The Covid-19 pandemic is being ended by the Trump administration, don't screw it up Joe

Who do you trust more to handle a pandemic successfully?

  • Trump and the GOP

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Biden and the democrats

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Just an FYI, that the Coviid-19 vaccine rollout is working as planned, just a little behind schedule with jabs.
The most vulnerable are being vaccinated first, and the daily infections and deaths are heading down, well before any Biden appointees can screw things up.
Thanks to the Trump admin for getting the vaccines developed, manufactured, and distributed in record time.
You're welcome America.

Just an FYI, that the Coviid-19 vaccine rollout is working as planned, just a little behind schedule with jabs.
The most vulnerable are being vaccinated first, and the daily infections and deaths are heading down, well before any Biden appointees can screw things up.
Thanks to the Trump admin for getting the vaccines developed, manufactured, and distributed in record time.
You're welcome America.

View attachment 446371
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D
We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:
Last edited:
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

they didnt say that...
they said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
thats in your link...

but trump literally said it was simply gonna go away, by may...
and yet world is desperately trying to vaccinate people almost a year later...
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

That tweet by WHO was retracted and re-released on January 29th. That's because understanding of how the virus spreads was learned. In other words, knowledge. The same reason the recommendations on masks was reversed.
Trump fucked response up to the virus from the word 'go". Even the vaccine (which he had nothing to do with) that he was ready to stand up and take credit for developing himself was hindered by his administration's complete lack of planning and competence when it came to the last mile of actually getting it into people's arms. Again, a complete breakdown in the coordination and planning that starts from the federal level.

But when you think about it, it's a microcosm of Trump's presidency. He wasn't interested in the actual work that the job required, he was just interested in the love, attention, and adoration.

why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

they didnt say that...
they said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
thats in your link...

but trump literally said it was simply gonna go away, by may...
and yet world is desperately trying to vaccinate people almost a year later...

1. The WHO lied, period.
2. Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

That tweet by WHO was retracted and re-released on January 29th. That's because understanding of how the virus spreads was learned. In other words, knowledge. The same reason the recommendations on masks was reversed.
Trump fucked response up to the virus from the word 'go". Even the vaccine (which he had nothing to do with) that he was ready to stand up and take credit for developing himself was hindered by his administration's complete lack of planning and competence when it came to the last mile of actually getting it into people's arms. Again, a complete breakdown in the coordination and planning that starts from the federal level.

But when you think about it, it's a microcosm of Trump's presidency. He wasn't interested in the actual work that the job required, he was just interested in the love, attention, and adoration.

My OP proves that CNN article is totally "fake news".
The numbers prove that the pandemic is easing before Xiden does one fucking thing.
You're welcome.....keep watching that fake news.
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

they didnt say that...
they said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
thats in your link...

but trump literally said it was simply gonna go away, by may...
and yet world is desperately trying to vaccinate people almost a year later...

1. The WHO lied, period.
2. Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.

who said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
which is what chinese authorities said...
so they literally translated what chinese said at the time... :)

trump was only worried about his own image and didnt even have the skills as a leader to calculate the odds and risks to do anything before it was too late...
and he caused a massive hysteria among his people and ended up having to shut down the whole economy as a result of his incompetence...

you can rewrite history as you like but cant change the facts...
because it is all out there...

why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

they didnt say that...
they said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
thats in your link...

but trump literally said it was simply gonna go away, by may...
and yet world is desperately trying to vaccinate people almost a year later...

1. The WHO lied, period.
2. Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.

who said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
which is what chinese authorities said...
so they literally translated what chinese said at the time... :)

trump was only worried about his own image and didnt even have the skills as a leader to calculate the odds and risks to do anything before it was too late...
and he caused a massive hysteria among his people and ended up having to shut down the whole economy as a result of his incompetence...

you can rewrite history as you like but cant change the facts...
because it is all out there...

I like the way you write partisan fiction without any links backing up your prose.
The WHO (and China) lied about human-human transmission. That caused the pandemic, period.
If they would have shutdown Wuhan the pandemic would have been stopped.

Prove Trump was worried about his image and not the US economy. You can't, its just partisan TDS bullshit.
Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.
Just an FYI, that the Coviid-19 vaccine rollout is working as planned, just a little behind schedule with jabs.
The sad, documented reality is that Trump, having dismissed the threat from the coronavirus about which public health professionals had sounded an ominous warning, falsely insisting that he had it "under control!" with his fake assertion that "Everybody's getting better!", has led the nation to #1 status worldwide in confirmed cases and deaths.

As the numbers soared in his final days, his self-adsorbed obsession with contriving a scheme to thwart democracy and cling to power resulted in his impotence in providing leadership in the crisis. He retreated into his grievance-filled personal snit and barely acknowledged the growing tragedy.

For the sake of America, let us hope Biden's commitment is a harbinger of better things to come at an accelerated rate.

On first full day, Biden takes on the Pandemic
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

That tweet by WHO was retracted and re-released on January 29th. That's because understanding of how the virus spreads was learned. In other words, knowledge. The same reason the recommendations on masks was reversed.
Trump fucked response up to the virus from the word 'go". Even the vaccine (which he had nothing to do with) that he was ready to stand up and take credit for developing himself was hindered by his administration's complete lack of planning and competence when it came to the last mile of actually getting it into people's arms. Again, a complete breakdown in the coordination and planning that starts from the federal level.

But when you think about it, it's a microcosm of Trump's presidency. He wasn't interested in the actual work that the job required, he was just interested in the love, attention, and adoration.

My OP proves that CNN article is totally "fake news".
The numbers prove that the pandemic is easing before Xiden does one fucking thing.
You're welcome.....keep watching that fake news.

Whew. OK. I see the spun reality of the alt-right veil hasn't lifted yet. I'll wait. :)
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D
We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

Just when I thought you might be an idiot, you come and remove all doubt...

Show actual proof about China causing the virus...

This was the tweet:
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

What does "Preliminary" mean?
They had "no clear evidence", Is that the same as we know it doesn't happen?

This was 14th of January, the WHO had already a load of precautionary procedures started...

2 months later Trump was telling the American people it would be gone by the weekend.

Nice try... Trump had the proper information and if he didn't it was because he fired the team who could had told him... This is Trump taking no responsibility...
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

they didnt say that...
they said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
thats in your link...

but trump literally said it was simply gonna go away, by may...
and yet world is desperately trying to vaccinate people almost a year later...

1. The WHO lied, period.
2. Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.

who said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
which is what chinese authorities said...
so they literally translated what chinese said at the time... :)

trump was only worried about his own image and didnt even have the skills as a leader to calculate the odds and risks to do anything before it was too late...
and he caused a massive hysteria among his people and ended up having to shut down the whole economy as a result of his incompetence...

you can rewrite history as you like but cant change the facts...
because it is all out there...

I like the way you write partisan fiction without any links backing up your prose.
The WHO (and China) lied about human-human transmission. That caused the pandemic, period.
If they would have shutdown Wuhan the pandemic would have been stopped.

Prove Trump was worried about his image and not the US economy. You can't, its just partisan TDS bullshit.
Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.

china lied does not mean who lied...
and you know that...
hence why you tried to fix your mistake with some parenthesis...

Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat.

oh boy, keeping it afloat he did, barely... :)

he did totally the opposite of what a true leader was supposed to do...
he literally lied about a deadly airborne virus... :eek:

thats the whole reason why the whole market freaked out and the whole economy did take a dive when people figured out what a clueless clown was running the show...

a clown hoping for a burn out...
with no other plans whatsoever...

the best part was when he was hoping the big pharma boys could make a vaccine in couple weeks, back in may, when he figured nothing was burning out... :)
was funny to watch him figuring out how royally he screwed this one up, right on that table... :D

but not funny to watch the wreck he left behind for sure... :(
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

they didnt say that...
they said "Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"...
thats in your link...

but trump literally said it was simply gonna go away, by may...
and yet world is desperately trying to vaccinate people almost a year later...

1. The WHO lied, period.
2. Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.

With the many videos recording the a$$hole trump's lies and fvck ups, you right-wing dipsh!ts just can't stop swallowing his all bullsh!t and instead, acknowledge the truth.

Just an FYI, that the Coviid-19 vaccine rollout is working as planned, just a little behind schedule with jabs.
The sad, documented reality is that Trump, having dismissed the threat from the coronavirus about which public health professionals had sounded an ominous warning, falsely insisting that he had it "under control!" with his fake assertion that "Everybody's getting better!", has led the nation to #1 status worldwide in confirmed cases and deaths.

As the numbers soared in his final days, his self-adsorbed obsession with contriving a scheme to thwart democracy and cling to power resulted in his impotence in providing leadership in the crisis. He retreated into his grievance-filled personal snit and barely acknowledged the growing tragedy.

For the sake of America, let us hope Biden's commitment is a harbinger of better things to come at an accelerated rate.

On first full day, Biden takes on the Pandemic
1. Trump shutdown the US economy when the healthcare professionals recommended it.
2. The "healthcare professionals" lied about masks.
3. The WHO and China lied about Covid-19 transmissability
4. Criticizing Trump without showing any error is what we call TDS.
Trump wanted to avoid a panic and keep the economy afloat. That was the decision that governors faced, do you shutdown the state or keep people working. Cuomo admitted he was wrong and is now opening the state. It is not an easy decision. The vaccine is the only cure, you're welcome.
5. To compare equal populations you would need to add up the infections for the entire EU to compare with the US.
6. The numbers are NOT soaring in Trump's final days. Look at the OP again. You're welcome.
7. If you think that Joe Xiden will help the US prosper, just look at the thousands of workers laid off from the Keystone XL pipeline. Joe would rather buy that ME oil, duh
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D

We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

That tweet by WHO was retracted and re-released on January 29th. That's because understanding of how the virus spreads was learned. In other words, knowledge. The same reason the recommendations on masks was reversed.
Trump fucked response up to the virus from the word 'go". Even the vaccine (which he had nothing to do with) that he was ready to stand up and take credit for developing himself was hindered by his administration's complete lack of planning and competence when it came to the last mile of actually getting it into people's arms. Again, a complete breakdown in the coordination and planning that starts from the federal level.

But when you think about it, it's a microcosm of Trump's presidency. He wasn't interested in the actual work that the job required, he was just interested in the love, attention, and adoration.

My OP proves that CNN article is totally "fake news".
The numbers prove that the pandemic is easing before Xiden does one fucking thing.
You're welcome.....keep watching that fake news.

Whew. OK. I see the spun reality of the alt-right veil hasn't lifted yet. I'll wait. :)

You just can't admit that the OP proves that the CNN article is fake news. Thanks for playing.
why do we need vaccines to begin with...
i thought it was supposed to just go away... long time ago... :D
We need vaccines because the WHO and China caused the Covid-19 pandemic.
Xiden just rejoined the WHO, you know the morons who lied and said Covid wasn't transmissible human-human:

Just when I thought you might be an idiot, you come and remove all doubt...

Show actual proof about China causing the virus...

This was the tweet:
"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

What does "Preliminary" mean?
They had "no clear evidence", Is that the same as we know it doesn't happen?

This was 14th of January, the WHO had already a load of precautionary procedures started...

2 months later Trump was telling the American people it would be gone by the weekend.

Nice try... Trump had the proper information and if he didn't it was because he fired the team who could had told him... This is Trump taking no responsibility...
1. Actual proof China caused the virus. It came from a Chinese bat, duh.

2. Chinese authorities LIED, duh.
Last edited:
None could have told Trump truths as long as China kept C-19 biology esoteric. Now Chinese communists and the WHO will pretend to have finally solved the C-19 mysteries, even after the seafood market has been scrubbed, with the exception of China now claiming U.S origins.
Just an FYI, that the Coviid-19 vaccine rollout is working as planned, just a little behind schedule with jabs.
The most vulnerable are being vaccinated first, and the daily infections and deaths are heading down, well before any Biden appointees can screw things up.
Thanks to the Trump admin for getting the vaccines developed, manufactured, and distributed in record time.
You're welcome America.

View attachment 446371
The roll out has been a disaster and the vaccine was developed by Pfizer and Moderna not Trump and the federal government

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