The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

The Bombshell;

I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me.," "They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.”

You won’t be able to spin that one away lemming.
other then this woman has already been caught in lies…her credibility is shot
Oh, sure they will. Fake news, Deep State, Satan, all that, etc, etc.

This is a cult. Trump can do no wrong, no matter what. They will protect him, period.
oh sadly it’s not fake news..and the only people claiming deep state is you claiming two federal agents will lie about trump, but the person. that said she heard, from a friend who heard it from another trump assaulted the agents is 100 percent correct
Why do you want to prevent those who were in the car from speaking and why do you covet the heresay of someone who was not there and is recounting what she feels she was told by someone who was?
Children in mid tantrum try all kinds of things they can't succeed at. It doesn't matter if the fat orange fool could overpower anybody. The fact that he tried is enough.
there really is no constructive reason to point out that your stupid ass is wrong again in the hopes that you will awaken from your insane leftist stupor .... unless you factor in that its fun as heck to point out how stupid you and your comrades are ...
She didn't witness this, it is hearsay.

But! Trump threw a dish. FFS That's it, that's the Joke 6 committee special hearing. Meanwhile, the economy is a mess, the border is a mess and getting worse, as Fentanyl is streaming into America and record deaths are following it.

Oh, and that rat Liz Cheney once again quoted Trump but once again cut it off and didn't quote him saying to peacefully protest at the Capitol.
This is probably because he never said those words "March peacefully to the Capitol."
Look for them in the speech....then come back and post the video here where he said that.
I'll wait.

How'd you come to that...?

Ahhhhh, your right wing media WANTS you to focus on what she heard second hand, and was not a witness to.....instead of the most important first hand testimony.....

and y'all are good little minions....lead so easily by your media.

Care to tell me how Trump would gain access to the driver's steering wheel if he was separated by at least 2 panes of bulletproof glass from the driver area?
You are certainly free to believe whatever you want, but she testified under oath. They made their remarks to who? Truth Social?
As I said

She swore under oath that she wrote the note which is easy to verify

A statement that has been disputed

But its easy to find out who is telling the truth

Are you up for it?

I am

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