The death of Daniel Prude

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
RIP, Mr. Prude.

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
You're an idiot. It was a PCP overdose, not an execution.

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
Do you understand that words have meaning?

If these were executions, the perps would not be dying weeks later.

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
Do you understand that words have meaning?

If these were executions, the perps would not be dying weeks later.
The cops caused him to be on life support, you nimrod. He died a week later when taken off of life support. His death was ruled a homicide caused by “complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint.” Contributing factors included excited delirium and PCP.

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
Whatever your point can be, then why the hell do people move away from African Americans?

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
Riots are a far bigger problem. We dont care anymore about these criminals dying in police custody. Dont come back until you find a story of a NON criminal getting killed by the cops. Until then, we dont give a fuck. Stop rioting.

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?

What execution?

You should be more concerned with racist British bobbies.......they seem to be executing black subjects of the crown...

t is true that many other people die in police custody, but black people account for 8% of these deaths, while accounting for only 3% of the population. They are dying disproportionately and the perception remains that race leads to a different outcome, which is often premature death.
Partly this is because this is merely the end point of a system that disproportionately suspects, arrests, charges, remands, convicts and imprisons people from black, Asian and other ethnic minority communities. A David Cameron-commissioned report by David Lammy found in 2017 that the colour of your skin has a measurable impact on how you are treated at every stage in the justice system.
So, for instance, at a time when the stated determination of the government has been to divert young offenders from the formal criminal justice approach, the proportion of young BAME prisoners has gone up, from 25% in 2006 to 41%. The numbers offending and reoffending also rose. Historically, stop-and-search powers have disproportionately targeted BAME people. In 2015, in response to widespread alarm, the Home Office and police tightened training and guidance of police officers, which instantly reduced the numbers being arrested. However, following a spate of knife crime, the rules were again changed and the numbers have moved back up to historic highs.

Between April 2018 and March 2019, there were four stop and searches for every 1,000 white people, and 38 for every for 1,000 black people. Lammy’s analysis of sentencing data showed BAME defendants were more likely to receive prison sentences for drug offences, even when previous convictions were taken into account. This was reinforced by research commissioned by the Sentencing Council published in January, which showed that in drugs cases, if you are from a minority the odds are 40%-50% higher that your ethnicity will contribute to sentencing decisions.


"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?
400 of that have been killed by other blacks since May.. you don’t post anything

"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ?

This execution in a British sad....murdering black men in their cells....does the Queen know about this?

The family of a black man who died in police custody in Devon last month have said they still have no idea of the circumstances that led to his death and are demanding answers.

Simeon Francis, 35, who had a 10-year-old child, was found unresponsive in the custody suite of Torquay police station. An ambulance was called but he died several hours later.

An initial postmortem examination did not establish the cause of death and the police watchdog for England and Wales, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), has launched an investigation.


"An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.

Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March.

He died in hospital a week later. His story has only now been made public by his family, who held a news conference.

Mr Prude's death took place two months before the killing of George Floyd sparked global outrage."

Well here is another one. These executions seem to be pretty standard across the country and not just linked to one police force. If only there was a national leader of some description who could sort out the issues ? are an idiot...another thug, high on pcp and completely out of control, telling the police, as he was spitting at them, that he had the Chinese really are a fucking moron...

In March, Police received reports of a man, matching Daniel Prude's description, breaking a window in the nearby area. Prude's own brother, Joe, called 911 for help, telling police that Prude was acting suicidal and had thrown himself "head first" down 21-flights of stairs. Joe was also worried that his brother may have jumped in front of a train.

Bodycam footage of the 41-year-old's arrest was recently released, showing officers placing a spit shield over Prude's head. Prude had refused to stop spitting and told officers he had the coronavirus.

After Prude demanded officers give him a gun, threatened to "kill everybody in that house" and defiantly stood up from the ground, officers restrained the high, erratic, and apparently homicidal Prude by lowering him back to a prone position, where an individual is much less likely to harm himself and others.

When paramedics arrived on scene, one paramedic told officers that she was giving Prude something to help calm him down. Officers told the paramedic that Prude may be on PCP and stated that he had the coronavirus.

At 3:22 a.m., an officer asks Prude, "You good, man?" When Prude didn't respond, an officer states that Prude is puking "straight water." One minute later, when Prude appears to no longer have chest compressions, the officer instructs others to help roll Prude on to his side. Prude remains unresponsive and appears limp. At 3:24 p.m., after one paramedic shouts to another for help, Prude is turned over and administered CPR. Prude's cuffs are removed and the suspect is placed on a gurney.

According to a copy of the autopsy report obtained by Prude's family lawyers, the Monroe County Medical Examiner ruled Prude's death a homicide, citing complications of PCP intoxication, excited delirium, and asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint.

So maybe it's a homicide in the sense that Prude's drug dealer provided him with PCP. But activists are pointing to the cops, who, true, did restrain Prude when he didn't comply, as they do with all suspects who want to break into a house and "kill everybody" inside. But the cops also helped paramedics render assistance when Prude suddenly became unresponsive. Joe is accusing the cops of "lynching" his brother and has called the death a "cold-blooded murder."

In two weeks the real autopsy report will come out. Prude was out of his mind with a lethal level of PCP. I suspect he had also taken a significant amount of synthetic marijuana. Either spice or bath salts. He was naked. Synthetic pot raises the body temperature. Blood literally starts boiling in their veins. They take off their clothes to try to get cool. He was also vomiting water. Probably ingested to ease the burning. Like the others this druggie is no loss. Like the others, his death was not caused by the police. It was just contemporaneous with police action
Yet another tragic incident illustrating why law enforcement shouldn’t interact with those mentally ill.

Mental health professionals should be responding to such situations, not law enforcement – sworn officers with a high school education, a stint in the military, and a few weeks training in an ‘academy’ are not qualified to help those suffering from mental illness.

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