The Cappucino Corral

Another Red Letter Day in the housing inspection business!

I completed an inspection of a home with two children under six and a mother who is more preoccupied with whether that dude on Skinner really did screw his girlfriend's sister. The menu from last night's dinner must have included eggs, mayonnaise, barbeque sauce and American cheese. All those ingredients were still on the kitchen counter rather than the refrigerator. Two, count 'em, two bedroom doors were knocked from their hinges, the basement floor had laundry that was scheduled to be done during the Carter administration, and the walls have become canvasses for the magic marker wielding wee bairn.

And this family is getting free money for rent. The only effort they have to exude is provide our office with proof of income, rent receipts and have their units inspected for health and safety purposes. But she has refused to come in with all her verifications and today she tried to weasel out of the inspection.

Sometimes, I had to really check my Liberal bona fides in this job!

Eleven years ago I was working at an Environmental Engineering firm. I was a field engineer, the guy they would give a roll of plans, a contract and an airline ticket to and say "build it!" as I left for the airport. Contractors toed the line, regulations were met and surpassed, labor unions dealt responsibly and the clients were always, ALWAYS happy with the result.

But this public sector work, while allowing me to actually live in the house I bought, gives more headaches than I can solve.
My husband's Uncle has a house on Lake Superior. Or at least, close enough to see the lake from the deck. We went up there a few weekends ago when the leaves were turning. Took my daughter, our dogs and just had a blast. It was truly beautiful. Visited the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth. Next year, we are going on the train tours that goes right through Two Harbors where my Uncle in law lives. The train goes right by his house. It is so peaceful up there and quiet.
My husband's Uncle has a house on Lake Superior. Or at least, close enough to see the lake from the deck. We went up there a few weekends ago when the leaves were turning. Took my daughter, our dogs and just had a blast. It was truly beautiful. Visited the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth. Next year, we are going on the train tours that goes right through Two Harbors where my Uncle in law lives. The train goes right by his house. It is so peaceful up there and quiet.

That sounds like a neat experience. Those lakes are beautiful....the first time I flew into Chicago, I looked out the window and thought the plane had gone astray.....I thought I was looking at the shore of the Atlantic....I didn't realize that Lake Michigan was that humongous........and it's smaller than Lake Superior! :)
My oldest dropped in today for a haircut. He likes the way his mom does it. I can't brag enough about this kid. He's a police his third year. Works the 8pm to 6am shift Wednesday to Saturday. Tough gig.

But...he is right there coaching kids for free on Sundays and Mondays. order to keep his benefits at his old job ( Publix Supermarkets ) for 8 hours every Tuesday.

He's 26. Just asked me to help him look for a house next year.

No coffee..........martini's are in order.
Rained hard here last night. Poor Czar, our dog. He just hates storms and this thunder was huge loud BOOMS right over our heads.

So, I'm waking up from the thunder and talking to Czar, telling him we're okay, it can't get us. But dogs know things we don't and he doesn't believe a word.

There's never a morning that I don't look out over our lake and feel deep gratitude to be living in such an incredibly beautiful place. There are other houses but most are empty vacation homes. On long weekends, there are a few boats on the lake but mostly, its ours alone and we love it.

More than 4 hours at the dental specialist today. Way less invasive procedure but still miserable. I go back tomorrow for Part 3 and Thursday for Part 4.

Pooped. The cleaning woman was here today and left her cigs and Frito's. Surely it wouldn't hurt to munch a few, right? Left over spaghetti squash casserole for dinner. Really good. With Pim's/ginger beer.
Uh, how about some clarification ...

Pooped. The cleaning woman was here today and left her cigs and Frito's. Surely it wouldn't hurt to munch a few, right?

I meant that I'm tired and thought I might munch Frito's - not cigarettes!

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