Another DAY, More Evidence of Hillary PAY-TO-PLAY Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Huma Abedin’s Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal

"Former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin used her personal email account to transmit classified documents and coordinate favors for Clinton donors, according to emails obtained by Judicial Watch Wednesday.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents as part of a lawsuit filed after the State Department failed to respond to a March 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The newly-obtained documents include 91 Clinton email exchanges that were not turned over to the State Department, (ONCE AGAIN) contradicting Clinton’s claim that, “as far as she knew,” she had turned over all of her government emails.

The emails reveal multiple instances in which Abedin used her personal account to send and receive classified documents as well as arrange personal favors for Clinton donors and political allies on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s behalf.

Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover upsthese new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct must be resumed,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement."
The clinton crime family really needs to be in jail....
Hillary again. Lol

Always avoiding the daily lies, fuckups and failing presidency of DT..

You need a psychiatric workup to find out why you're obsessed with a private citizen but not the guy in the WH.
The clinton crime family really needs to be in jail....
Yet they won't be. Bob Mueller and his16 lawyers are working on putting the Trump Crime family in jail.
I'm sure Hillary will get a huge laugh when that happens..
Hillary again. Lol

Always avoiding the daily lies, fuckups and failing presidency of DT..

You need a psychiatric workup to find out why you're obsessed with a private citizen but not the guy in the WH.
Another Day
More NEW Evidence of Hillary Crimes
More Irrational denial from her snowflake 'worshippers'


Just more reason she should be locked away in prison.
View attachment 141823
The clinton crime family really needs to be in jail....
Yet they won't be. Bob Mueller and his16 lawyers are working on putting the Trump Crime family in jail.
I'm sure Hillary will get a huge laugh when that happens..
Mueller will end up indicting his own 'Scooter Libby' at best. With his own Conflict of Interest and the mega-biased team he has put together he has destroyed his and his own team's legitimacy.
I don't imagine one would need to look very hard to find evidence on Hillary. She is like the big white whale beached on the sand while the liberals look for goldfish in an empty pond 15 feet away. One they hide from as it stares them in the face while digging in the barren sand trying to find anything they can in the hopes of proving their empty hopes of some kind of wrongdoing on others.

If the Democrats were physicians, they would first diagnose you with cancer with no proof, then keep running test after test, invasive procedure after invasive procedure until they either found a suspicious mole or actually GAVE the patient the cancer, then announce: SEE! WE TOLD YOU SO!

The Trump Crime Family, yes, a crime family where there never has been any evidence of any crime! Nothing any other good businessman doesn't do. One of them meets with a foreign dignitary as they must do now to establish international relations, and LOOK AT THAT! THEY ARE CAVORTING WITH THE ENEMY!!!

What a Dupe.

Imagine your car salesman telling you that if you pay him so much, he can get you a "special deal" on the car you want, or to come back at midnight, he can sell you the car you want, directly, at a special price. That is the Clintons, racketeers using her position as Secretary to bribe foreign countries to contribute to her "foundation," in exchange for getting an express lane and green light on some much needed deal they want. QUID PRO QUO. That is what the RICO statutes were invented for.

Then there is the matter with her computers and using secret intelligence matters about as loosely as toilet paper, even leaving top secret documents once laying opening in view on her front seat. I guess everyone has forgotten how back when they were in the White House they did all of this then, just it was with China then instead of Russia. They were selling and feeding all kinds of stuff to the Chinese in exchange for special favors, the Clintons singularly helped build the Chinese empire up to what it is today, and half of their technology in use today came from leaked U.S. documents sold to the Chinese for profit.

The libs keep hoping, but as one Trump after another skates free of any evidence of criminality at all, day by day the inevitable noose tightens on the Clintons and anyone associated with them, the biggest crooks since the days of John Gotti. And when the Clintons finally fall, they will fall with the weight of a thunderclap and they will take a LOT of people with them.
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If a Special Counsel led by a Republican, filled with UN-Biased Americans - not even an 'I hate Hillary' Dream Team like the 'I Hate Trump' team Mueller formed, Hillary would be indicted in less than a month.
Huma Abedin’s Emails Provide Further Evidence Of Clinton Pay For Play Scandal

"Former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin used her personal email account to transmit classified documents and coordinate favors for Clinton donors, according to emails obtained by Judicial Watch Wednesday.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents as part of a lawsuit filed after the State Department failed to respond to a March 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The newly-obtained documents include 91 Clinton email exchanges that were not turned over to the State Department, (ONCE AGAIN) contradicting Clinton’s claim that, “as far as she knew,” she had turned over all of her government emails.

The emails reveal multiple instances in which Abedin used her personal account to send and receive classified documents as well as arrange personal favors for Clinton donors and political allies on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s behalf.

Pay to play, classified information mishandling, influence peddling, cover upsthese new emails show why the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct must be resumed,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement."

We got them Easy, and they know it-) Reasonable and crew can talk about the grand jury all they want, but the grand jury is in session for RUSSIA, not any person named Trump, lol.

How do we know this? Look up the law, and you will instantly know WHY this is another smokescreen, lol.

But, we do have a bunch of Democrats in trouble, and from my sources people like you and I are going to need popcorn and adult beverages soon while we enjoy the disaster soon to be boomeranged on the left. No reason to argue with them now, because within a few weeks, they won't even fact, you won't even see them on here, lol.

Gotta trust me on this one. Very soon, you are going to be able to take ALL the lefty feces you have had to endure, and smash it right in their faces; that is, if they have the gonads to sign on here-)

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