The Corona Fake 'Pandemic' makes peoples insane. Staten Island Shoppers Chase Woman Out of Store for Not Wearing Mask


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Folks, the Fake 'Pandemic' is not more dangerous as a flu, the true agenda behind this blatant lie is the 'forced vaccine' which shall reduce drastically the human population.
Lock-downs and 24/7 brainwashing by presstututes has made it 'well'. More as 25% of the population is already mentally ill. Look how scared is the mob chasing the woman 'outta' grocery.

The society is broken and will die.
Ummm...excuse me for injecting truth (instead of hot air, or bleach) into this argument, but the tri-state area in the NE has lost at least 35,000 people to this deadly virus. If I saw someone without a mask in that state, I would probably react as well, hopefully not that forcefully, but still...
Stupid bitch has no regard for the lives of others. Thats what her dumb ass gets.
Another New Yorker adds her 2 cents
Yep! Although I BELIEVE our beloved Asslips is a male. I'm not sure about this. He/she/it? IS a liberal lunatic, so their gender COULD be up in the air, depending on what he/she/it? considers itself to be.
Why does someone wearing a mask bother some of you? I don't care if you don't wear one so if I do explain how it is in any way a bad thing.
You should care. Your mask is to protect others more than to protect you. It provides a little protection for the wearer if they are trying to avoid the virus but it provides a lot of protection against transmitting the virus. It suppresses the distance the virus can travel if you cough or sneeze.
Why does someone wearing a mask bother some of you? I don't care if you don't wear one so if I do explain how it is in any way a bad thing.
Why does someone NOT wearing a mask get threatened and chased out of a store? Perhaps you should answer that first as it is the subject of the thread.
Why does someone wearing a mask bother some of you? I don't care if you don't wear one so if I do explain how it is in any way a bad thing.
Why does someone NOT wearing a mask get threatened and chased out of a store? Perhaps you should answer that first as it is the subject of the thread.
Retard alert. ^^^

Because they could very well be shedding the virus you fucking idiot.
Stupid bitch has no regard for the lives of others. Thats what her dumb ass gets.
Another New Yorker adds her 2 cents
Yep! Although I BELIEVE our beloved Asslips is a male. I'm not sure about this. He/she/it? IS a liberal lunatic, so their gender COULD be up in the air, depending on what he/she/it? considers itself to be.
with liberal democrats it is so hard to tell, even for them they recognize like 32 sexes so it all blends together for the
New Yorkers are not known for their hospitality this proves how far off the track they have wondered. They get what they give

You can scarcely find a New Yorker born in NYC. Most of peoples moved to NYC leave the city within 2 - 3 years.The communist city attracts now only trash of the world

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