The circus side show that is the Minneapolis City Council...WTF?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What ever happen to hiring/electing folks who looked like someone you'd respect and trust? Is there no such standard in politics anymore?

Looks like a normal bunch of people. What's wrong? There was a peaceful transfer of power in 2016, as you must be able to recall. The problem is that the person who received it screwed up big-time.
Looks like a normal bunch of people. What's wrong? There was a peaceful transfer of power in 2016, as you must be able to recall. The problem is that the person who received it screwed up big-time.

There is no such thing as “normal” for you twisted think all people are normal...haha
Try harder.
Looks like a normal bunch of people. What's wrong? There was a peaceful transfer of power in 2016, as you must be able to recall. The problem is that the person who received it screwed up big-time.

Peaceful transfer?? Where the hell were you when Dem protesters filled the streets moaning, groaning and crying when Hitlery lost.

Where were you when the tried to impeach Trump??

Where were you when they tried to ouster Kavenaugh??

Where were you when they tried again over the Ukraine??

You must be blind. There never was nor will there ever be a peaceful transfer of power where the Dems and Trump are concerned.

You sure are clueless.
It's funny how they are forced to ask the cops they hate to investigate ballot fraud now. These representatives are typical assholes who will trash cops until they need them, then get pissed that it takes them too long to respond. These type of representatives are exactly why so much of their downtown is now ash and rubble. Democrats are unfit to lead
Remember when one had to look respectable in order to get and keep a legitimate real job...Has that standard been lost?

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