The Crying Liberal Losers


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
For all of you dumbocrats crying over the state of Michigan waking up and realizing how liberal policy has created the devastation and decay formerly known as Detroit, you're really embarrassing yourselves.

In a nutshell, you're admitting that you are a worthless, lazy, unskilled worker who needs extortion/coercion tactics to artificially drive up your wages.

Look at the wealthiest people in world history, none of them got that way through a union. Did Bill Gates make billions because he was part of a union? Nope! Did Steve Jobs make billions because he was part of a union? Nope! Did Warren Buffet make billions because he was part of a union? Nope!

If you're talented, you command the salary you desire, without the help of a union. Period. End of story. And crying otherwise just proves what a useless, lazy parasite you are...


and in case you didn't notice, most people aren't "the richest". that would be 1% of the population.

i'm sure the rest of the population will enjoy eating gruel...
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and in case you didn't notice, most people aren't "the richest". that would be 1% of the population.

i'm sure the rest of the population will enjoy eating gruel...

You're not part of a union either, right? I rest my case council (pun intended :) )


and in case you didn't notice, most people aren't "the richest". that would be 1% of the population.

i'm sure the rest of the population will enjoy eating gruel...

Do you belong to a union?
For all of you dumbocrats crying over the state of Michigan waking up and realizing how liberal policy has created the devastation and decay formerly known as Detroit, you're really embarrassing yourselves.

In a nutshell, you're admitting that you are a worthless, lazy, unskilled worker who needs extortion/coercion tactics to artificially drive up your wages.

Look at the wealthiest people in world history, none of them got that way through a union. Did Bill Gates make billions because he was part of a union? Nope! Did Steve Jobs make billions because he was part of a union? Nope! Did Warren Buffet make billions because he was part of a union? Nope!

If you're talented, you command the salary you desire, without the help of a union. Period. End of story. And crying otherwise just proves what a useless, lazy parasite you are...

The benefit of a Right to Work state, is that more people will have work and more companies will move to one. Revenues to the gummint will increase, and help pay for the entitlements a large percent are taking advantage of.
Oh good, we get to relive the industrial revolution because a segment of our society is too stupid to crack a history book.

Ironic, since it's the left that refuses to even look at, much less learn from, history.

The undeniable fact is, talented workers command the salary they want. You will get paid exactly what you desire (or you take your skill sets to someone who will).

The problem is, as illustrated by Mr. Brunswick here, the left wants remedial tasks to pay attorney-like wages, instead of the remedial wages they deserve. The entire concept that a guy standing on an assembly line should make $28 per hour, plus a cadillac healthcare plan for he/she and their entire family, plus CEO-level retirement packages is exactly what collapsed GM and put Ford & Chrysler on the brink of collapse.
Oh good, we get to relive the industrial revolution because a segment of our society is too stupid to crack a history book.

Ironic, since it's the left that refuses to even look at, much less learn from, history.

The undeniable fact is, talented workers command the salary they want. You will get paid exactly what you desire (or you take your skill sets to someone who will).

The problem is, as illustrated by Mr. Brunswick here, the left wants remedial tasks to pay attorney-like wages, instead of the remedial wages they deserve. The entire concept that a guy standing on an assembly line should make $28 per hour, plus a cadillac healthcare plan for he/she and their entire family, plus CEO-level retirement packages is exactly what collapsed GM and put Ford & Chrysler on the brink of collapse.

You know, it would be more interesting rebutting your bullshit claims and head up the ass 'reasoning' if you didn't run like a pussy from your own words every time I do.

Eh. I'll let the raw stupidity of your claims speak for themselves.
And tell us how this is going to be so usefull to the GOP come 2014. I am sure President Romney appreciates the help he is getting from the Michigan GOP.
Oh good, we get to relive the industrial revolution because a segment of our society is too stupid to crack a history book.

Ironic, since it's the left that refuses to even look at, much less learn from, history.

The undeniable fact is, talented workers command the salary they want. You will get paid exactly what you desire (or you take your skill sets to someone who will).

The problem is, as illustrated by Mr. Brunswick here, the left wants remedial tasks to pay attorney-like wages, instead of the remedial wages they deserve. The entire concept that a guy standing on an assembly line should make $28 per hour, plus a cadillac healthcare plan for he/she and their entire family, plus CEO-level retirement packages is exactly what collapsed GM and put Ford & Chrysler on the brink of collapse.

You know, it would be more interesting rebutting your bullshit claims and head up the ass 'reasoning' if you didn't run like a pussy from your own words every time I do.

Eh. I'll let the raw stupidity of your claims speak for themselves.

Ewe be a one trick pony! :lol:
Ironic, since it's the left that refuses to even look at, much less learn from, history.

The undeniable fact is, talented workers command the salary they want. You will get paid exactly what you desire (or you take your skill sets to someone who will).

The problem is, as illustrated by Mr. Brunswick here, the left wants remedial tasks to pay attorney-like wages, instead of the remedial wages they deserve. The entire concept that a guy standing on an assembly line should make $28 per hour, plus a cadillac healthcare plan for he/she and their entire family, plus CEO-level retirement packages is exactly what collapsed GM and put Ford & Chrysler on the brink of collapse.

You know, it would be more interesting rebutting your bullshit claims and head up the ass 'reasoning' if you didn't run like a pussy from your own words every time I do.

Eh. I'll let the raw stupidity of your claims speak for themselves.

Ewe be a one trick pony! :lol:

One trick is all that's necessary with simpletons like you and Rottiekins.

Good girl. Good doggie.
You know, it would be more interesting rebutting your bullshit claims and head up the ass 'reasoning' if you didn't run like a pussy from your own words every time I do.

Eh. I'll let the raw stupidity of your claims speak for themselves.

Ewe be a one trick pony! :lol:

One trick is all that's necessary with simpletons like you and Rottiekins.

Good girl. Good doggie.

you have twafflelips.
Government could keep minimum wage high enough on large employers to keep most people off the tax payer dole. This would help prevent the need for unions. When workers get shit on for to long, they will take matters into their own hands. Just wait & see.
Government could keep minimum wage high enough on large employers to keep most people off the tax payer dole. This would help prevent the need for unions. When workers get shit on for to long, they will take matters into their own hands. Just wait & see.

If a worker is actually getting shit on, they should "take matters into their own hands", and go find a new job. Or (gasp!) start their own company and treat workers how they think workers should be treated. Imagine that?
You know, it would be more interesting rebutting your bullshit claims and head up the ass 'reasoning' if you didn't run like a pussy from your own words every time I do.

Eh. I'll let the raw stupidity of your claims speak for themselves.

Ewe be a one trick pony! :lol:

One trick is all that's necessary with simpletons like you and Rottiekins.

Good girl. Good doggie.

You'll have to forgive mjollnir folks. He's one of those little sovereign citizen bitches who I thoroughly owned in a previous thread and his butt has been seriously hurt ever since. The entire thread (including, at one point, even his own mom I think) told him what a fuck'n asshole he was.

How big of a Sovereign Citizen DICK do you have to be to have both conservatives AND liberals hate you equally? :lol:
Government could keep minimum wage high enough on large employers to keep most people off the tax payer dole. This would help prevent the need for unions. When workers get shit on for to long, they will take matters into their own hands. Just wait & see.

If a worker is actually getting shit on, they should "take matters into their own hands", and go find a new job. Or (gasp!) start their own company and treat workers how they think workers should be treated. Imagine that?

They should indeed if they can. But I am tired of subsidizing others employees with my taxes. Especially if it is a Big Box Retailer who imports from other countries. If China wants to subsidize them to sell their crap here that is fine, just stop making me do it. I don't mind so much if they are an exporting business or one that can be moved out of country.
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Ewe be a one trick pony! :lol:

One trick is all that's necessary with simpletons like you and Rottiekins.

Good girl. Good doggie.

You'll have to forgive mjollnir folks. He's one of those little sovereign citizen bitches who I thoroughly owned in a previous thread and his butt has been seriously hurt ever since. The entire thread (including, at one point, even his own mom I think) told him what a fuck'n asshole he was.

How big of a Sovereign Citizen DICK do you have to be to have both conservatives AND liberals hate you equally? :lol:

Lulz. You're quickly becoming my 4th favorite ex-con felon at this board.

Sorry I've shut you down so hard, like the little bitch you were back in the joint. You know, like last night when you basically fisted yourself in public, claiming FDR caused the Great Depression?

Owning you is getting boring, though. Please try and be more entertaining.
Ewe be a one trick pony! :lol:

One trick is all that's necessary with simpletons like you and Rottiekins.

Good girl. Good doggie.

You'll have to forgive mjollnir folks. He's one of those little sovereign citizen bitches who I thoroughly owned in a previous thread and his butt has been seriously hurt ever since. The entire thread (including, at one point, even his own mom I think) told him what a fuck'n asshole he was.

How big of a Sovereign Citizen DICK do you have to be to have both conservatives AND liberals hate you equally? :lol:

Yes, I learned quickly where to place him....:badgrin: If I add one to my Ignore list, I try to remove one, thereby keeping it far from crowded.


and in case you didn't notice, most people aren't "the richest". that would be 1% of the population.

i'm sure the rest of the population will enjoy eating gruel...

You're not part of a union either, right? I rest my case council (pun intended :) )

i have been

and there are professional associations which engage in collective bargaining. and i am very much a believer in collective bargaining. because i know my history... and i know what happens to workers without it.

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