The Delusional Socialist Democrats do not want the Electoral College

The most practicable idea would be to divide the electoral votes evenly according to population, rather than according to congressional representation.
Not at all... That would be no different than a pure popular vote which the founders did not want Mob rule

They also did not want us under foreign domination. But our present electoral system has given us precisely that.
Globalism is a progressive thing dumbass

Globalism wasn't foreign domination. Because at that time we were the dominant superpower in the world.

Now it's goddamned Russia.
1st post
The most practicable idea would be to divide the electoral votes evenly according to population, rather than according to congressional representation.
Not at all... That would be no different than a pure popular vote which the founders did not want Mob rule

They also did not want us under foreign domination. But our present electoral system has given us precisely that.
Globalism is a progressive thing dumbass

Globalism wasn't foreign domination. Because at that time we were the dominant superpower in the world.

Now it's goddamned Russia.
The Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
I do not want a national popular vote for president but our current Electoral College system is sort of a mess. We have states picking their electors in November, electors voting in December and the new Congress counting the votes in early January. For 2 months we're in sort of a no-man's land concerning the situation of the winning candidate dying or becoming otherwise incapacitated.

If that candidate dies or becomes incapacitated between the general election and the meeting of electors individual states may pass laws on the subject, but no federal law proscribes how electors must vote in that situation.

As to a candidate who dies or becomes incapacitated between the meeting of electors and the counting of electoral votes in Congress, the Constitution is silent on whether this candidate meets the definition of “President elect” or “Vice President elect.”

If a winning Presidential candidate dies or becomes incapacitated between the counting of electoral votes in Congress and the inauguration, the Vice President elect will become President, according to Section 3 of the 20th Amendment.
We are a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy. We would not have had a Constitution without the Electoral College.
In the interest of equality among the states the Electoral College was created. It prevents the larger states from controlling the vote. This is quite simple to understand. Unless you are a delusional sociopathic Socialist Democrat.

It was easy to understand by some, not all of the framers. In fact, it was a compromise necessary to have COTUS earn the nine votes to be promulgated.

As for the claim that we are not a democracy, that is a meme echoed by the conservative element. We are not a direct democracy, we are a democratic nation given We the People vote to elect our representatives, who govern the nation.

Keep in mind, We the People can vote out any member of the H. or Rep every even numbered year, and 1/3 of the Senate, every even numbered year. The EC is archaic, and has denied the will of the people too often in this century.
We are a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy. We would not have had a Constitution without the Electoral College.
In the interest of equality among the states the Electoral College was created. It prevents the larger states from controlling the vote. This is quite simple to understand. Unless you are a delusional sociopathic Socialist Democrat.

It was easy to understand by some, not all of the framers. In fact, it was a compromise necessary to have COTUS earn the nine votes to be promulgated.

As for the claim that we are not a democracy, that is a meme echoed by the conservative element. We are not a direct democracy, we are a democratic nation given We the People vote to elect our representatives, who govern the nation.

Keep in mind, We the People can vote out any member of the H. or Rep every even numbered year, and 1/3 of the Senate, every even numbered year. The EC is archaic, and has denied the will of the people too often in this century.
The EC is certainly not being used correctly and as intended by the Framers.
5th post
The first thing I want to know is the Popular Vote going to replace it. If yes, then do they for see any inequities that smaller states will have verses larger states?
In a pure popular vote, Small states might as will not even vote… Because they would lose every single election. You fucking retard
No in a pure popular vote every persons vote will count equally, so you would have to be pretty STUPID not to vote, but with the EC some states votes count more than others.
Like I said, in a pure popular vote small population states might as will not even vote because they would lose every single presidential election... fact
They don’t have enough numbers to matter at all anywhere in the process.

So Shut the fuck up
Just because YOU said it does not make it true!
The fact remains only the popular vote makes every persons' vote equal.
Do you expect us to believe CBS?

Not you. You've proved over and over only Hannity, Limbaugh, Dobbs and other talking heads on FOX, Trump & his Press Secretary, lap dogs VP Pence, Sen Graham and other ne'er-do-wells on the Internet have told you what to believe.

Americans in 30 states agree with us. We whooped your asses in 2016 and your side suffered an epic beat down so don't get uppity.
The first thing I want to know is the Popular Vote going to replace it. If yes, then do they for see any inequities that smaller states will have verses larger states?
In a pure popular vote, Small states might as will not even vote… Because they would lose every single election. You fucking retard
No in a pure popular vote every persons vote will count equally, so you would have to be pretty STUPID not to vote, but with the EC some states votes count more than others.
Like I said, in a pure popular vote small population states might as will not even vote because they would lose every single presidential election... fact
They don’t have enough numbers to matter at all anywhere in the process.

So Shut the fuck up
Just because YOU said it does not make it true!
The fact remains only the popular vote makes every persons' vote equal.
This country was made to be a republic not a shit eating democracy you spineless motherfucker
10th post
Of course Republicans don't want true democracy where everybody's vote is counted equally. Otherwise Trump would've lost.
The most practicable idea would be to divide the electoral votes evenly according to population, rather than according to congressional representation.
Not at all... That would be no different than a pure popular vote which the founders did not want Mob rule

They also did not want us under foreign domination. But our present electoral system has given us precisely that.
Globalism is a progressive thing dumbass

Globalism wasn't foreign domination. Because at that time we were the dominant superpower in the world.

Now it's goddamned Russia.
I'm glad Putin is the world leader. He has been better for Jews than Trump has.Putin Speaks Against Holocaust Denial and Anti-Semitism
The most practicable idea would be to divide the electoral votes evenly according to population, rather than according to congressional representation.
Not at all... That would be no different than a pure popular vote which the founders did not want Mob rule

They also did not want us under foreign domination. But our present electoral system has given us precisely that.
Globalism is a progressive thing dumbass

Globalism wasn't foreign domination. Because at that time we were the dominant superpower in the world.

Now it's goddamned Russia.
I'm glad Putin is the world leader. He has been better for Jews than Trump has.Putin Speaks Against Holocaust Denial and Anti-Semitism

That is in keeping with the Russian Constitution, Article 29, Section 2:
The propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, national or religious hatred and strife shall not be allowed. The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy shall be banned.
The first thing I want to know is the Popular Vote going to replace it. If yes, then do they for see any inequities that smaller states will have verses larger states?
No. Because their overall desire is one singular “State”. The Federal Government.
Do you expect us to believe CBS?

Not you. You've proved over and over only Hannity, Limbaugh, Dobbs and other talking heads on FOX, Trump & his Press Secretary, lap dogs VP Pence, Sen Graham and other ne'er-do-wells on the Internet have told you what to believe.

Americans in 30 states agree with us. We whooped your asses in 2016 and your side suffered an epic beat down so don't get uppity.

Yes, Trump won the popular vote in 30 states, Clinton in 20. Trump lost the popular vote overall by millions, and only won MI, WI and PA by 70,000 + or - votes.

It's my hope that 10 times that 70,000 becomes 700,000 for anyone but Trump in these three states, where promises failed, minorities and Democrats have been insulted and women astonished by his bigotry and callous disregard for the number of mass murders on Trumps watch.
Democrats can't be insulted. Democrats make maggots vomit. Democrats should never be buried when they die and pollute the earth. Dissolve them to sludge and flush them down the toilet.
Of course Republicans don't want true democracy where everybody's vote is counted equally. Otherwise Trump would've lost.
It is not a matter of what one may or may not want. That we are not a democracy but a republic - even if we have democratically elected representatives - is simply a fact.

If Trump would or would not have won in a democratic election is and will always remain unanswered. Trump did not campaign, as no modern president has done, to attract the popular vote. He campaigned to win the states that he needed to in order to win the election. I have little doubt that had the election been a direct vote, Trump would have dumped flyover country in a hot second and, instead, campaigned actively in coastal regions.

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