The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1 The array of investigations centering on Trump


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.

What the loony-left is trying to accuse him of, is breaking campaign finance laws as his one-time lawyer, Cohen, paid Trump's bed mate with campaign money. The only problem with that is that Trump used only "his own money" during the run for office and as it was his own money in a private deal, there was no campaign money involved, only his money from his own bank account. In short, no crime.
Next, the claim that Trump was colluding with Russians because he tried to broker a hotel deal with the Russian government. Such a deal had nothing to do with the 2016 run for office and when it became evident to Trump he was beating the competition, he dropped the deal and thus signed nothing. Again, no crime.
The loony-lefties keep screaming impeach, impeach, impeach, but have yet to come up with an actual impeachable matter to throw at him.
Why isn't there a TDS smilie thing? :p So sick of retards and retards who post other retard's shit without using quotes. These demented TDS are very sad, but they are very dangerous so always "be prepared" as the Boy Scout motto used to go.
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.

You're pathetic
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Yeah.. A fossilized dry bone that has no marrow in it.. Great analogy.. :113:
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Yeah.. A fossilized dry bone that has no marrow in it.. Great analogy.. :113:
I guess thats why Drumpf is afraid to sit down with Mueller and answer his questions. I guess thats also why 16 people Drumpf has hired have been caught in Muellers probe. :rolleyes:
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.

You're pathetic

Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Yeah.. A fossilized dry bone that has no marrow in it.. Great analogy.. :113:
I guess thats why Drumpf is afraid to sit down with Mueller and answer his questions. I guess thats also why 16 people Drumpf has hired have been caught in Muellers probe. :rolleyes:

There are probbly many more Trump associates going down the river. Mueller isn't finished yet.
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Here is one prediction that you kept doubling done on....and got wrong...LMAO!

"Trump is going to get a royal ass beating. I know a lot of people that are going to be voting against him that didnt vote the last election"

"Youre not important so you dont have buy anything. Hillary will be much better than Trump the clown and his classy bimbo wife."

"Its a given she is going to win. Even though I called it I still was surprised at the dummies that selected Drumpf as a nominee. if they had selected someone else for the GOP nod then I would not be so sure Hilary was going to be the next president."

"Maybe Drumpf will win after all?......Naw not a snowballs chance in hell. :laugh:"

Nicely done, Asclepias.......did you have wine with your crow or did you simply (and bitterly) choke it down with tap water?

Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Here is one prediction that you kept doubling done on....and got wrong...LMAO!

"Trump is going to get a royal ass beating. I know a lot of people that are going to be voting against him that didnt vote the last election"

"Youre not important so you dont have buy anything. Hillary will be much better than Trump the clown and his classy bimbo wife."

"Its a given she is going to win. Even though I called it I still was surprised at the dummies that selected Drumpf as a nominee. if they had selected someone else for the GOP nod then I would not be so sure Hilary was going to be the next president."

"Maybe Drumpf will win after all?......Naw not a snowballs chance in hell. :laugh:"

Nicely done, Asclepias.......did you have wine with your crow or did you simply (and bitterly) choke it down with tap water?

I'm not infallible. This isnt a prediction this is an observation. Thats why Drumpf is so nervous. :rolleyes:
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.

You're pathetic


Frank Vogl, jesuit schooled and worked for the World Bank? An offshoot of the owners that own and control all central banks, controls the IMF and BIS?

Wheeeew, the fact that an admitted globalist that carries water for the Rothschilds doesn't like Trump actually gives me hope that President Trump is a legit threat to the elites.

Thank YOU!!!!
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Here is one prediction that you kept doubling done on....and got wrong...LMAO!

"Trump is going to get a royal ass beating. I know a lot of people that are going to be voting against him that didnt vote the last election"

"Youre not important so you dont have buy anything. Hillary will be much better than Trump the clown and his classy bimbo wife."

"Its a given she is going to win. Even though I called it I still was surprised at the dummies that selected Drumpf as a nominee. if they had selected someone else for the GOP nod then I would not be so sure Hilary was going to be the next president."

"Maybe Drumpf will win after all?......Naw not a snowballs chance in hell. :laugh:"

Nicely done, Asclepias.......did you have wine with your crow or did you simply (and bitterly) choke it down with tap water?

I'm not infallible. This isnt a prediction this is an observation. Thats why Drumpf is so nervous. :rolleyes:

Care to place a small, friendly wager on that????? That Trump isn't going anywhere?
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
The array of investigations centering on Trump will dominate Washington politics for the foreseeable future

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 6:07PM (UTC)

Surprisingly, it snowed in Washington, but the temperature rose in the White House. So far, the array of investigations centering on president Donald Trump have been prologue. Now, Chapter One is starting to be written.

The president is alarmed. He Tweets in the middle of the night. “No collusion,” is his daily favorite phrase, with “witch hunt” a close second.

He claims that all alone, free of legal advisors, he has written replies to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller about Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and that this ends the Mueller-Trump discourse. Nobody believes the president.

No lawyer would ever allow a client to freelance written answers to investigators. Moreover, the Mueller questions did not relate to what in time may be the central issue of impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives: Obstruction of justice.

Four distinct threats
As I have previously reported, there are multiple parallel sources of danger for Trump. Right now, he faces four distinct, yet overlapping threats to his political and business fortunes:
1. More indictments of former Trump friends by Special Counsel Mueller.
2. A series of high-profile court sentences of former Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to assorted crimes.
3. A host of investigations to be launched by various committees of the House of Representatives, now that the Democrats have the majority there.
4. The determination of New York State’s newly elected attorney-general, Letitia James, to go after Trump after she noted in her victory speech: “New Yorkers, we can spot a con man.”

Mueller takes aim
Washington is awash with rumors that Special Counsel Mueller, who has already issued over 30 indictments against individuals related to his investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, is about to bring charges against more Trump associates, including just possibly Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller has been investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in the timing in late 2016 of the publication by Wikileaks of torrents of damaging e-mails from the Hilary Clinton campaign.

A central figure in the inquiry is Roger Stone, an old friend of Trump, and a former partner of Paul Manafort, the one-time 2016 Trump campaign manager, who now faces jail. James Corsi, an associate of Stone, has publicly stated that he expects to be indicted soon. Wikileaks is believed to have obtained the information from Russian hackers.

Related to this inquiry is the pursuit by Mueller of all the events that surrounded a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians said to have close Kremlin ties, involving Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, for the express purpose of securing damaging information on Hilary Clinton.

A volcano of bad publicity
Meanwhile, Trump cannot escape a volcano of bad publicity as his former key associates face judgement in the courts.

On December 12, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former top business lawyer will be sentenced after reaching an extensive plea agreement with prosecutors.

His prospects of going to prison will depend crucially on the amount of information he is now providing to prosecutors about the Trump business empire’s foreign dealings, as well as the hush money payments he made just before the election for Trump to cover up alleged affairs with two women.

On December 18, Michael Flynn, the former White House national security chief and former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, will face court sentencing after having pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his various dealings with Russians in 2016.

And, then on February 9, Paul Manafort, who was found guilty by a jury on various charges of fraud and tax evasion, and who later pleaded guilty to other charges related to the election campaign, will also be sentenced.
Manafort’s deputy as campaign manager and his former business colleague, Rick Gates, is still cooperating with Mueller and his sentencing date has yet to be set. It seems likely that this may coincide with the conclusion of the Mueller investigation and the finalizing of a comprehensive report.

Attempts by the new acting U.S. attorney-general, Matt Whitaker, to stop the public release of the report would likely be challenged by prominent politicians in both houses of Congress and add to the sense of White House crisis.

Trump’s worst nightmare
Indeed, Congressional investigations may prove to be the worst of all of Trump’s impending nightmares. There are many targets and many members of Congress keen to take aim.

They will go after Whitaker himself, who seems to have been selected by Trump solely on the basis of his many previous public statements deriding the Mueller investigation and whose qualifications as America’s top law enforcer are questionable.

Plans are taking shape for a host of investigations led by the Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives, including: the alleged unethical conflict-of-interest activities of several of Trump’s cabinet members.

These include the secretaries of Interior, Commerce, Environment and possibly Treasury, and the business profits made by the firms that are still controlled by Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, despite both of them being on the government’s payroll as White House advisors.

There is also the issue of expenses for security that the U.S. government has as Donald Trump Jr. travels the world promoting the Trump brand – his trip to India alone is said to have involved around $100,000 in taxpayer cash.

And, of course, there will be several House investigations, including public hearings, which explicitly relate to the alleged multiple connections between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russians, including Trump business dealings.

Letitia James enters the stage
Now, as the curtain goes up on the made-for-Broadway drama, “The Decline and Fall of Donald Trump,” so Letitia James enters the stage.

The first African-American woman to be New York state’s leading prosecutor declared as her election victory was announced: “We can spot a carnival barker. I will shine a light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing.”

It is just plain old good politics for Ms. James to secure as much publicity as she can by targeting Trump and her sights will be on the tax returns that the president refuses to make public, the international sources of funding that the Trump organization has tapped over the years, as well as alleged fraud by the Trump foundation.

All of these events combined will dominate Washington politics for months to come. As the facts emerge and as Trump’s troubles mount, so the number of Democratic Party politicians to announce plans to run for president in the 2020 elections will multiply — but that’s another story.
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Here is one prediction that you kept doubling done on....and got wrong...LMAO!

"Trump is going to get a royal ass beating. I know a lot of people that are going to be voting against him that didnt vote the last election"

"Youre not important so you dont have buy anything. Hillary will be much better than Trump the clown and his classy bimbo wife."

"Its a given she is going to win. Even though I called it I still was surprised at the dummies that selected Drumpf as a nominee. if they had selected someone else for the GOP nod then I would not be so sure Hilary was going to be the next president."

"Maybe Drumpf will win after all?......Naw not a snowballs chance in hell. :laugh:"

Nicely done, Asclepias.......did you have wine with your crow or did you simply (and bitterly) choke it down with tap water?

I'm not infallible. This isnt a prediction this is an observation. Thats why Drumpf is so nervous. :rolleyes:

Care to place a small, friendly wager on that????? That Trump isn't going anywhere?
I dont bet on or about white people. No telling what they will do with their criminals. Its well known that white criminals get off easy. :rolleyes:
Donald Trump is beset, besieged, bewitched, and increasingly bewildered by the storm of actions against him, his family, his friends, his cohorts and his accomplices.

Donald Trump already has a swag of lawsuits against him, the Mueller investigation, and is now facing congressional inquisitions.

A further plethora of lawsuits and investigations will engulf Donald Trump leaving him weakened and bleating plaintively.

Donald Trump's family has lowered their heads below the trenches and the few people who care to admit they are Donald Trump friends that are not already arrested are mostly invisible and not rushing to his defense.

There is also a growing resistance and opposition to Donald Trump, blatant, patent, brazen lies to the extent that all people with morals are increasingly calling Donald Trump a liar publicly.

GOP lawmakers are resiling from the solidarity they displayed with Trump at the inception of his presidency and are firstly hanging back and will later desert him publicly.

Donald Trump is going down and out and will be seeking a place to hide from the growing resistance and hubbub against him, but there is nowhere to hide in the political octagon. Will Donald Trump tap out or will Nancy or Chuck knock him out.

The decline and fall of Donald Trump: Chapter 1
Mueller is working Drumpf over like a pitbull trying to get the marrow of a bone.

Here is one prediction that you kept doubling done on....and got wrong...LMAO!

"Trump is going to get a royal ass beating. I know a lot of people that are going to be voting against him that didnt vote the last election"

"Youre not important so you dont have buy anything. Hillary will be much better than Trump the clown and his classy bimbo wife."

"Its a given she is going to win. Even though I called it I still was surprised at the dummies that selected Drumpf as a nominee. if they had selected someone else for the GOP nod then I would not be so sure Hilary was going to be the next president."

"Maybe Drumpf will win after all?......Naw not a snowballs chance in hell. :laugh:"

Nicely done, Asclepias.......did you have wine with your crow or did you simply (and bitterly) choke it down with tap water?

I'm not infallible. This isnt a prediction this is an observation. Thats why Drumpf is so nervous. :rolleyes:

Care to place a small, friendly wager on that????? That Trump isn't going anywhere?
I dont bet on or about white people. No telling what they will do with their criminals. Its well known that white criminals get off easy. :rolleyes:

Can't argue with ya there......Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast immediately come to mind....Both deep state lackeys like the Bush clan that shouldn't have ever been allowed to run for any office after the plea deal Prescott Bush made when he was busted for helping the Nazis along with his illuminati "Skull and Bones" partners in crime like the Harrimans. Seems that the deep state is getting with the times somewhat and protecting the half white Barrypuppet......not much but it is a start.
Asclepias, you are "kind of crazy" generally speaking which is fine if you have a point to make, which you don't and basically never do. But intentionally misspelling our President's name, like a fucking retard, assuming your are a taxpaying American citizen, is really goofy and implies you are retarded.

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