Europe without borders. The shattering of Schengen.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
Day by day, the face of Europe is dramatically changing as terrorist threats and out-of-control immigration destroy the EU's idyll of passport-free travel between its member states.
Border checks are springing up across the bloc in a scramble by governments to restore their sovereignty and bolster national security to safeguard citizens.

A detailed map compiled by the Mail shows how 11 nations in the Schengen area — from France to Slovakia, Sweden to Germany — have re-instated long-abandoned border restrictions including identity vetting, passport checks, police interviews, static checkpoints and vehicle inspections.
According to an EU report on the new controls seen by the Mail, many countries believe border checks are essential to stop 'infiltration' by Middle Eastern terrorists posing as migrants, and growing strains on overwhelmed asylum reception centres.

Italy, for example, ramped up border checks this month with neighbouring Slovenia, blaming the Israel-Hamas war for an 'increased threat of violence within the EU' and the risk of terrorist-migrants arriving amid 'constant migratory pressure from land and sea.

Another idealistic idea backfires.

The Shengen agreement is maybe the most important part of the EU. Without it, the very idea of the Union hardly makes any sense.
The Shengen agreement is maybe the most important part of the EU. Without it, the very idea of the Union hardly makes any sense.

Why? The basic idea of the European Union is peace in Europe. This worked very fine - only the old warmongers Serbia and Russia created two disasters since world war 2 and only one of this disasters is able to grow to a new world war and the end of all mankind is still only a worst case scenario. So nearly never the situation for and in Europe was more rosy.

Translation: (Es klingt nach Freiheit - it sounds like freedom )

So early in the morning, the world is still standing still
I'm keeping my eye on the fords, I know the feeling
I lose it too often in the race against time
We have to go further, further, but when everything's quiet,

Then the burden fades, no matter how heavy it is
Then I feel the truth, there's no other like it
A certainty, that whatever may happen
In complete silence, like a song

It sounds like freedom
It sounds like
It sounds like boundless freedom
It sounds so wonderfully like freedom

My thoughts are here, not anywhere else
I could just start driving and see what will happen
Tomorrow to the north sea and after that to the rest of the world
Just always further, further, no plan and no money

There the burden fades, no matter how heavy it is
There I feel clarity, not deceived by anything
A certainty, that whatever may happen
In complete silence, like a song

It sounds like freedom
It sounds like
It sounds like boundless freedom

Here, I can feel that there's still something left
In complete silence, like a song

It sounds like freedom
It sounds like
It sounds like boundless freedom
That's what freedom sounds like
It sounds like freedom
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They pretty much threw Schengen to the side when WuFlu hit. Then suddenly you needed papers for crossing borders.

Another idealistic idea backfires.

View attachment 857843

Or with other words: The Nautilus Europe starts to close the bulkheads and begins to descent. Soon you will see only water there and a little island where had been once the Alps. See you 20,000 miles under the sea in Captain Nemos paradise ... or in Lummerland.


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