The Corona Fake 'Pandemic' makes peoples insane. Staten Island Shoppers Chase Woman Out of Store for Not Wearing Mask

You should care. Your mask is to protect others more than to protect you. It provides a little protection for the wearer if they are trying to avoid the virus but it provides a lot of protection against transmitting the virus. It suppresses the distance the virus can travel if you cough or sneeze.

If you say so

After analyzing the swabs, the researchers found particles of SARS-CoV-2 on the outsides of both types of mask, suggesting that neither type can contain the virus.

“Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients,” the researchers write in their study paper.

Prior evidence that surgical masks effectively filtered influenza virus informed recommendations that patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should wear face masks to prevent transmission,” they explain.

The team goes on to note that, while it remains unclear just how large particles containing SARS-CoV-2 and carried by the breath are, estimates regarding the size of a similar coronavirus, SARS-CoV, suggest that “Surgical masks are unlikely to effectively filter” it.

You should care. Your mask is to protect others more than to protect you. It provides a little protection for the wearer if they are trying to avoid the virus but it provides a lot of protection against transmitting the virus. It suppresses the distance the virus can travel if you cough or sneeze.

If you say so

After analyzing the swabs, the researchers found particles of SARS-CoV-2 on the outsides of both types of mask, suggesting that neither type can contain the virus.

“Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients,” the researchers write in their study paper.

Prior evidence that surgical masks effectively filtered influenza virus informed recommendations that patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should wear face masks to prevent transmission,” they explain.

The team goes on to note that, while it remains unclear just how large particles containing SARS-CoV-2 and carried by the breath are, estimates regarding the size of a similar coronavirus, SARS-CoV, suggest that “Surgical masks are unlikely to effectively filter” it.

It's an adult pacifier. Wearing a mask let's you feel like you are doing something.
You should care. Your mask is to protect others more than to protect you. It provides a little protection for the wearer if they are trying to avoid the virus but it provides a lot of protection against transmitting the virus. It suppresses the distance the virus can travel if you cough or sneeze.

If you say so

After analyzing the swabs, the researchers found particles of SARS-CoV-2 on the outsides of both types of mask, suggesting that neither type can contain the virus.

“Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients,” the researchers write in their study paper.

Prior evidence that surgical masks effectively filtered influenza virus informed recommendations that patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should wear face masks to prevent transmission,” they explain.

The team goes on to note that, while it remains unclear just how large particles containing SARS-CoV-2 and carried by the breath are, estimates regarding the size of a similar coronavirus, SARS-CoV, suggest that “Surgical masks are unlikely to effectively filter” it.

It's an adult pacifier. Wearing a mask let's you feel like you are doing something.
And it provides Karen superpowers to lecture (and justifiably assault) the peasants
If I had been that woman, I would've told them people that if they resented enough my right to not wear a mask, then they could be the ones who packed up and left. Since when do their rights over ride anyone else's rights?

God bless you and the woman always!!!

the tri-state area in the NE has lost at least 35,000 people to this deadly virus. If I saw someone without a mask in that state, I would probably react as well...

First of all the numbers of deaths are basically bullshit. I do but on a winter headband on (my snout is usually exposed so I can breath through my nose) at stores that demand it. But once outside the store I remove it. If you see me on the street in Connecticut, come at me bro!
the tri-state area in the NE has lost at least 35,000 people to this deadly virus. If I saw someone without a mask in that state, I would probably react as well...

First of all the numbers of deaths are basically bullshit. I do but on a winter headband at stores that demand it. But once outside the store I remove it. If you see me on the street in Connecticut, come at me bro!
No need -- I live in Cali and we don't come at each other like that. I guess it's a more civilized state.
Folks, the Fake 'Pandemic' is not more dangerous as a flu, the true agenda behind this blatant lie is the 'forced vaccine' which shall reduce drastically the human population.
Lock-downs and 24/7 brainwashing by presstututes has made it 'well'. More as 25% of the population is already mentally ill. Look how scared is the mob chasing the woman 'outta' grocery.

The society is broken and will die.

Karens everywhere
Sometimes, wearing a mask is important...

Stupid bitch has no regard for the lives of others. Thats what her dumb ass gets.
Do you feel the same way about all those “We can’t breathe” rioters in Minneapolis not following social distancing rules?

Do they all have “no regard for the lives of others”?

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