The California Republican Party is dead, according to California Republicans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is the beginning of republican woes unless they change. California is gone. The NE US is gone. There is a walkaway movement, people are walking away from the republican party.

"In the wake of a near-political annihilation in California that has left even longtime conservative stronghold Orange County bereft of a single Republican in the House of Representatives, a growing chorus of GOP loyalists here say there’s only one hope for reviving the flatlining party: Blow it up and start again from scratch.

That harsh assessment comes as Republicans survey the damage from the devastation of a “blue tsunami” in California which wiped out five GOP-held House seats — with more still threatened — while handing every statewide seat and a supermajority to the Democrats in both houses of the state legislature this week.

Just two days ago, Democrat Katie Porter officially bested her Republican opponent, Mimi Walters, for a congressional seat in Orange County, of all places — which has suddenly turned solidly blue.

That’s a sea change that virtually no one saw coming two years ago."


“The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time. The Grand Old Party is dead,” wrote former state GOP Assembly leader Kristin Olsen, who startled fellow Republicans with a brutally frank op-ed this week saying Republicans must acknowledge their “serious problem” in California, particularly the effects of toxicity of President Trump.

GOP strategist John Weaver, who has worked California races and also has represented the presidential campaign of Ohio governor John Kasich, seconded Olsen’s view, tweeting that the effects of the Trump presidency have doomed any chance of resurrection. “In one fell swoop Trump & Republicans who willingly handcuffed themselves to him have turned Orange County into a GOP wasteland,’’ he tweeted this week. “You want to see the future? Look no further than the demographic death spiral in the place once considered a cornerstone of the party.”

California GOP political consultant Mike Madrid sees the heart of the problem as Donald Trump’s policies and rhetoric, and the party’s tendency these days to follow his lead and put all their eggs in one basket of deplorables.

The California Republican Party is dead, according to California Republicans

Keep following Trump lemmings.

This is the beginning of republican woes unless they change. California is gone. The NE US is gone. There is a walkaway movement, people are walking away from the republican party.

"In the wake of a near-political annihilation in California that has left even longtime conservative stronghold Orange County bereft of a single Republican in the House of Representatives, a growing chorus of GOP loyalists here say there’s only one hope for reviving the flatlining party: Blow it up and start again from scratch.

That harsh assessment comes as Republicans survey the damage from the devastation of a “blue tsunami” in California which wiped out five GOP-held House seats — with more still threatened — while handing every statewide seat and a supermajority to the Democrats in both houses of the state legislature this week.

Just two days ago, Democrat Katie Porter officially bested her Republican opponent, Mimi Walters, for a congressional seat in Orange County, of all places — which has suddenly turned solidly blue.

That’s a sea change that virtually no one saw coming two years ago."


“The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time. The Grand Old Party is dead,” wrote former state GOP Assembly leader Kristin Olsen, who startled fellow Republicans with a brutally frank op-ed this week saying Republicans must acknowledge their “serious problem” in California, particularly the effects of toxicity of President Trump.

GOP strategist John Weaver, who has worked California races and also has represented the presidential campaign of Ohio governor John Kasich, seconded Olsen’s view, tweeting that the effects of the Trump presidency have doomed any chance of resurrection. “In one fell swoop Trump & Republicans who willingly handcuffed themselves to him have turned Orange County into a GOP wasteland,’’ he tweeted this week. “You want to see the future? Look no further than the demographic death spiral in the place once considered a cornerstone of the party.”

California GOP political consultant Mike Madrid sees the heart of the problem as Donald Trump’s policies and rhetoric, and the party’s tendency these days to follow his lead and put all their eggs in one basket of deplorables.

The California Republican Party is dead, according to California Republicans

Keep following Trump lemmings.

Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.
Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.

Apparently it wasn't.
The nation is watching how damaging one party rule is....California's elections have been fraudulent for decades....worse than Florida.....people going from one polling place to another filling out provisional ballots....illegal aliens voting and voter rolls that haven't been checked out for years....its a big waste of time to vote in California....
This is the beginning of republican woes unless they change. California is gone. The NE US is gone. There is a walkaway movement, people are walking away from the republican party.

"In the wake of a near-political annihilation in California that has left even longtime conservative stronghold Orange County bereft of a single Republican in the House of Representatives, a growing chorus of GOP loyalists here say there’s only one hope for reviving the flatlining party: Blow it up and start again from scratch.

That harsh assessment comes as Republicans survey the damage from the devastation of a “blue tsunami” in California which wiped out five GOP-held House seats — with more still threatened — while handing every statewide seat and a supermajority to the Democrats in both houses of the state legislature this week.

Just two days ago, Democrat Katie Porter officially bested her Republican opponent, Mimi Walters, for a congressional seat in Orange County, of all places — which has suddenly turned solidly blue.

That’s a sea change that virtually no one saw coming two years ago."


“The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time. The Grand Old Party is dead,” wrote former state GOP Assembly leader Kristin Olsen, who startled fellow Republicans with a brutally frank op-ed this week saying Republicans must acknowledge their “serious problem” in California, particularly the effects of toxicity of President Trump.

GOP strategist John Weaver, who has worked California races and also has represented the presidential campaign of Ohio governor John Kasich, seconded Olsen’s view, tweeting that the effects of the Trump presidency have doomed any chance of resurrection. “In one fell swoop Trump & Republicans who willingly handcuffed themselves to him have turned Orange County into a GOP wasteland,’’ he tweeted this week. “You want to see the future? Look no further than the demographic death spiral in the place once considered a cornerstone of the party.”

California GOP political consultant Mike Madrid sees the heart of the problem as Donald Trump’s policies and rhetoric, and the party’s tendency these days to follow his lead and put all their eggs in one basket of deplorables.

The California Republican Party is dead, according to California Republicans

Keep following Trump lemmings.


Youre starting to post like the troll Oreo now ..

Why is that?

Cali is bunch of queers/illegal loving/idiots/etc
white haters/expensive
lack of water!!!
who would want to go to that state?
This is the beginning of republican woes unless they change. California is gone. The NE US is gone. There is a walkaway movement, people are walking away from the republican party.

"In the wake of a near-political annihilation in California that has left even longtime conservative stronghold Orange County bereft of a single Republican in the House of Representatives, a growing chorus of GOP loyalists here say there’s only one hope for reviving the flatlining party: Blow it up and start again from scratch.

That harsh assessment comes as Republicans survey the damage from the devastation of a “blue tsunami” in California which wiped out five GOP-held House seats — with more still threatened — while handing every statewide seat and a supermajority to the Democrats in both houses of the state legislature this week.

Just two days ago, Democrat Katie Porter officially bested her Republican opponent, Mimi Walters, for a congressional seat in Orange County, of all places — which has suddenly turned solidly blue.

That’s a sea change that virtually no one saw coming two years ago."


“The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time. The Grand Old Party is dead,” wrote former state GOP Assembly leader Kristin Olsen, who startled fellow Republicans with a brutally frank op-ed this week saying Republicans must acknowledge their “serious problem” in California, particularly the effects of toxicity of President Trump.

GOP strategist John Weaver, who has worked California races and also has represented the presidential campaign of Ohio governor John Kasich, seconded Olsen’s view, tweeting that the effects of the Trump presidency have doomed any chance of resurrection. “In one fell swoop Trump & Republicans who willingly handcuffed themselves to him have turned Orange County into a GOP wasteland,’’ he tweeted this week. “You want to see the future? Look no further than the demographic death spiral in the place once considered a cornerstone of the party.”

California GOP political consultant Mike Madrid sees the heart of the problem as Donald Trump’s policies and rhetoric, and the party’s tendency these days to follow his lead and put all their eggs in one basket of deplorables.

The California Republican Party is dead, according to California Republicans

Keep following Trump lemmings.


XXXXXXXXXXXXX Racial slur removed. Do not bypass the filter again. Doc1

Cali has been gone for years.
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I used to like living in Ca. back in the 60's and 70's. Then things started changing, I moved out of there in 2008. Looks like just in time, too.
460 billion in debt and counting. The 'green' mentality helped with the devastation from the fires, and there is no hope in sight.
RIP California
Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.

Apparently it wasn't.

Yeah it was....and the result is a state that has bankruptcy looming. Well done demoquacks, well done

Oh hey....Illinois faces the same dilemma....who runs that one?
Digest this stupid
California now the world's 5th largest economy, beating out the UK

May 5, 2018 - California's recent boom in real estate and financial services may the reason why the state is now part of the world's top 5 largest economies.
Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.
CA will be America's Venezuela. They'll continue their income disparity until there's only a handful of billionaires and everybody else lives in a tent
Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.

Apparently it wasn't.

Yeah it was....and the result is a state that has bankruptcy looming. Well done demoquacks, well done

Oh hey....Illinois faces the same dilemma....who runs that one?
Digest this stupid
California now the world's 5th largest economy, beating out the UK

May 5, 2018 - California's recent boom in real estate and financial services may the reason why the state is now part of the world's top 5 largest economies.
460 billion in debt, Ed.
Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.

Apparently it wasn't.

Yeah it was....and the result is a state that has bankruptcy looming. Well done demoquacks, well done

Oh hey....Illinois faces the same dilemma....who runs that one?
Digest this stupid
California now the world's 5th largest economy, beating out the UK

May 5, 2018 - California's recent boom in real estate and financial services may the reason why the state is now part of the world's top 5 largest economies.
460 billion in debt, Ed.

A left loon doesn't comprehend debt...and that debt will crush them at some point, it's inevitable
This is the beginning of republican woes unless they change. California is gone. The NE US is gone. There is a walkaway movement, people are walking away from the republican party.

"In the wake of a near-political annihilation in California that has left even longtime conservative stronghold Orange County bereft of a single Republican in the House of Representatives, a growing chorus of GOP loyalists here say there’s only one hope for reviving the flatlining party: Blow it up and start again from scratch.

That harsh assessment comes as Republicans survey the damage from the devastation of a “blue tsunami” in California which wiped out five GOP-held House seats — with more still threatened — while handing every statewide seat and a supermajority to the Democrats in both houses of the state legislature this week.

Just two days ago, Democrat Katie Porter officially bested her Republican opponent, Mimi Walters, for a congressional seat in Orange County, of all places — which has suddenly turned solidly blue.

That’s a sea change that virtually no one saw coming two years ago."


“The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time. The Grand Old Party is dead,” wrote former state GOP Assembly leader Kristin Olsen, who startled fellow Republicans with a brutally frank op-ed this week saying Republicans must acknowledge their “serious problem” in California, particularly the effects of toxicity of President Trump.

GOP strategist John Weaver, who has worked California races and also has represented the presidential campaign of Ohio governor John Kasich, seconded Olsen’s view, tweeting that the effects of the Trump presidency have doomed any chance of resurrection. “In one fell swoop Trump & Republicans who willingly handcuffed themselves to him have turned Orange County into a GOP wasteland,’’ he tweeted this week. “You want to see the future? Look no further than the demographic death spiral in the place once considered a cornerstone of the party.”

California GOP political consultant Mike Madrid sees the heart of the problem as Donald Trump’s policies and rhetoric, and the party’s tendency these days to follow his lead and put all their eggs in one basket of deplorables.

The California Republican Party is dead, according to California Republicans

Keep following Trump lemmings.


All true. This filthy shithole has been hijacked by Wetbacks and Mexico.
The dumbmothafuckers continue to vote for degradation, lawlessness and despair...I can’t wait to watch this disgusting shithole burn to the fucking ground from afar.
The republican party is so dead in California...

How dead is it?

It's going to be known as Venezfornia.

The republican party is so dead in California..

How dead is it?

The last American to leave won't take the flag. It's been shit on and burned.
Cali was done long ago...let them drown in their nearly one trillion dollar unfunded public debt...and eventually the chickens will come home to roost.

Apparently it wasn't.

Yeah it was....and the result is a state that has bankruptcy looming. Well done demoquacks, well done

Oh hey....Illinois faces the same dilemma....who runs that one?
Digest this stupid
California now the world's 5th largest economy, beating out the UK

May 5, 2018 - California's recent boom in real estate and financial services may the reason why the state is now part of the world's top 5 largest economies.
460 billion in debt, Ed.

This is why California is in a financial mess

California faces a $1 trillion unfunded pension liability and lawmakers focus on foam and plastic straws

California faces a $1 trillion unfunded pension liability and lawmakers focus on foam and plastic straws – Orange County Register
And the state run media lie to the people of California...its a horrible situation...people are moving out by the thousands....

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