The credibility of Barack - and hence Kamala and the Democrats : issue Climate Change

Barack is clearly a big fan of the Co2 FRAUD.

Prior to 2010 Barack said Climate Change is the greatest threat. Then there was two years of silence...

Then in 2012 once again Climate Change was the greatest threat according to Barack...

One issue that has plagued the Co2 FRAUD through 2014 was the issue of growing Antarctic Sea Ice. Arctic Sea ice is declining, and the "warmers" hype that, but on the other end Antarctic Sea Ice had been growing and setting new record highs, the last one in 2014...

"the new record was broken in September 2014,"

That article is cited because it is typical of the Co2 FRAUD. All of a sudden, they found something... yeah right...

"While NASA never really lost the data (it was stored in federal archives) they did lose the ability to access it for nearly 40 years. Recovered images of Antarctica showed a greater extent of sea ice than ever measured before by scientists"

Translation - the Co2 FRAUD fudged old data and lied to make the upward slope of Antarctic Sea Ice look flatter....

Then in 2014 the American taxpayer was billed for another climate satellite...

and since that one went up, all of a sudden Antarctic Sea Ice has been going down... ACCORDING TO THAT SATELLITE.... a taxpayer funded climate FUDGED FRAUD satellite. Barack was up for that!! And YOU paid for it.

Prior to 2012, the North American Ice Age which dug out the Great Lakes was believed by experts to be 50 million years in duration, with large glaciers still in Indiana as recently as 10k years ago. But that was problematic because during the past 1-2 million years Greenland went from completely green to ice age. So Greenland froze while North America thawed. The Co2 FRAUD could not tolerate that truth (which was a big part of the FBI FRAUD case that Barack tossed in the closet in 2012) because it rules out Co2/atmosphere/Sun as suspects. In came "Milankovich Cycles" which are a tribute to just how stupid and fraudulent the "science behind AGW" really is... Milankovich cycles are destroyed on both poles here...

What inspired "Milankovich" was that Barack was not going to allow the DOJ to prosecute the "climate scientists" for fraud....

So if Barack was really concerned about the "threat" of climate change, she didn't show it when purchasing BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on MV...

Sea level rise? No concern.

What about hurricanes?

GLAD YOU ASKED... the last time a Cat 5 got as far north as Martha's Vineyard was 1938...

gusts of 186 miles per hour to the Blue Hill Observatory in Massachusetts
The 1938 Great New England Hurricane caused a storm surge that created tidal surges of up to 25 feet along the coast of New England

So if we are supposed to be concerned with "increasing hurricanes," then... yeah, Barack doesn't seem to be too concerned, as her house would be underwater if just what happened in 1938, and not since, happened again.

In reality, Barack was faced with an FBI FRAUD case against the climate scientists, went silent for two years, hid that in the closet, lied about it, gave the FBI case to the Co2 FRAUD so the Co2 FRAUD could cook up Milankovich to cover up the truth about NA/Greenland, billed the American taxpayer for a fraud satellite which has been lying to us about Antarctic Sea Ice, and then exposed her hypocrisy once again on Martha's Vineyard.

Barack is not credible on the subject of climate change, not at all, and the American People should digest all of this and ponder that...

and the "climate scientists" love her for not only not prosecuting them, but giving them the "cheat sheet" to keep the $20 trillion fraud ongoing...

the Co2 FRAUD calls an Antarctic research station "Station Obama"

yippeee = you were billed for that too....
Have they figured out why the ocean was abnormally cold yet.....? Nobody knows why...
Just north of the top end of the map.

WE know all land within 600 miles of a pole

Ellesmere Island

are in ICE AGE. They are 90%, 7%, and 0.3% of Earth ice today, leaving only 2.7% for sea ice and mountains.

So the duration of the North American Ice Age would be how long the top of North America was within 600 miles of a pole.

EMH estimates 30-50 million.

The North American Plate moves west-southwest at a rate of about one inch per year. This movement is driven by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the divergent boundary between the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

12 inches x 5280 feet roughly 63k inches per mile = 63k years per mile x 500 miles = roughly 30+ million years. Go to 750 miles and you get 50 million years....

Large detailed physical map of Arctic Ocean. Arctic Ocean large ...

Map of the Arctic showing all regions, places, and oceanographic ...

12 inches x 5280 feet roughly 63k inches per mile = 63k years per mile

30,000 years ago, Chicago was totally covered by ice.

10,000 years later, or about 833 feet, everything started to melt? WOW!

No wonder you're the only one with this "theory".
If you could refute anything, you already would have... so instead all you can do is troll and lie...

Found any land inside 600 miles to a pole not in ice age?

Found any land outside 600 miles to a pole in ice age?

And you are still waffling about whether or not YOU ACCEPT the McBullshit estimate of 75k years old for glaciers 2.5 miles thick...


Anytime you find real evidence, post it here, Beverly.
Have they figured out why the ocean was abnormally cold yet.....? Nobody knows why...

Year by year stuff varies considerably. Best measure is decades. Strongest decade for canes 1940s, second place 1890s...

Last time a Cat 5 got as far north as Martha's Vineyard = 1938

NO EVIDENCE of an "increase in hurricanes."

meaning no ocean warming at all...
12 inches x 5280 feet roughly 63k inches per mile = 63k years per mile

30,000 years ago, Chicago was totally covered by ice.

10,000 years later, or about 833 feet, everything started to melt? WOW!

No wonder you're the only one with this "theory".

Chicago is the tail end of the Laurentide. Ellesmere still in ice age. When the ice turned to water around Ellesmere is speculative, but that is what "shut off" the rest of North America from the "glacier manufacturing system."

Bottom line, North America thawed at the same time Greenland froze, a big problem for the Co2 FRAUD....
Anytime you find real evidence, post it here, Beverly.

You are still too chicken to even take a stand on your Co2 FRAUD estimate of 75k years.

Chicken... you are CHICKEN, which is why you HATE HOAX....
Chicago is the tail end of the Laurentide. Ellesmere still in ice age. When the ice turned to water around Ellesmere is speculative, but that is what "shut off" the rest of North America from the "glacier manufacturing system."

Bottom line, North America thawed at the same time Greenland froze, a big problem for the Co2 FRAUD....

20,000 years ago, 20,000 inches.

We could extend Ellesmere Island 1700 feet toward the pole and cause glaciers to
start sweeping across North America?

Bottom line, North America thawed at the same time Greenland froze,

Greenland didn't freeze until 20,000 years ago?
You are still too chicken to even take a stand on your Co2 FRAUD estimate of 75k years.

Chicken... you are CHICKEN, which is why you HATE HOAX....

Not my estimate, Beverly.

If you can refute the current theory, do it.

Unless the Jews are stopping you with your pesky lobotomy?
We could extend Ellesmere Island 1700 feet toward the pole and cause glaciers to
start sweeping across North America?

Ice ages are continent specific, because ice does not grow out over deep water, it breaks off. See Antarctica, Greenland, Titanic...

If you filled in the water areas of Northern Canada so there was land straight through Ellesmere to Chicago, Chicago would be once again faced with a lot of ice.

Greenland didn't freeze until 20,000 years ago?

Greenland started freezing between 1 and 2 million years ago...

2 million years ago top of northern Greenland and hence all of Greenland completely green save mountains

Middle of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago

The Vikings were farming on the southern tip until frozen out by the advancing ice age in the 1400s, one of the major talking points of the Global COOLING theory of the 1970s
Not my estimate

It was here...

If you have since backed away from McBULLSHIT, then tell us, CHOSEN climate "expert," WHAT IS YOUR ESTIMATE???
Anyone else here want to defend the Co2 FRAUD's

Milankovich Cycles

claim that 2.5 mile thick glacier covering North America was only 75k years old?

Toddster chickened out.


If you cannot defend that number, YOU ARE CONFESSING THAT MILANKOVICH is indeed McBULLSHIT

You are either part of Toddster's "team" or you are really close to invalid status....
A tribal conflict is something I really want to stay clear of and if I've offended you by offering an opinion that differs from yours and aligns w/ your opponent then I'll offer my regrets and step back. I've no desire to offending anyone. Maybe we can revisit this subject later when we can just focus on observable realities.
Ice ages are continent specific, because ice does not grow out over deep water, it breaks off. See Antarctica, Greenland, Titanic...

If you filled in the water areas of Northern Canada so there was land straight through Ellesmere to Chicago, Chicago would be once again faced with a lot of ice.

Greenland started freezing between 1 and 2 million years ago...

2 million years ago top of northern Greenland and hence all of Greenland completely green save mountains

Middle of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago

The Vikings were farming on the southern tip until frozen out by the advancing ice age in the 1400s, one of the major talking points of the Global COOLING theory of the 1970s

If you filled in the water areas of Northern Canada so there was land straight through Ellesmere to Chicago, Chicago would be once again faced with a lot of ice.

50 million years ago there was no water between Ellesmere and Chicago?
Ellesmere wasn't an island? Link?

Greenland started freezing between 1 and 2 million years ago...

North America didn't melt until about 20,000 years ago.

You said "North America thawed at the same time Greenland froze"

Thawing at least 1 million years later isn't "at the same time".
It was here...

If you have since backed away from McBULLSHIT, then tell us, CHOSEN climate "expert," WHAT IS YOUR ESTIMATE???

It was here...

Which post#?
Anyone else here want to defend the Co2 FRAUD's

Milankovich Cycles

claim that 2.5 mile thick glacier covering North America was only 75k years old?

Toddster chickened out.


If you cannot defend that number, YOU ARE CONFESSING THAT MILANKOVICH is indeed McBULLSHIT

Come on Beverly, you've had all night to find real evidence.

Jews still got you down?
A tribal conflict is something I really want to stay clear of and if I've offended you by offering an opinion that differs from yours and aligns w/ your opponent then I'll offer my regrets and step back. I've no desire to offending anyone. Maybe we can revisit this subject later when we can just focus on observable realities.

That's not what you did. What you did is lie. You said there was "no evidence." You lied. ice cores are evidence. 600 miles to the pole is 100% correlated with the evidence from Earth today and there is no reason it wasn't in the past. Tectonic plate movement is also evidence and fact.

So don't try the weasel way. You lied. You lied to help the cause of Toddster and homO "legitimize"

50 million years ago there was no water between Ellesmere and Chicago?
Ellesmere wasn't an island? Link?

This is ICE AGE 101. Ice age glacier digs. It digs and it creates "islands" that were not islands before the ice age.

Take a good look at the three ice ages...


Antarctica melting: Climate change and the journey to the 'doomsday ...

and now what the North American Ice Age left of Northern Canada...

Northern Canada - Wikipedia

Northern Canada · Public domain maps by PAT, the free, open source ...

The Great Lakes are deep due to the heavy glaciers slowly moving north over time. The weight of these glaciers caused the now Great Lakes to become deeper as they moved.

Artist take on what North America looked like before North American Ice Age


North America didn't melt until about 20,000 years ago.

That's McBullshit. Either own all of McBullshit or stop using it. Do you claim 2.5 mile thick ice age glacier was only 75k years old?

You have slimed out of answering that for three pages and going. Don't try to "cherry pick" McBullshit. It is all BULLSHIT. North American Ice Age was at least 30 million years continuous, and the melting of the Laurantide ice sheet took millions of years.
This is ICE AGE 101. Ice age glacier digs. It digs and it creates "islands" that were not islands before the ice age.

Take a good look at the three ice ages...


Antarctica melting: Climate change and the journey to the 'doomsday ...'doomsday ...

and now what the North American Ice Age left of Northern Canada...

Northern Canada - Wikipedia

Northern Canada · Public domain maps by PAT, the free, open source ...

The Great Lakes are deep due to the heavy glaciers slowly moving north over time. The weight of these glaciers caused the now Great Lakes to become deeper as they moved.

Artist take on what North America looked like before North American Ice Age


The Great Lakes are deep due to the heavy glaciers slowly moving north over time. The weight of these glaciers caused the now Great Lakes to become deeper as they moved.

The glaciers didn't move north.
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