The breakup of the United Kingdom???

Dj Adolf was as good some Nazism for Germany even he lose his kampf in end.
1st post
Brussels Brits in shock after UK vote to leave EU

USA or U.K. in Brussels is disagree when British or englishmen vote say no from EU.

From that Reuters article....

Quitting the 28-nation bloc will, in general, deprive Britons of the right to work for the EU.

To join the 55,000-strong European civil service, staff must in general be EU citizens. So if someone loses EU citizenship, they might have to quit or face not having contracts renewed.

Some Britons have considered applying for Belgian passports as long-time residents or switching allegiance to the countries of their European spouses.
So you seem to disagree with my point that anti-nationalism is part of the modern left's ideology in the SAME SENTENCE that you claim that nationalism leads to isolation and civil unrest?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Either you're being purposefully stupid...or you just do not even understand what your spewing.....a condition often found among right wingers overdosing on FOX.

Nothing in your spin filled post addressed my point.

YOu attacked my claim that anti-nationalism is part of the modern Left's Ideology in the same sentence that you attacked nationalism as leading to isolation and civil unrest.

Anti-nationalism is part of the ideology of the Left and thus this vote was a defeat for the Left.

I have now two Leftist in my house with neightboors. 1 new Bosniak. 1 old Finn. Socialism did not win in begin vs Nazi Germany but in late war in eastern front Nazi Germany will to retreat vs Soviet Union then United States and British follow Nazi Germany to end for Hitlers Nazi Germany. Strong begin wasn't enough.
Brussels Brits in shock after UK vote to leave EU

USA or U.K. in Brussels is disagree when British or englishmen vote say no from EU.

From that Reuters article....

Quitting the 28-nation bloc will, in general, deprive Britons of the right to work for the EU.

To join the 55,000-strong European civil service, staff must in general be EU citizens. So if someone loses EU citizenship, they might have to quit or face not having contracts renewed.

Some Britons have considered applying for Belgian passports as long-time residents or switching allegiance to the countries of their European spouses.

2 year work to close British civilian worker in Brussels.
Hitler is alive and well in the idea of the European Union. Briton got it right in saying, "we want to be British"! Inclusive in that statement are the words, "independent, national, self governing and self reliant". In general, those are good things, not bad. My point of view, only.
5th post
How do you define nationalism?

Put basically, isn't it a sense of pride, loyalty, or duty to your nation? There is no need to respect other nations in nationalism, and in fact, one would probably put their own nation above all others as a nationalist.

Nationalism is far more than just a sentimental affection for the place one grew up.

Nationalism is a belief that the natural preference for people to form political states that group ethnicities of common language, or history or political ties is a far preferable basis for drawing national boundaries than simple ruling class preferences or those of the merchant class.

For example, an Austrian nationalist in the old pre-WW1 Austrian Empire would assert that the collection of ethnicities were much better off in the larger commonwealth of the Austrian empire and that its borders defined a collection of ethnicities whose common ties of opposition to Russian and Ottoman imperial ambitions, Catholicism, Hapsburg monarchy and western culture far outweighed the simplistic ethnic nationalities of the pan slavic racists that were at work to break them up and later validated these concerns with their massacres in recent Balkan wars and ethnic cleansing campaigns.

Nationalists can be Civic Nationalists.

Nationalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Civic nationalism (also known as liberal nationalism) defines the nation as an association of people who identify themselves as belonging to the nation, who have equal and shared political rights, and allegiance to similar political procedures.[40] According to the principles of civic nationalism, the nation is not based on common ethnic ancestry, but is a political entity whose core identity is not ethnicity. This civic concept of nationalism is exemplified by Ernest Renan in his lecture in 1882 "What is a Nation?", where he defined the nation as a "daily referendum" (frequently translated "daily plebiscite") dependent on the will of its people to continue living together.[40]

Civic nationalism is a kind of non-xenophobic nationalism that is claimed to be compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights.[41][42][43] Ernest Renan[44] and John Stuart Mill[45] are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives,[46][47] and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.[48][49]

Civic nationalism lies within the traditions of rationalism and liberalism, but as a form of nationalism it is contrasted with ethnic nationalism. Membership of the civic nation is considered voluntary, as inErnest Renan's "daily referendum" formulation in What is a Nation? Civic-national ideals influenced the development of representative democracy in countries such as the United States and France(see the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789).

And there are several other kinds of Nationalism aside from Civic and Ethnic nationalism, leftwing nationalism, religious nationalism, territorial and simplistic anticolonial nationalism.
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What was the role of nationalism in Germany before the war?

German nationalism that began to develop before World War II was a major motivation behind many individuals who joined the Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party, used his profound oratory skills to manipulate the German people into following his regime’s propaganda. The people were looking for something to improve the economic situation caused by the depression. The Nazi Party had a great propensity to purvey “mythical nationalist beliefs”; in 1933, they began deliberately blaming the Jewish population for the economic disparity in Germany

Lol, that is referring to ETHNIC NATIONALISM which is not the only kind of nationalism, dumbass.
Brussels Brits in shock after UK vote to leave EU

USA or U.K. in Brussels is disagree when British or englishmen vote say no from EU.

From that Reuters article....

Quitting the 28-nation bloc will, in general, deprive Britons of the right to work for the EU.

To join the 55,000-strong European civil service, staff must in general be EU citizens. So if someone loses EU citizenship, they might have to quit or face not having contracts renewed.

Some Britons have considered applying for Belgian passports as long-time residents or switching allegiance to the countries of their European spouses.

This will open far more than 55k jobs for native Brits and create even more.

People that vote with their bellies do not deserve independence any way, and right now the majority of Englishmen dont do that.
Lol, that is referring to ETHNIC NATIONALISM which is not the only kind of nationalism, dumbass.

Sure, in your delusional and revisionist world, you can excise from "nationalism" the parts you DON'T like (or maybe you do) and keep the parts you want.......Too childish for most sane people....But, do carry on.
First repercussion.....The AP is reporting that the British currency fell to a 31-year low today.

Tourism will increase to England because, like Greece, cost of goods and services will plummet.
First repercussion.....The AP is reporting that the British currency fell to a 31-year low today.

Tourism will increase to England because, like Greece, cost of goods and services will plummet.

Do you consider yourself a Patriot?
Do you consider yourself a Patriot?

That's none of your fucking business...although my service during the Vietnam fiasco IS my business.

Go on, put a dozen US flags out on July 4th, and declare yourself a good "patriot"...because that is the level of your limited intelligence.

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