The Corona Sickness Has Taken Country Singer Joe Diffie.


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the news. I got to meet him at my one and only CMA Music Festival in 2000 which was named Fan Fair at the time and again in 2007 when he came here to my area. A beautiful man Joe was. Sadly I am having a problem getting my favorite picture of me and him together up here and so in the mean time, here is one of his best songs in my opinion.

God bless you and his family always!!!


P.S. I pray that his 1992 Music City News award show performance of "The Ships That Don't Come In" is somewhere online again someday soon because it is awesome!!!
Go here for the news. I got to meet him at my one and only CMA Music Festival in 2000 which was named Fan Fair at the time and again in 2007 when he came here to my area. A beautiful man Joe was. Sadly I am having a problem getting my favorite picture of me and him together up here and so in the mean time, here is one of his best songs in my opinion.

God bless you and his family always!!!


P.S. I pray that his 1992 Music City News award show performance of "The Ships That Don't Come In" is somewhere online again someday soon because it is awesome!!!

Rest in Peace, Joe Diffie. Prayers up for you and your loved ones.

Ships That Don't Come In
Joe Diffie
I could tell he'd had a tough life
By the way he sat and stared
And me, I'd come to push and shove
So I pulled up a chair

We talked of roads untraveled
We talked of love untrue
Of strings that come unraveled
We were kings and kindred fools
And just when I'd hit bottom
That old man raised his glass
And said at least we had our chances
There's those who never have

So here's to all the soldiers
Who have ever died in vain
The insane locked up in themselves
The homeless down on Main
To those who stand on empty shores
And spit against the wind
And those who wait forever
For ships that don't come in

He said it's only life's illusions
That bring us to this bar
To pick up these old crutches
And compare each others scars
'Cause the things we're calling heartache
Hell, they're hardly worth our time
We bitch about a dollar
When there's those without a dime

And as he ordered one last round
He said I guess we can't complain
God made life a gamble
And we're still in the game

So here's to all the soldiers
Who have ever died in vain
The insane locked up in themselves
The homeless down on Main
To those who stand on empty shores
And spit against the wind
And those who wait forever
For ships that don't come in​
Thanks for the replies and for the included song clips. I wonder how many times this big song of his is going to be played.

God bless you and his family always!!!

My favorite Joe Diffie song. I used to turn the radio uo as loud as it would play and roll the windows down in my pickup

^^^ I turned eight the year that his first song went to radio, 30 years ago exactly. "Home was a swimming hole and a fishing pole and the feel of a muddy road between my toes..."

We've got to stay home as much as humanly possible people !!
Yeah, but for how long exactly?

My favorite Joe Diffie song. I used to turn the radio uo as loud as it would play and roll the windows down in my pickup

Christmas is going to be sad this year. I am not a fan of Santa Claus, but I do love this great song that Joe wrote and put out there for us with this awesome video to go with it. I get goosebumps just thinking about the line dancing in it.

God bless you three and his family and the rest of his fan base always!!!

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^^^ May a full recovery be made even if Joe couldn't have one.

God bless you and John always!!!


May him and the wife make a full and complete recovery.

God bless you and them and those who have recently lost someone that they love always!!!


P.S. I want Joe's Music City News award show performance back up online. I remember it from when it was first shown all them years ago and I only turned ten years old back then. His voice at the end of the performance.....I pray that the clip is online again soon. To me, it NEVER should've been removed.
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