The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

Someone TOLD her about this. This is HEARSAY and in ANY TRIAL IN AMERICA would be immediately shot down as such. Any trial lawyer would object to this as hearsay, and it would be upheld.

But in a democrats world, not only is hearsay acceptable, but objections, and even allowing the other side to speak, are blocked.

It's kinda funny these people take this shit seriously.
Pictures of the SUV have already been posted.
trump beast.jpg

How'd you come to that...?

Ahhhhh, your right wing media WANTS you to focus on what she heard second hand, and was not a witness to.....instead of the most important first hand testimony.....

and y'all are good little minions....lead so easily by your media.
You are a damn gullible moron. Not ONE thing she said was anything she witnessed. You want a low education minion, look in a mirror you fool.
Trump must REALLY love you lying, dumbass, RETARDS.

1st- Trump wasn't in the limo, the Beast, he was in a Chevrolet suburban.

2nd, - Cassidy Hutchinson was asked about a conversation of what one person said and did, NOT what Trump said, except when she did acually hear Trump say something......."Trump wanted the secret service to remove the metal detectors" and “They are not here to hurt me.”

Cassidy stated that this person said this about Trump, which isn't fucking hearsay.
If she claimed Trump said something, insisting that he did but actually heard from a second party.............THAT would be hearsay.

3rd- It's a hearing, not fucking court, Trumptards don't get to call witnesses, like a grand jury.
The lawyers and cross examination will come in court trial.

4th- Did EVERYONE of you get suckered into taking the Trump U. "law" school correspondence course?
Fools and their $$$.
Hey asshole, she didn’t hear Trump say anything. She wasn’t there. Saying somebody else told you something makes it all hearsay you idiot. Crawl back underneath your rock and cry some more at your latest failure.
I've heard the same thing over and over. Are you mad? A woman burst you bubble. Man up.
You'll keep hearing it until early next when it disappears because it's total bullshit. That woman that testified is a laughing stock.

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