The continued assault of Marxism upon NORMAL citizens.

I answered your question dipshit, but with your liberal thinking you are too blind to see it.

No, you didn't. You merely deflected and spammed another meme. In fact, it is all you ever do.

Let's go back to my original question you avoided like the plague: how was your marriage destroyed by two homos getting hitched?
As I have said before, it is never enough for liberals, once they get that inch of immorality FORCED upon normal citizens, then they go on to the goal of pushing even more drastic immoral actions, because it isn't about allowing civilized people to be free, it is the BREAKING of free people who oppose liberals. It as always been this way, and always will be this way. Notice how Bigoted he was against religious people?
As I have said before, it is never enough for liberals, once they get that inch of immorality FORCED upon normal citizens, then they go on to the goal of pushing even more drastic immoral actions, because it isn't about allowing civilized people to be free, it is the BREAKING of free people who oppose liberals. It as always been this way, and always will be this way. Notice how Bigoted he was against religious people?

As a married fag, I would like to personally apologize for destroying your marriage. Please, forgive me. :crybaby:
As I have said before, it is never enough for liberals, once they get that inch of immorality FORCED upon normal citizens, then they go on to the goal of pushing even more drastic immoral actions, because it isn't about allowing civilized people to be free, it is the BREAKING of free people who oppose liberals. It as always been this way, and always will be this way. Notice how Bigoted he was against religious people?

As a married fag, I would like to personally apologize for destroying your marriage. Please, forgive me. :crybaby:
How many children do you and your partner have where both have a natural "link" with, that normal people have?
As I have said before, it is never enough for liberals, once they get that inch of immorality FORCED upon normal citizens, then they go on to the goal of pushing even more drastic immoral actions, because it isn't about allowing civilized people to be free, it is the BREAKING of free people who oppose liberals. It as always been this way, and always will be this way. Notice how Bigoted he was against religious people?

As a married fag, I would like to personally apologize for destroying your marriage. Please, forgive me. :crybaby:
How many children do you and your partner have where both have a natural "link" with, that normal people have?

My husband and I do not have, or want any children. If we did, though, there is only two things you could do about it: piss and moan.
As I have said before, it is never enough for liberals, once they get that inch of immorality FORCED upon normal citizens, then they go on to the goal of pushing even more drastic immoral actions, because it isn't about allowing civilized people to be free, it is the BREAKING of free people who oppose liberals. It as always been this way, and always will be this way. Notice how Bigoted he was against religious people?

As a married fag, I would like to personally apologize for destroying your marriage. Please, forgive me. :crybaby:
Children from broken homes are five times more likely to suffer mental troubles, says Government study | Daily Mail Online
The research adds to a wealth of data that shows children suffer badly from divorce or parental break-up, and that those brought up by a single parent are more likely to do badly at school, suffer poor health, and fall into crime, addiction and poverty as adults.
Since liberals are all about immorality, they don't give a shit how their kids grow up, just as long as they are as immoral as the partners are. How else does the liberal propaganda keep spreading, from education, to TV and movies, and the liberal politicians and liberal family.
As I have said before, it is never enough for liberals, once they get that inch of immorality FORCED upon normal citizens, then they go on to the goal of pushing even more drastic immoral actions, because it isn't about allowing civilized people to be free, it is the BREAKING of free people who oppose liberals. It as always been this way, and always will be this way. Notice how Bigoted he was against religious people?

As a married fag, I would like to personally apologize for destroying your marriage. Please, forgive me. :crybaby:
How many children do you and your partner have where both have a natural "link" with, that normal people have?

My husband and I do not have, or want any children. If we did, though, there is only two things you could do about it: piss and moan.
Mental Health Diagnoses Decided by Vote, Not Discovery
According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. Other psychiatrists wrote copiously on the subject, and homosexuality was “treated” on a wide basis. There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
I am sorry, but as a REAL man, looking at another man's Uranus, and saying "Boy that looks good", that person is totally mentally ill. The liberals have been in charge for a long time, and during that time, insane asylums have closed and those mentally ill people are walking around, demanding that they be accepted for being normal. Normal don't have to accept them, so people like mdk, have the Guberment FORCE normal people to accept them or be punished. That is the liberal way.
I am sorry, but as a REAL man, looking at another man's Uranus, and saying "Boy that looks good", that person is totally mentally ill. The liberals have been in charge for a long time, and during that time, insane asylums have closed and those mentally ill people are walking around, demanding that they be accepted for being normal. Normal don't have to accept them, so people like mdk, have the Guberment FORCE normal people to accept them or be punished. That is the liberal way

In what way have I forced you accept me or my marriage? I don't give the slightest of fucks if you accept me or support my marriage. Here's in the inside scoop: I didn't need your acceptance yesterday, I don't need it today, and, I won't need it tomorrow. Sorry, you're just not that important.
I am sorry, but as a REAL man, looking at another man's Uranus, and saying "Boy that looks good", that person is totally mentally ill. The liberals have been in charge for a long time, and during that time, insane asylums have closed and those mentally ill people are walking around, demanding that they be accepted for being normal. Normal don't have to accept them, so people like mdk, have the Guberment FORCE normal people to accept them or be punished. That is the liberal way

In what way have I forced you accept me or my marriage? I don't give the slightest of fucks if you accept me or support my marriage. Here's in the inside scoop: I didn't need your acceptance yesterday, I don't need it today, and, I won't need it tomorrow. Sorry, you're just not that important.
I am done talking with mentally challenged people, as they should be put where they wont hurt others. Maybe this decade, after the continued push for immorality, the normal people will finally say enough and put the crazy ones away.
I am done talking with mentally challenged people, as they should be put where they wont hurt others. Maybe this decade, after the continued push for immorality, the normal people will finally say enough and put the crazy ones away.

Run away, pussy.

Why wait? Hop to it, coward. We both know the only thing you're going to do is whine and post memes on the internet.
My Husband Has A Boyfriend. Here’s What Our Life Is Like.
When I met my husband, Paul*, we were both waiting tables in LA. I was 23 and he was 28, and we were both trying to get our acting careers off the ground. I knew from the start that he identified as bisexual—in fact, the first night we hooked up he was in a relationship with a man.
At first it was Hollywood and Liberal Gay politicians who were pushing for Homosexual openness, having Homosexuality taken off "Mental Disorder" back in 1973. It was, then when Rock Hudson, Cary Grant and others came out of the closet, the push for homosexuals to be "accepted" as normal started happening around the 1990's with TV shows like "Will and Grace" normalizing such actions. Then pro athletes came out, and then Civil Unions were created so homosexuals could have the same rights as married people, but that wasn't enough, Marxism must "DESTROY" any normalcy of civilization, so the institute of marriage(union of man and woman) was destroyed by Partner 1 and Partner 2. Now in the link today, the left is PUSHING hard to get polygamy accepted as normal(You know 3 consenting adults who LOVE each other), sister wives and just more IMMORAL actions. When will people say enough is enough? Will a war of ideologies soon happen, where Good will face EVIL, Right will battle Wrong? I think it is coming, and it will happen soon.
Meet the three men who 'married' each other
Three men from Colombia speak to BBC World Service about life as a polyamorous thruple, after having their romantic union officially recognised.
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The line that needs to be drawn is the one between social conservatives and the stuff that is none of their damned business.

For someone who claims to be a conservative and claims to want less gov't interference in our lives, you sure whine like a snowflake liberal.
The constant push of immorality upon NORMAL people, the left just cant stop. When liberals got their gay marriage done, there had to be something else for the liberals to FIGHT for, and you can see it now with polygamy. When that is done, you can BET, it will be liberals pushing for pedophilia. The line needs to be drawn and normal people need to fight back. As long as there is opposition against immoral actions, the left wont stop, until the opposition is CRUSHED and those crushed will be FORCED to submit or die.

The one of the largest pushes for polygamy in this country isn't coming from liberals. It's coming from religious conservatives, mainly Mormon fundamentalists. They are challenging these laws claiming it violates their religious freedoms. Do you not support their religious freedom?
Do you ? I mean, if men can poke other men in Uranus and women can muff dive other women, and you say this is good, why shouldn't Mormons get the same treatment? Are you such a BIGOT that you hate religious people?

No. Just no. Don't try and make this about anyone hating religious people. This is about YOU wanting everyone who isn't like you to disappear.

Please tell me how any of the gay marriages or poly relationship effects your marriage??
are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

I was wondering when you would have to resort to using a lame meme as some sort of argument. Too funny.

I have stated on numerous occasions that all public accommodations laws should be scrapped. Each day I think you can't get any more retarded and each day you find a way to prove me wrong.

Keep running away from my question, though. It amuses me.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.

Obama? Really? Obama is on the US Supreme Court?

Why do you care whether gays marry? It does not effect you one bit. THis is just vile hatred being spewed.
are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

I was wondering when you would have to resort to using a lame meme as some sort of argument. Too funny.

I have stated on numerous occasions that all public accommodations laws should be scrapped. Each day I think you can't get any more retarded and each day you find a way to prove me wrong.

Keep running away from my question, though. It amuses me.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.

Obama? Really? Obama is on the US Supreme Court?

Why do you care whether gays marry? It does not effect you one bit. THis is just vile hatred being spewed.
Well it did affect the little children of normal people. In private schools, they did away with Mothers day, because some children had only 2 daddies.

Pricey NY Private School Bans Mothers' And Fathers' Days
Parents whose kids attend a pricey Manhattan private school are in an uproar over a new policy aimed at protecting the feelings of children raised by same-sex couples: Mother's Day has been banned. And in the interest of fairness, Father's Day, too.
And as I said before, liberalism isn't about achieving FAIRNESS, but the subjugation of everyone NORMAL to immoral actions. It is NEVER enough for liberals to get 1 agenda passed, for once it is accomplished, then the liberals move on to more EVIL things to FORCE up on US. That is the MARXIST way, and the United States turned down Marxism by not having the sickly, crooked, vagina, ex candidate win. Shits like you, are the reason why Trump got elected.
Is andaronjim still bleeding out his wherever over gay marriage? :lol:
are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

I was wondering when you would have to resort to using a lame meme as some sort of argument. Too funny.

I have stated on numerous occasions that all public accommodations laws should be scrapped. Each day I think you can't get any more retarded and each day you find a way to prove me wrong.

Keep running away from my question, though. It amuses me.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.

Obama? Really? Obama is on the US Supreme Court?

Why do you care whether gays marry? It does not effect you one bit. THis is just vile hatred being spewed.
Well it did affect the little children of normal people. In private schools, they did away with Mothers day, because some children had only 2 daddies.

Pricey NY Private School Bans Mothers' And Fathers' Days
Parents whose kids attend a pricey Manhattan private school are in an uproar over a new policy aimed at protecting the feelings of children raised by same-sex couples: Mother's Day has been banned. And in the interest of fairness, Father's Day, too.
And as I said before, liberalism isn't about achieving FAIRNESS, but the subjugation of everyone NORMAL to immoral actions. It is NEVER enough for liberals to get 1 agenda passed, for once it is accomplished, then the liberals move on to more EVIL things to FORCE up on US. That is the MARXIST way, and the United States turned down Marxism by not having the sickly, crooked, vagina, ex candidate win. Shits like you, are the reason why Trump got elected.

So what? It's a private school. Don't like it? Don't send your children to that school. Also, this story happened in 2001. Long before gays could marry in the State of New York. Another swing and a miss.
Is andaronjim still bleeding out his wherever over gay marriage? :lol:
The only ones bleeding out of their anus is you fudge packers, then bitch and moan that I have to pay for your HIV medicine. With liberalism it isn't personal responsibility for ones actions, only Victims that the government must take care of.
AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year
Is andaronjim still bleeding out his wherever over gay marriage? :lol:
The only ones bleeding out of their anus is you fudge packers, then bitch and moan that I have to pay for your HIV medicine. With liberalism it isn't personal responsibility for ones actions, only Victims that the government must take care of.
AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year

Besides nothing, what does that have to do with gay marriage?

I must admit, watching you throw everything but the kitchen sink in this thread is hysterical. I take great solace in knowing that at the end of the day you still can't do shit about gays getting married. Perhaps posting another meme or hissy fit will make a difference, but I doubt it.
are you really that stupid to say one thing then forget in 1 post what you said? Don't answer that, you are just as stupid as the female in the picture.

I was wondering when you would have to resort to using a lame meme as some sort of argument. Too funny.

I have stated on numerous occasions that all public accommodations laws should be scrapped. Each day I think you can't get any more retarded and each day you find a way to prove me wrong.

Keep running away from my question, though. It amuses me.
The law in the US is 2 people marriage, just like before Obama was re-elected it was 1 man and 1 woman, but after he no longer could be held accountable the chicken shit bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator then decided to change the law to be 1 fudge packer with another fudge packer. Mormons like Romney live by the 2 people law. Fuckers like you though , would be fucking dogs, yet complain about anything religious, as typical of Marxist Bigots.

Obama? Really? Obama is on the US Supreme Court?

Why do you care whether gays marry? It does not effect you one bit. THis is just vile hatred being spewed.
Well it did affect the little children of normal people. In private schools, they did away with Mothers day, because some children had only 2 daddies.

Pricey NY Private School Bans Mothers' And Fathers' Days
Parents whose kids attend a pricey Manhattan private school are in an uproar over a new policy aimed at protecting the feelings of children raised by same-sex couples: Mother's Day has been banned. And in the interest of fairness, Father's Day, too.
And as I said before, liberalism isn't about achieving FAIRNESS, but the subjugation of everyone NORMAL to immoral actions. It is NEVER enough for liberals to get 1 agenda passed, for once it is accomplished, then the liberals move on to more EVIL things to FORCE up on US. That is the MARXIST way, and the United States turned down Marxism by not having the sickly, crooked, vagina, ex candidate win. Shits like you, are the reason why Trump got elected.

Oh no! No Mother's Day at School? How will the children ever survive??? Oh, wait. It is not all public schools? It is one rich private school?? Okey dokey. If that is the profound effect gay marriage had on your life, you have nothing to complain about.


So the kids being confused about why Mommy & Daddy are getting a divorce does not bother you? Not even when the kids blame themselves, as is common?

The kids who see Daddy beating on Mommy aren't confused? You know, about how "love" put mommy in the hospital?

I'm not addressing your rant about what liberals want. I can only speak to my own beliefs. And in that, fairness and equality are my goals.
Is andaronjim still bleeding out his wherever over gay marriage? :lol:
The only ones bleeding out of their anus is you fudge packers, then bitch and moan that I have to pay for your HIV medicine. With liberalism it isn't personal responsibility for ones actions, only Victims that the government must take care of.
AIDS Kills 7,000 Gay Men In The U.S. Each Year

Besides nothing, what does that have to do with gay marriage?

I must admit, watching you throw everything but the kitchen sink in this thread is hysterical. I take great solace in knowing that at the end of the day you still can't do shit about gays getting married. Perhaps posting another meme or hissy fit will make a difference, but I doubt it.

He rambles and raves, but never answers my very simple question. He thinks gays are "Icky" but has no solid reason for the hate he feels.

Just like so many
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