Do you think the GOP in congress is trying to stall economic progress for the....

Are repubs in congress trying to stall economic impr. so they can dethrone Obama?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Maybe/I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...for the sake of making sure Obama does not get re-elected?

Recent polls show that most registered voters do think they are - even 1/3 of the republican respondants agreed.
lets not forget the debt ceiling debacle they orchastrated to screw up the economy
Not for the purpose of seeing that obama isn't reelected, but to keep him from doing even more damage until he can be unelected.
Obama has done that fine on his own
Correct. If anyone is doing it, that would be Obama and the Statists. They laid this trap months ago.

The Republicans are engaging in debate to ensure that whatever happens is in the best interest of the taxpayers through the prescribed legislative other words? They have gotten the message and are finally doing thier jobs.

The Statist Democrats are playing politics with the future of us all, and those yet to be born...just to hold power.
That is the state of things.

What good does it do anyone to deny the real state of things.

The republicans dont want the economy to get better before the election
What the left doesn't really understand is that those republican congressmen who wiped the democrats out of office were sent there specifically to stop obama's excesses. That's what they are doing.
The leftists have serious problems with HYPOCRISY and MEMORY LOSS.

They forget that Obama has already spent TRILLIONS of dollars since 2009 on failed "economic stimulus" programs, corporate bailouts, failed mortgage "rescue" programs, the failed "Cash For Clunkers" debacle, etc., etc., etc.

The leftist liars also forget that Obama had a fully compliant Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate AND U.S. House for his first two years as the POTUS.

Obama's reckless, out-of-control "credit card" spending is now coming under scrutiny by non-leftists, and he and his Democrat hypocrite supporters are crying about it.

The Obamanistas can all go straight to HELL.
...for the sake of making sure Obama does not get re-elected?

Recent polls show that most registered voters do think they are - even 1/3 of the republican respondants agreed.

Yeah, probably big overlap with the retards who thought "Hope" and "Change" were a winning economic strategy
That is the state of things.

What good does it do anyone to deny the real state of things.

The republicans dont want the economy to get better before the election

As if the Dems didn't do the same thing in 2008. Haha. They sabotaged the economy back in '08 and you were blind to that fact. Now you have your eyes open and can see those terrible Republicans trying to destroy the economy... frigging partisan hack. It's amazing how you can see only what you want to see.

Yeah because Americans having jobs is bad for the republican party
One of the first things Barack Obama did was to destroy about 30,000 top-paying salaries to Americans by shutting down all drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, two Communist countries are planning to drill there, about 60 miles off the coast of Florida.

His aggression against the energy business didn't end there, either. He saw to it through weak bargaining the worst increase in gasoline prices since Jimmy Carter.

His blighting policies against oil meant Americans who like to travel by car in the summer and on vacations would be less likely to do so, and if they did, they shot their wad on gasoline.

This damaged the tourist industry severely, with half of American tourist restauranteers and small hotel owners going belly up, and the other half having severe crises.

You're not laying that shit on Republicans, madam. Obama and his worshipful not to mention myopic Democrats did that, not us.

Sometimes it seems like those who claim Obama hates America aren't far off their mark.
That is the state of things.

What good does it do anyone to deny the real state of things.

The republicans dont want the economy to get better before the election
Republicans will not pass bills with fatal attachments built into them. Those 2,000+ white papers put out by the Pelosi Democrats to hide little plums for themselves that nobody had time to read about? Those days are over, and we don't want them back.

Democrats got their message across: they need constant supervision or this nation will lose its economic base that kept us prosperous.

And this education of young Democrats to make sewers of American downtown districts? It's hurting you more than it's hurting us.

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