The Cost of supporting a mad man....$$$$$$$

"The Cost of supporting a mad man....$$$$$$$"

I think it was kind'a pricey by the time you figure in all the cost throughout.



Suck it up, libs. You're just seeing Trump the way we sane people saw Obama.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.

How about how he said it would be the most transparent admin ever? That was a total lie. No admin has ever refused more FOIA requests than the Barrypuppet. He claimed that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server but yet he contacted her on it using a different e-mail addy that didn't have ".gov" attached to it. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...period"...that's kind of a big one, no? His claiming that he authorized the killing of Osama bin laden when the heat was being turned up on the lack of his birth certificate of was a HUGE lie. Osama bin laden aka "Tim Osman" always was a CIA asset until the day he died of Marfan's Syndrome in December of 2001 of kidney failure. You really believe that this alleged terrorist mastermind was killed, whisked away in the middle of the night and then had his body dumped in the ocean? Remember the propaganda media showing Barrypuppet, some of the members of his staff claiming that they were watching the capture "live"? That turned out to be a lie.....there was no live feed of this "raid" that killed someone that wasn't Osama bin laden...shortly after that, thirty members of Seal Team 6 were piled onto a Vietnam vintage Chinook helicopter (which is a massive violation of protocol to have that many Seals on one copter) and the Barrypuppet stonewalled the investigation into the downing of Extortion 17. One whistleblower has already come forward, should look it up.

His "birth certificate" was a total fraud and a poorly done one at that with 9 PDF layers that are easily dissected and lifted using Adobe Acrobat and two document fraud experts from Europe have verified this very salient fact. What the forgers did was use an existing "Certificate Of Live Birth" and did a "copy and paste" on the Barrypuppet's CLB but instead of printing it out and taking it to a copy machine and then scanning it? They simply posted the entire forged document and by the time that they figured out that they made this glaring mistake? It was too late....."stone cold busted".

Why did the Barrypuppet participate in the killing of Qaddafi? Could it be because he was introducing a gold backed currency and was going to use it to sell their wares like oil instead of selling it for worthless fiat currency that you refer to as "the dollar" that is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value? You see, any oil producing country that doesn't like this system we call the "petro dollar" that threatens the hegemony of the banking and oil cabals can count on military intervention. Libya's gold of which they had over 400 tons of, magically disappeared like a fart in the wind and a Rothschild central bank was installed.

Benghazi was used to transfer weapons to "ISIS" so that they could start a proxy war with Syria that had aligned themselves with Russia and Iran....guess what? Neither of these three countries have a central bank and Russia and Syria had plans to run an oil pipeline to compete with the oil barons/bankers....HOLY shit, we can't let THAT happen. Barrypuppet lied that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people when it was later found out that it was a false flag.

Military whistleblower Scott Bennett provided irrefutable evidence that not only did the State Department know about the 11,000 Swiss bank accounts that these ISIS mercenaries were drawing off whose accounts were set up by the Saudis, Qatar and the United States? But they protected them from scrutiny and bought oil from "ISIS" that had hijacked the oil production in some of the oil fields of Iraq that was in the middle of the area that Syria and Russia wanted to run their pipeline......coincidence? I think not.

Barrypuppet protected the borders? Are you HONESTLY going to claim that with a straight face? ICE agents were very upfront about the "catch and release" program and that they gave bus vouchers to illegals to send them to wherever they wanted to can you be this fucking clueless?

BTW, I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic that is a corporate entity owned by international bankers . I don't participate in elections of a "gubermint" that has been operating under the Emergency Banking Act since this corporate entity filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 1933. I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere, run along, have got nothing.
And now he's taken an international golfing vacation.

Starting with a visit to his businesses in SA.

He's easily the most crooked, most corrupt in our history. By the time he and his spawn get done with us and including the impeachment - they will have made a huge dent in our economy.
And now he's taken an international golfing vacation.

Starting with a visit to his businesses in SA.

He's easily the most crooked, most corrupt in our history. By the time he and his spawn get done with us and including the impeachment - they will have made a huge dent in our economy.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your "knowledge" of how this debt based, fiat currency system works could be put on the left-hand side of a sesame seed. The Q.E programs the Fed put in place under the Barrypuppet debased the federal reserve notes already in circulation and added 4.5 TRILLION dollars to the debt of you know how much even a trillion "dollars" is? Stack 100 "dollar" bills one on top of the other and you would have to drive 83 miles before you reached the end of the stack. Again (and I often tire of saying this) but you don't know shit from shinola. I get tired of schooling morons like you.........
Suck it up, libs. You're just seeing Trump the way we sane people saw Obama.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.

How about how he said it would be the most transparent admin ever? That was a total lie. No admin has ever refused more FOIA requests than the Barrypuppet. He claimed that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server but yet he contacted her on it using a different e-mail addy that didn't have ".gov" attached to it. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...period"...that's kind of a big one, no? His claiming that he authorized the killing of Osama bin laden when the heat was being turned up on the lack of his birth certificate of was a HUGE lie. Osama bin laden aka "Tim Osman" always was a CIA asset until the day he died of Marfan's Syndrome in December of 2001 of kidney failure. You really believe that this alleged terrorist mastermind was killed, whisked away in the middle of the night and then had his body dumped in the ocean? Remember the propaganda media showing Barrypuppet, some of the members of his staff claiming that they were watching the capture "live"? That turned out to be a lie.....there was no live feed of this "raid" that killed someone that wasn't Osama bin laden...shortly after that, thirty members of Seal Team 6 were piled onto a Vietnam vintage Chinook helicopter (which is a massive violation of protocol to have that many Seals on one copter) and the Barrypuppet stonewalled the investigation into the downing of Extortion 17. One whistleblower has already come forward, should look it up.

His "birth certificate" was a total fraud and a poorly done one at that with 9 PDF layers that are easily dissected and lifted using Adobe Acrobat and two document fraud experts from Europe have verified this very salient fact. What the forgers did was use an existing "Certificate Of Live Birth" and did a "copy and paste" on the Barrypuppet's CLB but instead of printing it out and taking it to a copy machine and then scanning it? They simply posted the entire forged document and by the time that they figured out that they made this glaring mistake? It was too late....."stone cold busted".

Why did the Barrypuppet participate in the killing of Qaddafi? Could it be because he was introducing a gold backed currency and was going to use it to sell their wares like oil instead of selling it for worthless fiat currency that you refer to as "the dollar" that is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value? You see, any oil producing country that doesn't like this system we call the "petro dollar" that threatens the hegemony of the banking and oil cabals can count on military intervention. Libya's gold of which they had over 400 tons of, magically disappeared like a fart in the wind and a Rothschild central bank was installed.

Benghazi was used to transfer weapons to "ISIS" so that they could start a proxy war with Syria that had aligned themselves with Russia and Iran....guess what? Neither of these three countries have a central bank and Russia and Syria had plans to run an oil pipeline to compete with the oil barons/bankers....HOLY shit, we can't let THAT happen. Barrypuppet lied that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people when it was later found out that it was a false flag.

Military whistleblower Scott Bennett provided irrefutable evidence that not only did the State Department know about the 11,000 Swiss bank accounts that these ISIS mercenaries were drawing off whose accounts were set up by the Saudis, Qatar and the United States? But they protected them from scrutiny and bought oil from "ISIS" that had hijacked the oil production in some of the oil fields of Iraq that was in the middle of the area that Syria and Russia wanted to run their pipeline......coincidence? I think not.

Barrypuppet protected the borders? Are you HONESTLY going to claim that with a straight face? ICE agents were very upfront about the "catch and release" program and that they gave bus vouchers to illegals to send them to wherever they wanted to can you be this fucking clueless?

BTW, I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic that is a corporate entity owned by international bankers . I don't participate in elections of a "gubermint" that has been operating under the Emergency Banking Act since this corporate entity filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 1933. I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere, run along, have got nothing.
Birth certificate....You & El Dumpster. Two dumbasses in a pod.
Suck it up, libs. You're just seeing Trump the way we sane people saw Obama.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.

How about how he said it would be the most transparent admin ever? That was a total lie. No admin has ever refused more FOIA requests than the Barrypuppet. He claimed that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server but yet he contacted her on it using a different e-mail addy that didn't have ".gov" attached to it. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...period"...that's kind of a big one, no? His claiming that he authorized the killing of Osama bin laden when the heat was being turned up on the lack of his birth certificate of was a HUGE lie. Osama bin laden aka "Tim Osman" always was a CIA asset until the day he died of Marfan's Syndrome in December of 2001 of kidney failure. You really believe that this alleged terrorist mastermind was killed, whisked away in the middle of the night and then had his body dumped in the ocean? Remember the propaganda media showing Barrypuppet, some of the members of his staff claiming that they were watching the capture "live"? That turned out to be a lie.....there was no live feed of this "raid" that killed someone that wasn't Osama bin laden...shortly after that, thirty members of Seal Team 6 were piled onto a Vietnam vintage Chinook helicopter (which is a massive violation of protocol to have that many Seals on one copter) and the Barrypuppet stonewalled the investigation into the downing of Extortion 17. One whistleblower has already come forward, should look it up.

His "birth certificate" was a total fraud and a poorly done one at that with 9 PDF layers that are easily dissected and lifted using Adobe Acrobat and two document fraud experts from Europe have verified this very salient fact. What the forgers did was use an existing "Certificate Of Live Birth" and did a "copy and paste" on the Barrypuppet's CLB but instead of printing it out and taking it to a copy machine and then scanning it? They simply posted the entire forged document and by the time that they figured out that they made this glaring mistake? It was too late....."stone cold busted".

Why did the Barrypuppet participate in the killing of Qaddafi? Could it be because he was introducing a gold backed currency and was going to use it to sell their wares like oil instead of selling it for worthless fiat currency that you refer to as "the dollar" that is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value? You see, any oil producing country that doesn't like this system we call the "petro dollar" that threatens the hegemony of the banking and oil cabals can count on military intervention. Libya's gold of which they had over 400 tons of, magically disappeared like a fart in the wind and a Rothschild central bank was installed.

Benghazi was used to transfer weapons to "ISIS" so that they could start a proxy war with Syria that had aligned themselves with Russia and Iran....guess what? Neither of these three countries have a central bank and Russia and Syria had plans to run an oil pipeline to compete with the oil barons/bankers....HOLY shit, we can't let THAT happen. Barrypuppet lied that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people when it was later found out that it was a false flag.

Military whistleblower Scott Bennett provided irrefutable evidence that not only did the State Department know about the 11,000 Swiss bank accounts that these ISIS mercenaries were drawing off whose accounts were set up by the Saudis, Qatar and the United States? But they protected them from scrutiny and bought oil from "ISIS" that had hijacked the oil production in some of the oil fields of Iraq that was in the middle of the area that Syria and Russia wanted to run their pipeline......coincidence? I think not.

Barrypuppet protected the borders? Are you HONESTLY going to claim that with a straight face? ICE agents were very upfront about the "catch and release" program and that they gave bus vouchers to illegals to send them to wherever they wanted to can you be this fucking clueless?

BTW, I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic that is a corporate entity owned by international bankers . I don't participate in elections of a "gubermint" that has been operating under the Emergency Banking Act since this corporate entity filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 1933. I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere, run along, have got nothing.
Birth certificate....You & El Dumpster. Two dumbasses in a pod. I need not say more.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

At least Florida is closer than Hawaii.

Obama wasn't going to Hawaii every weekend.
Suck it up, libs. You're just seeing Trump the way we sane people saw Obama.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.

How about how he said it would be the most transparent admin ever? That was a total lie. No admin has ever refused more FOIA requests than the Barrypuppet. He claimed that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server but yet he contacted her on it using a different e-mail addy that didn't have ".gov" attached to it. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...period"...that's kind of a big one, no? His claiming that he authorized the killing of Osama bin laden when the heat was being turned up on the lack of his birth certificate of was a HUGE lie. Osama bin laden aka "Tim Osman" always was a CIA asset until the day he died of Marfan's Syndrome in December of 2001 of kidney failure. You really believe that this alleged terrorist mastermind was killed, whisked away in the middle of the night and then had his body dumped in the ocean? Remember the propaganda media showing Barrypuppet, some of the members of his staff claiming that they were watching the capture "live"? That turned out to be a lie.....there was no live feed of this "raid" that killed someone that wasn't Osama bin laden...shortly after that, thirty members of Seal Team 6 were piled onto a Vietnam vintage Chinook helicopter (which is a massive violation of protocol to have that many Seals on one copter) and the Barrypuppet stonewalled the investigation into the downing of Extortion 17. One whistleblower has already come forward, should look it up.

His "birth certificate" was a total fraud and a poorly done one at that with 9 PDF layers that are easily dissected and lifted using Adobe Acrobat and two document fraud experts from Europe have verified this very salient fact. What the forgers did was use an existing "Certificate Of Live Birth" and did a "copy and paste" on the Barrypuppet's CLB but instead of printing it out and taking it to a copy machine and then scanning it? They simply posted the entire forged document and by the time that they figured out that they made this glaring mistake? It was too late....."stone cold busted".

Why did the Barrypuppet participate in the killing of Qaddafi? Could it be because he was introducing a gold backed currency and was going to use it to sell their wares like oil instead of selling it for worthless fiat currency that you refer to as "the dollar" that is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value? You see, any oil producing country that doesn't like this system we call the "petro dollar" that threatens the hegemony of the banking and oil cabals can count on military intervention. Libya's gold of which they had over 400 tons of, magically disappeared like a fart in the wind and a Rothschild central bank was installed.

Benghazi was used to transfer weapons to "ISIS" so that they could start a proxy war with Syria that had aligned themselves with Russia and Iran....guess what? Neither of these three countries have a central bank and Russia and Syria had plans to run an oil pipeline to compete with the oil barons/bankers....HOLY shit, we can't let THAT happen. Barrypuppet lied that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people when it was later found out that it was a false flag.

Military whistleblower Scott Bennett provided irrefutable evidence that not only did the State Department know about the 11,000 Swiss bank accounts that these ISIS mercenaries were drawing off whose accounts were set up by the Saudis, Qatar and the United States? But they protected them from scrutiny and bought oil from "ISIS" that had hijacked the oil production in some of the oil fields of Iraq that was in the middle of the area that Syria and Russia wanted to run their pipeline......coincidence? I think not.

Barrypuppet protected the borders? Are you HONESTLY going to claim that with a straight face? ICE agents were very upfront about the "catch and release" program and that they gave bus vouchers to illegals to send them to wherever they wanted to can you be this fucking clueless?

BTW, I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic that is a corporate entity owned by international bankers . I don't participate in elections of a "gubermint" that has been operating under the Emergency Banking Act since this corporate entity filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 1933. I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere, run along, have got nothing.
Birth certificate....You & El Dumpster. Two dumbasses in a pod.

I certainly kicked the living shit out of you. The only defense that leftards have is the ol "Uh-uh!!!" some little kid that has been told by the older kids that there is no such thing as Santa Claus and defiantely denying it with snot running down his nose. You offer nothing because you have nothing.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.

How about how he said it would be the most transparent admin ever? That was a total lie. No admin has ever refused more FOIA requests than the Barrypuppet. He claimed that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server but yet he contacted her on it using a different e-mail addy that didn't have ".gov" attached to it. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...period"...that's kind of a big one, no? His claiming that he authorized the killing of Osama bin laden when the heat was being turned up on the lack of his birth certificate of was a HUGE lie. Osama bin laden aka "Tim Osman" always was a CIA asset until the day he died of Marfan's Syndrome in December of 2001 of kidney failure. You really believe that this alleged terrorist mastermind was killed, whisked away in the middle of the night and then had his body dumped in the ocean? Remember the propaganda media showing Barrypuppet, some of the members of his staff claiming that they were watching the capture "live"? That turned out to be a lie.....there was no live feed of this "raid" that killed someone that wasn't Osama bin laden...shortly after that, thirty members of Seal Team 6 were piled onto a Vietnam vintage Chinook helicopter (which is a massive violation of protocol to have that many Seals on one copter) and the Barrypuppet stonewalled the investigation into the downing of Extortion 17. One whistleblower has already come forward, should look it up.

His "birth certificate" was a total fraud and a poorly done one at that with 9 PDF layers that are easily dissected and lifted using Adobe Acrobat and two document fraud experts from Europe have verified this very salient fact. What the forgers did was use an existing "Certificate Of Live Birth" and did a "copy and paste" on the Barrypuppet's CLB but instead of printing it out and taking it to a copy machine and then scanning it? They simply posted the entire forged document and by the time that they figured out that they made this glaring mistake? It was too late....."stone cold busted".

Why did the Barrypuppet participate in the killing of Qaddafi? Could it be because he was introducing a gold backed currency and was going to use it to sell their wares like oil instead of selling it for worthless fiat currency that you refer to as "the dollar" that is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value? You see, any oil producing country that doesn't like this system we call the "petro dollar" that threatens the hegemony of the banking and oil cabals can count on military intervention. Libya's gold of which they had over 400 tons of, magically disappeared like a fart in the wind and a Rothschild central bank was installed.

Benghazi was used to transfer weapons to "ISIS" so that they could start a proxy war with Syria that had aligned themselves with Russia and Iran....guess what? Neither of these three countries have a central bank and Russia and Syria had plans to run an oil pipeline to compete with the oil barons/bankers....HOLY shit, we can't let THAT happen. Barrypuppet lied that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people when it was later found out that it was a false flag.

Military whistleblower Scott Bennett provided irrefutable evidence that not only did the State Department know about the 11,000 Swiss bank accounts that these ISIS mercenaries were drawing off whose accounts were set up by the Saudis, Qatar and the United States? But they protected them from scrutiny and bought oil from "ISIS" that had hijacked the oil production in some of the oil fields of Iraq that was in the middle of the area that Syria and Russia wanted to run their pipeline......coincidence? I think not.

Barrypuppet protected the borders? Are you HONESTLY going to claim that with a straight face? ICE agents were very upfront about the "catch and release" program and that they gave bus vouchers to illegals to send them to wherever they wanted to can you be this fucking clueless?

BTW, I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic that is a corporate entity owned by international bankers . I don't participate in elections of a "gubermint" that has been operating under the Emergency Banking Act since this corporate entity filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 1933. I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere, run along, have got nothing.
Birth certificate....You & El Dumpster. Two dumbasses in a pod.

I certainly kicked the living shit out of you. The only defense that leftards have is the ol "Uh-uh!!!" some little kid that has been told by the older kids that there is no such thing as Santa Claus and defiantely denying it with snot running down his nose. You offer nothing because you have nothing.
You couldn't kick your way out of a wet paper bag.

When you brought up Obama's birth certificate, you proved what a whiney little lying shit you really are.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

I dont care if he costs us $12 million a Day. So long as he doesnt morph into.Hillary Clinton I couldnt care any less whst he does for the next 4 years.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

I dont care if he costs us $12 million a Day. So long as he doesnt morph into.Hillary Clinton I couldnt care any less whst he does for the next 4 years.

I knew you racist constitutional whacks were full of shit with Obama, this fake fuckin outrage you bitches pulled every time the guy took a beath was bull shit, now we know. But let it be known, no way in hell is Trump gonna last 4 years.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

I dont care if he costs us $12 million a Day. So long as he doesnt morph into.Hillary Clinton I couldnt care any less whst he does for the next 4 years.

I knew you racist constitutional whacks were full of shit with Obama, this fake fuckin outrage you bitches pulled every time the guy took a beath was bull shit, now we know. But let it be known, no way in hell is Trump gonna last 4 years.
I knew you racist constitutional whacks were full of shit with Obama, this fake fuckin outrage you bitches pulled every time the guy took a beath was bull shit, now we know. But let it be known, no way in hell is Trump gonna last 4 years.

Where did I mention Mr. Obama? Trumps opponent was Hillary Clinton.
New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.

How about how he said it would be the most transparent admin ever? That was a total lie. No admin has ever refused more FOIA requests than the Barrypuppet. He claimed that he didn't know that the Hildebeast was using a private server but yet he contacted her on it using a different e-mail addy that didn't have ".gov" attached to it. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...period"...that's kind of a big one, no? His claiming that he authorized the killing of Osama bin laden when the heat was being turned up on the lack of his birth certificate of was a HUGE lie. Osama bin laden aka "Tim Osman" always was a CIA asset until the day he died of Marfan's Syndrome in December of 2001 of kidney failure. You really believe that this alleged terrorist mastermind was killed, whisked away in the middle of the night and then had his body dumped in the ocean? Remember the propaganda media showing Barrypuppet, some of the members of his staff claiming that they were watching the capture "live"? That turned out to be a lie.....there was no live feed of this "raid" that killed someone that wasn't Osama bin laden...shortly after that, thirty members of Seal Team 6 were piled onto a Vietnam vintage Chinook helicopter (which is a massive violation of protocol to have that many Seals on one copter) and the Barrypuppet stonewalled the investigation into the downing of Extortion 17. One whistleblower has already come forward, should look it up.

His "birth certificate" was a total fraud and a poorly done one at that with 9 PDF layers that are easily dissected and lifted using Adobe Acrobat and two document fraud experts from Europe have verified this very salient fact. What the forgers did was use an existing "Certificate Of Live Birth" and did a "copy and paste" on the Barrypuppet's CLB but instead of printing it out and taking it to a copy machine and then scanning it? They simply posted the entire forged document and by the time that they figured out that they made this glaring mistake? It was too late....."stone cold busted".

Why did the Barrypuppet participate in the killing of Qaddafi? Could it be because he was introducing a gold backed currency and was going to use it to sell their wares like oil instead of selling it for worthless fiat currency that you refer to as "the dollar" that is backed by nothing of an intrinsic value? You see, any oil producing country that doesn't like this system we call the "petro dollar" that threatens the hegemony of the banking and oil cabals can count on military intervention. Libya's gold of which they had over 400 tons of, magically disappeared like a fart in the wind and a Rothschild central bank was installed.

Benghazi was used to transfer weapons to "ISIS" so that they could start a proxy war with Syria that had aligned themselves with Russia and Iran....guess what? Neither of these three countries have a central bank and Russia and Syria had plans to run an oil pipeline to compete with the oil barons/bankers....HOLY shit, we can't let THAT happen. Barrypuppet lied that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people when it was later found out that it was a false flag.

Military whistleblower Scott Bennett provided irrefutable evidence that not only did the State Department know about the 11,000 Swiss bank accounts that these ISIS mercenaries were drawing off whose accounts were set up by the Saudis, Qatar and the United States? But they protected them from scrutiny and bought oil from "ISIS" that had hijacked the oil production in some of the oil fields of Iraq that was in the middle of the area that Syria and Russia wanted to run their pipeline......coincidence? I think not.

Barrypuppet protected the borders? Are you HONESTLY going to claim that with a straight face? ICE agents were very upfront about the "catch and release" program and that they gave bus vouchers to illegals to send them to wherever they wanted to can you be this fucking clueless?

BTW, I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic that is a corporate entity owned by international bankers . I don't participate in elections of a "gubermint" that has been operating under the Emergency Banking Act since this corporate entity filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March 1933. I know more than you....infinitely more. You are a mere, run along, have got nothing.
Birth certificate....You & El Dumpster. Two dumbasses in a pod.

I certainly kicked the living shit out of you. The only defense that leftards have is the ol "Uh-uh!!!" some little kid that has been told by the older kids that there is no such thing as Santa Claus and defiantely denying it with snot running down his nose. You offer nothing because you have nothing.
You couldn't kick your way out of a wet paper bag.

When you brought up Obama's birth certificate, you proved what a whiney little lying shit you really are.

I certainly kicked the ever-lovin' shit out of your argument and it was exceedingly easy. Thanks for playing.


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