The Democrat Party and Paternalistic Slavery of Minorities.

70% of black children are born without a father present.
That is a fact, it isn't racist to repeat it, it is racist to deny it.

Tha's right. Then they go on Maury Povich to have DNA tests run to see just who of the 10 guys she slept with just might be the father. with all the of prospective geniuses exclaiming "I isn't no father, I isn't no father!"
Everyone of these leftists fail to acknowledge the fact the POTUS is 1/2 white. They can only identify with his black side, they refuse to admit he was raised by a white mother and white grandparents.

Yea, a little fact they seem to ignore.
Martin Luther King:

Believe in yourself and believe you are somebody!
Nobody else can do this for us.
No document can do this for us.
No proclamations or civil rights bill can do this for us.
If the negro is to be free he must reach down to his inner-resources and into his OWN soul and sign with a pen and ink made of self assertive manhood! His OWN emancipation proclamation!
Don't let anyone take your manhood.

[ame=]The MLK that's never quoted - YouTube[/ame]

Martin Luther king sr and jr were republicans and it was the republicans that drafted the first civil rights law. But like everything else the democrats get credit for, they stole the idea, made some changes and took all the credit.

It was the greatest political coo by the democrats and they have only gotten better at it. But being good in politics does make democrats good people.
Look at black people today. Are they really any better off being encouraged to expect entitlements? That is not helping. That is controlling.
I believe that what every poster on this thread that supports the premise of the OP fails to realize is this simple fact:

Black People have the ability to decide for themselves who their friends are, and who they think will help them the most.

The premise of this thread assumes that black people, as a group, are too stupid to figure out for themselves who they should vote for, and states that they should listen to you, because you know better.

Now, I'm relatively sure that none of you meant that in a racist way, but perhaps you can see how it may be interpreted as such.
I believe that what every poster on this thread that supports the premise of the OP fails to realize is this simple fact:

Black People have the ability to decide for themselves who their friends are, and who they think will help them the most.

The premise of this thread assumes that black people, as a group, are too stupid to figure out for themselves who they should vote for, and states that they should listen to you, because you know better.

Now, I'm relatively sure that none of you meant that in a racist way, but perhaps you can see how it may be interpreted as such.

I understand what you're saying, yes. I like to think that a very large number of black people in this country are well educated, self-reliant people. But it's just that every time a black person commits a crime or it is pointed out the statistics of unwed births among black people, etc., etc., we hear how they have it so hard, that they don't have the opportunities. If that was really the case, a black man would NOT be president for God's sake. We would have NO black lawyers, doctors, policeman, mayors, dentists, teachers, professors, the list goes on and on. The best thing Obama could have said either during his compaign the first time or certainly in one his speeches was to tell the American people, black and white, to finish high school, that anybody can be anything they set their mind to, that he was an example. If he has ever said this, I have not heard it. I don't think he has. White people are screwups too, and don't graduate high school. There is just no excuse for it, not when it is free. There is absolutely no excude for an able-bodied person in their 20s to be a high school drop out, on drugs, just being a drain on society. I'm sorry,it's just not. I don't care what race you are. I have personally known mentally retarded people, blind people, quadriplegic people, deaf, mentally ill who have held jobs and were as self-sufficient as humanly possible, contributing more to society than able-bodied people. Looking to the government to fix you should be a last resort, not the first choice in your life.
Look at black people today. Are they really any better off being encouraged to expect entitlements? That is not helping. That is controlling.

I totally agree. It totally discourages them from ever being self-reliant. When you provide everything for somebody, you control them. It's that simple. And why in God's name would you want to be controlled?
I understand what you're saying, yes. I like to think that a very large number of black people in this country are well educated, self-reliant people. But it's just that every time a black person commits a crime or it is pointed out the statistics of unwed births among black people, etc., etc., we hear how they have it so hard, that they don't have the opportunities. If that was really the case, a black man would NOT be president for God's sake. We would have NO black lawyers, doctors, policeman, mayors, dentists, teachers, professors, the list goes on and on. The best thing Obama could have said either during his compaign the first time or certainly in one his speeches was to tell the American people, black and white, to finish high school, that anybody can be anything they set their mind to, that he was an example. If he has ever said this, I have not heard it. I don't think he has. White people are screwups too, and don't graduate high school. There is just no excuse for it, not when it is free. There is absolutely no excude for an able-bodied person in their 20s to be a high school drop out, on drugs, just being a drain on society. I'm sorry,it's just not. I don't care what race you are. I have personally known mentally retarded people, blind people, quadriplegic people, deaf, mentally ill who have held jobs and were as self-sufficient as humanly possible, contributing more to society than able-bodied people. Looking to the government to fix you should be a last resort, not the first choice in your life.

Yes, and many of those are good points, agreed.

And there is an argument, in my opinion, for beginning to phase out affirmative action programs. (And I know my fellow Liberals will not appreciate me saying that)

I'm just saying that the tone expressed in some of the posts in this thread comes off as condescending, and thus a bit offensive.
I believe that what every poster on this thread that supports the premise of the OP fails to realize is this simple fact:

Black People have the ability to decide for themselves who their friends are, and who they think will help them the most.

The premise of this thread assumes that black people, as a group, are too stupid to figure out for themselves who they should vote for, and states that they should listen to you, because you know better.

Now, I'm relatively sure that none of you meant that in a racist way, but perhaps you can see how it may be interpreted as such.

You are too simple to figure out what I don't attempt to grasp concepts beyond your ability.
If you would read before you conclude you will see that I also wrote that blacks that have grown up in smaller communities without liberal social programs succeed and fail at the exact same rate as whites. We are not different, only the circumstances laid before us are.
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Is this the new GOP talking point designed to try to garner support from minorities?

No minority should support the GOP, they are sworn enemies. Heck, the GOP hates them even more than they hate the middle class!

I do have to admit that I’m impressed with the propaganda arm of the Republican party. Just look at the first page of this board, at the titles of the threads and you can see how hard the Republican shills are working to undo the damage the Republicans have done to themselves.

They are in way too deep to recover this year and should get hammered pretty hard hopefully but, wow, look at ‘em go!
You are too simple to figure out what I don't attempt to grasp concepts beyond your ability.
If you would read before you conclude you will see that I also wrote that blacks that have grown up in smaller communities without liberal social programs succeed and fail at the exact same rate as whites. We are not different, only the circumstances laid before us are.

Okie dokie then.

Guess I'm just "simple" like the black folk then.

I guess you're just the wise man that they all need to pay attention to!

Damn them black folk, thinking they could figure things out for themselves!
Because if Democrats insisted upon blacks to take responsibility then they might get mad at them - and God forbid stop voting for them.
That is exactly why the republicans get no ground with minorities. We have the gall to expect results and tell them they are a part of their own fate. And that makes liberals literally shake in anger.

So blacks "take no responsibility" ad "give no results".

And you wonder why we consider you racist. :cuckoo:

You can't be that stupid can you? Well yes I guess you can. They obviously take no resonsibility if they haven't even graduated high school have they? I mean public school is totally free. Why are you liberals so against everybody BEING THE BEST THEY CAN BE? If you at least graduate from high school, you stand a fighting chance, but without it, you're sunk.

As Reagan once famously sad, "There you go again". Just who the hell is "they"?

I hate to be the one to burst your little bubble but you probably never realized that WHITES collect more public aid than your favorite targets. But here you just want to point your boney finger at blacks. Why is that?

The number of Medicaid recipients has surged in recent years because of high unemployment and a weak economy, but the majority of recipients are white. Nationally, 43 percent of those who received Medicaid in 2009-2010 were non-elderly white Americans, compared to Hispanics, who comprised 28 percent Hispanics and blacks at 22 percent.

What Did Rick Santorum Say? Welfare Comments Scrutinized - ABC News

A better question would be..........


Red States Are The Real Welfare States | Addicting Info

Why are conservative states the biggest drain on our resources?????
I'd take paternalistic helping over neglect, anyday of the week.

"Helping" is a two-way street. God helps those who help themselves. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. The opportunity is there for all of us to be successful, if we WANT to be. Those who don't WANT to be, don't graduate from high school, thus end up on the poverty roles. and then blame the rest of us.

And then expect the rest of us to do for you what you should be doing for yourself.
Absolutely! What I want to know is why do the black Democrats also spout this nonsense about them having no opportunity. Don't black ask themselves just how a black man got elected president, if there are "no opportunities?" Give me a break!!!

Because if Democrats insisted upon blacks to take responsibility then they might get mad at them - and God forbid stop voting for them.
That is exactly why the republicans get no ground with minorities. We have the gall to expect results and tell them they are a part of their own fate. And that makes liberals literally shake in anger.

So blacks "take no responsibility" ad "give no results".

And you wonder why we consider you racist. :cuckoo:

Tactic #4 out of the libtard playbook? Take a phrase out of context and twist it into something you like better.
Because if Democrats insisted upon blacks to take responsibility then they might get mad at them - and God forbid stop voting for them.
That is exactly why the republicans get no ground with minorities. We have the gall to expect results and tell them they are a part of their own fate. And that makes liberals literally shake in anger.

So blacks "take no responsibility" ad "give no results".

And you wonder why we consider you racist. :cuckoo:

You can't be that stupid can you? Well yes I guess you can. They obviously take no resonsibility if they haven't even graduated high school have they? I mean public school is totally free. Why are you liberals so against everybody BEING THE BEST THEY CAN BE? If you at least graduate from high school, you stand a fighting chance, but without it, you're sunk.

Because then they would not vote "Democrat".
I believe that what every poster on this thread that supports the premise of the OP fails to realize is this simple fact:

Black People have the ability to decide for themselves who their friends are, and who they think will help them the most.

The premise of this thread assumes that black people, as a group, are too stupid to figure out for themselves who they should vote for, and states that they should listen to you, because you know better.

Now, I'm relatively sure that none of you meant that in a racist way, but perhaps you can see how it may be interpreted as such.

Actually, if we thought they were that stupid, we'd buy them a cup of coffee and drop them off at the polling place with an obama button in their hand.
Look at black people today. Are they really any better off being encouraged to expect entitlements? That is not helping. That is controlling.

I totally agree. It totally discourages them from ever being self-reliant. When you provide everything for somebody, you control them. It's that simple. And why in God's name would you want to be controlled?

Because the Republicans brainwashed you?:eusa_shifty:
So blacks "take no responsibility" ad "give no results".

And you wonder why we consider you racist. :cuckoo:

You can't be that stupid can you? Well yes I guess you can. They obviously take no resonsibility if they haven't even graduated high school have they? I mean public school is totally free. Why are you liberals so against everybody BEING THE BEST THEY CAN BE? If you at least graduate from high school, you stand a fighting chance, but without it, you're sunk.

Because then they would not vote "Democrat".

What is wrong with Democrats that they want everyone to be dependent on them? Are they THAT power hungry? God, I don't have the time or the energy to keep tabs on anybody, let alone control them. They are like bosses who micromanage you all day. You just want to scream at them to leave you the hell alone!!! And yet they do as they please. You think any of them follow their own little rules? Hell no!

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