The Clinton coverup is imploding and there is no President Hillary to stop it


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Sick Hillary Coverup Is Imploding Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk, the swamp is about to get a little less full.

Parkinsons disease is now confirmed in the witch

Dr. Ted Noel joins Gary Franchi to examine the facts of Hillary’s critical and debilitating medical crisis.
“Through Dr. Noel’s astute observations, and relying on over 30 years in the medical field, he has concluded that Hillary Clinton is exhibiting the classic signs that point to Parkinson’s Disease,” the video states.

“He has decided to go public with his findings and appears on the Next News Network to deliver you the truth, being kept from the public, about a diagnosis that will keep her out of the Oval Office.”

Clinton has had an increasingly difficult time downplaying questions regarding her well-being as more and more health questions arise.

Just days ago media outlets attempted to discredit reports asking why Clinton had an ambulance following her motorcade – complete with a gurney wheeled behind the stage she was speaking at – even though Trump does not have such a vehicle in his

So are Parkinsons patients allowed in Guantanimo Bay resort and waterboarding spa?

Who are Dr.Ted Noel and Gary Franchi Are the Hillary"s private doctors? I'll wait until I hear from someone who has done tests on Hillary.

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