The crime wave belongs to liberals

Ok. Doesn't change the fact that red states have more Republicans.

Lol, yes, I am sure you think that. Good grief.

Ok, then. See if you can pick out the white Christian Trump-supporting MAGA law-abiding Republican NRA member in this picture. They all look like Biden-supporters for the most part.

And the crime outside those cities is usually less of an issue.

Because their are less people.

It's not speculation, it's reality. It's also why when progressives call out Red States they don't delve deeper into the stats, such as county or city level statistics.
For the same reason conservatives don't look deeper into stats on cities.
Because their are less people.

For the same reason conservatives don't look deeper into stats on cities.

And they commit less crimes.

You got proof of that?

We don't have to look deeper into Stats, people living in these cities, myself included, know crime is getting worse, and the progressive politicians in place don't care.

The only one in NYC who actually tries is the Mayor, and he used to be a Republican/Independent.
Sorry. Take your memes somewhere else. Good grief. That isn't an argument, it's a cry for help.

The list was taken from Wikipedia. You do trust the left-wing Wikipedia, don't you?

The truth is, most violent crime in this country is being committed by liberals, progressives, Democrats, and those who would otherwise vote for Joe Biden.
Maybe some of the reason. Of course it is cheaper to live in red states since they don't tax to fund obesity, education etc.

Less government regulation is a good reason especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner.

Will not argue that many blue states over regulate.

Or she just wanted to go to Florida...that's a weird metric to judge a red state. If she wants no regulation or masks she should check out Idaho. It's like mad max thunder dome over their.

This is off topic but oddly, despite little regulation, Idaho is the only state in the US that it is illegal to breast feed in least I heard that on the radio the other day.

Weird huh?

Lol, maybe. A lot of people are sick of wearing masks.

The point is people are flocking from blue states to red for a reason, and actually multiple reasons. In red cities and states they offer deterrents to crime, people can easily get a permit to carry a firearm, lower taxes, lower cost of living. In blue cities, if a mob of protesters attacks you in your car, you're helpless because it's difficult to carry a gun in those cities and states and you can't hurt anybody trying to get away. In Florida if a mob tries to attack you in your car, it's legal to get the hell out of there even if you run people over and kill them. That's why you don't see protestors or mobs do that in the state.
And they commit less crimes.

You got proof of that?

We don't have to look deeper into Stats, people living in these cities, myself included, know crime is getting worse, and the progressive politicians in place don't care.

Crime is getting worse in rural areas as well but your echo chamber protects you from that info. They want you to think that crime wouldn't exist if not for Dems and blacks.

The only one in NYC who actually tries is the Mayor, and he used to be a Republican/Independent.
Well at least we can rest easy knowing the only person who tries is. Someone needs to get rid of all the non tryers that you know.
Crime is getting worse in rural areas as well but your echo chamber protects you from that info. They want you to think that crime wouldn't exist if not for Dems and blacks.

Well at least we can rest easy knowing the only person who tries is. Someone needs to get rid of all the non tryers that you know.

Just tu quo que arguments to distract from the failed policies of progressives in cities over the past decade or so.

Guiliani showed crime can be handled as in NY during the 90's. Bloomberg showed it could be kept down during the 2000's and early 2010's.
Crime is getting worse in rural areas as well but your echo chamber protects you from that info. They want you to think that crime wouldn't exist if not for Dems and blacks.

Well at least we can rest easy knowing the only person who tries is. Someone needs to get rid of all the non tryers that you know.
oh nobody is disputing the fact that crime is way up all over Xiden's America.
Problem is that you can have all the GOP governors you want but when it comes to big cities, almost every one of them somehow always elects a democrat mayor. Then a mostly democrat city counsel.

Wonder what the statistical odds are of that happening in a truly free society with honest elections?

No matter the color of the state,

Slave descents all tend to "stay" in the biggest cities and still mostly vote to stay with their plantation masters.

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