crumble under the weight of it's own corruption. What we are seeing now is a distraction. An attempt by The Left and Their Allies in The Media, and on The Establishment Right to stop the Bleeding for THE DNC.

They keep trying to pound the pulpit with RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, trying to delay the inevitable CRIMINAL Investigations soon to come in to THE DNC, The Obama Regime, Hillary Clinton, Schultz, James Comey, Lynch, Holder, Lerner, Koskinen, Rice, Powers, Brennan, Clapper, Farkas, Podesta, Abedin & Weiner. There has never been such an assemblance of Political Criminals as The Obama Regime. And we are seeing daily bit by bit how the false accusations they leveled at others, are coming right back at them to haunt them forever.

Mueller is just a clean up man to help sweep up the mess Comey wasn't able to, and his crew of Lefties, are nothing but a distraction and a last ditch attempt to divert what will assuredly be a Run Away Scandal Ridden Lefty Train about to run off the rails and over the cliff.

We, and Every Conservative, The President, and THE GOP needs to be aware of that, and be aware that THE GOP and President TRUMP RIGHT NOW, have their own destiny in their own hands. They can put their entire Agenda in play and after 2018 The Radical Left won't be able to stop them even if The RINOS continue to help them. They can hold fast and accomplish what they can, and prevent The Dems from doing anything until 2018, and then, The GOP can go full bore in to their legislative agenda.

What The Republicans should do is Vote EVERY SINGLE DEM PROPOSAL DOWN. After ALL, DEMS SHOWED EVERYONE for the Last 8 years and last 8 MONTHS that they simply refuse to work with anyone on ANYTHING.

In Fact they should VOTE ALL DEM PROPOSALS DOWN all the way through 2018.

10 SENATE SEATS are up for grabs in 2018! These are seats analysts say have the most likely chance of being flipped. It doesn't look good for The Democrats. Maybe that's why they tried to rig the election and then create the Fake Russian Collusion Narrative.

The most likely seats to be flipped are listed below snipped from the accompanying article I posted. Only one is Republican.


"Democrats reeling from a devastating election face a daunting task: the 2018 Senate map.

It favors Republicans in a big way. The GOP will be defending just eight seats, while Democrats must fight for 23 — plus another two held by independents who caucus with Democrats."

10 Senate seats that could flip in 2018

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
Jon Tester (D-Mont.)
Dean Heller (R-Nev.)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.)
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.)


And if you think AMERICA isn't sick of THESE DEMOCRATS and their Bullshit "RESIST" movement and people like BLM and ANTIFA, Illegal Alien Gangs on killing sprees, Mexican Heroin, Dembots in the GOV betraying their country and leaking classified information, & Fake News now, wait until 2018!

That's when they should do OBAMACARE Repeal!

What you forget is that many of these Democrats are moderates who have won several times in Republican states. In 2016, Democrats took the Governor's mansion in Montana even as Trump was easily winning the state. Trump narrowly won Wisconsin. Brown and Casey are far more adept than Clinton was. Trumpcare would have hurt rural areas. Also Heitkamp expressed a desire to work with Republicans to fix Obamacare. They were rebuffed by McConnell.

You are not a conservative. You are a fake conservative. You are also a crazy conspiracy wingnut. The Republicans need to put people like you in a locked basement like the crazy aunt.
Have you that all of President Trump's Critics on that list are in decline with their approval numbers?

Including Jeff Flake (R) and Dean Heller (R) both very critical of President Trump

  • Jon Tester (D) did not attend Trump's Inauguration and has been a constant critic
  • Tami Baldwin (D) voted NO on Gorsuch
  • Bob Menedez (D) had been a constant Trump Critic and opposed Trump's positions on The EPA, The Paris Accord, and Immigration
  • Debbie Stabenow (D) did not attend Trump's Inauguration and criticized Trump's position on cutting government spending.
  • Claire McCaskill (D) has openly criticized President Trump and Town Hall meetings and in the media
  • Bob Casey (D) has criticized President Trump on everything he has done and has been very aggressive about it.
  • Sherrod Brown (D) has been openly hostile towards President Trump and blamed The President for The Failure of Obamacare.

I think THE LEFT and The Media AGAIN and underestimating THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

How Senator Up for 2018 Re-Election Are Faring At Home

Only one senator facing re-election next year, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, has an approval rating lower than his disapproval rating — a somewhat surprising result considering Democratic incumbents are playing defense in a swath of states President Donald Trump won in 2016.


If you believe Morning Consult. They were a very pro-Trump poll and overestimated Trump's support.
Trump's Chumps paid for a repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Trump gave them...ObamaCare. :lol:

Hillary could have kept ObamaCare around! You rubes hired Trump to replace it. Will you NEVER hold this huckster to account?

He's out on the golf course, as usual. Laughing his ass off that you are paying for his trip.
The Democrats are in Real Trouble in 2018! Repeal Obamacare Then!
Fox News Poll: 27 percent favor Senate GOP health care plan, as vote gets delayed
Fox News Poll: 27 percent favor Senate GOP health care plan, as vote gets delayed
And Fox's poll coincides with all other polls. A huge segment of Americans, hated both the Senate and House healthcare bills, more so than they hated Obamacare.
In both the Senate and the House, there is movement to come up with a bi-partisan plan, which reflects the wish of a majority of Americans.
This thread is a FAIL in the face of reality.
People actually like Obamacare . While red state leaders try and sabotage it , the Aca does well in other areas .Then
If anything the GOP should try to help . Instead of actively trying to blow it up.

Well, you can always be a little more creative with you lies.

Obamacare is the reason you lost 1,000 political seats, and the majority of Governorships as well as The Presidential Election.

People Like It?

8 Million People this year alone decided to pay The Fine instead of be on it. Insurers realized it was such a cluster fuck that up to 30 Million People may find themselves without an insurer by 2019.

People LIKE IT?

You mean people who don't work like it, right? And Corrupt Politicians who are getting More Medicaid money like the Piece of Shit Rob Portman and Kasich? RINOS like McCain and his band Grifters?

People Like IT?

You have Illegal Aliens getting Entitlements meant for your parents and grandparents and healthy able bodied people on Medicaid.

Why should the GOP help The Left fix a horrible Bill, THE LEFT shoved down everyone's Throats?
THEN REPEAL IT!! Oh wait . They won't .
Let's use some logic . According to you Obamacare is worse than polio . If that were true it'd be gone in a hot minute .

Yet with all the power and votes available , the GOP won't get rid of it .

Maybe it's cause it ain't as bad as your slander would have it ??
How Senator Up for 2018 Re-Election Are Faring At Home

Only one senator facing re-election next year, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, has an approval rating lower than his disapproval rating — a somewhat surprising result considering Democratic incumbents are playing defense in a swath of states President Donald Trump won in 2016.


I saw that poll on Flake yesterday. That's mind boggling.

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