Idiot liberal policy created the global economic crisis. A big salute to the Republican Congress for putting in the hours to correct it and having it all lined up in advance so that they can move quickly should Trump be elected...

"In a phrase,” he said, summarizing the Republican plan in prepared remarks obtained by The Daily Signal, “we need economic growth for all and bank bailouts for none.”

“It wasn’t deregulation that created the great financial crisis of 2008, it was mostly dumb regulation by the Washington elite,” Hensarling told The Daily Signal on Monday before the speech. “And there were none dumber than those compelling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to loan money to people for homes they couldn’t afford to keep.”

Republicans Unveil Dodd-Frank Fix
Prime example here of how the U.S. was intended to function. Here is an individual, of their own free-will, funding the R&D of something that interests them. It's not being done by government because liberals are either too lazy (to donate their time and energy) or too cheap (to donate their money). It's being done in the private sector by a private investor. This is how everything in the U.S. should be handled (outside of the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government obviously) - energy, research, science, etc.

Welcome to Larry Page’s Secret Flying-Car Factories
It's amazing that liberals still attempt all of their insane lies and propaganda when so much indisputable information is available thanks to technology:


It is this special form of liberal insanity that has driven jobs overseas where it is exponentially cheaper for corporations to conduct business. Even Canada (and pretty damn left-wing socialist nation) had an astounding 13% lower corporate tax rate than the U.S. And we damn near double Switzerland's tax rate.

Until we reject the failed ideology of liberalism, we will continue to wallow in a less than stellar economy and an unsustainable $19 trillion or more in national debt.
As long as it forces cheapskate corporations to increase wages then im all for it. 12 bucks an hour is a laughable wage. But you dont mention that. We MUST keep corporate greed in check somehow.
Too much corporate control will kill the middle class. Lower corporate taxes thats fine. But keep in mind that wages MUST increase then. I fear you believe that more people working for 12 bucks an hour is great. More people working for 20 bucks per hour is alot better.
Too much corporate control will kill the middle class. Lower corporate taxes thats fine. But keep in mind that wages MUST increase then. I fear you believe that more people working for 12 bucks an hour is great. More people working for 20 bucks per hour is alot better.
The problem is - a whole lot less people work when it costs a business $20 per hour to pay them for unskilled labor. It's just a reality of basic economics.

If raising the minimum wage did anything - it wouldn't have needed to be raised eight times just in my lifetime. When you raise minimum wage, one of two things must occurs. Either the company must lay off its employees or it must raise their prices to cover the new labor costs. In one case, the minimum wage worker is out of a job so they are no further ahead. In the other case, everything is more expensive so the minimum wage worker is no further ahead.

Again - just basic economics here.
Too much corporate control will kill the middle class.
That is a misconception intentionally created by progressives. The beauty of the free market is that there is no "control". Talented people can auction their skills to the highest bidder. Companies will have to pay top dollar for quality people. Those that don't won't be in business for very long.
For those few progressives left that haven't figured out why Barack Obama is the only president in U.S. history to not have at least one year of 3% GDP growth.

The flat-earth progressives who deny reality just can't bring themselves to accept what the rest of the world is accepting (including socialist nations). While consumers look for the best deals from businesses, businesses look for the best deals from governments. They aren't going to pay more for labor, taxes, and regulations than they have to anymore than you would pay more for a home, an automobile, and a tv than you have to. You shop around and you get the best deal. That's what businesses do as well. And that is why so many have taken their manufacturing operations, and the subsequent jobs, overseas. Idiotic progressive policies have driven them there. We need smart, sound, conservative economic policy to bring them back and keep them here.

Soaring Business Taxes Hurt America’s Ability to Compete
We have the blueprint for prosperity already. We know what works and what doesn't. History has proven it.
  • Marriage is one of the greatest protectors against child poverty. It is counterintuitive to have a welfare system that penalizes this institution.
  • According to a recently released study from the American Enterprise Institute, 82% of lower-middle-class families with young children face “marriage penalties” in the welfare system.
  • Couples who marry would lose all or some of their welfare benefits because their combined income is often greater than each of their independent incomes.
  • The study found that couples with young children are less likely to marry if they face a significant marriage penalty
  • Furthermore, nearly a third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 60 reported that they personally know someone who has chosen not to marry because of the marriage penalty.
Prime example of liberal policies destroying families. These people are avoiding marriage because liberal policies rewards them for avoiding it and punishes them for engaging in it.

Our Welfare System Shouldn't Penalize Marriage
Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax
What conservatives have known and said for decades. This is so simple - and progressives know it to. But they refuse to admit it.
  • According to Paul Trussell, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, the number of people utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in June 2016 was down 4.7% from the same month a year before, and the number of households using SNAP was down 5.2% year-over-year.
  • "The month of June represents the biggest YOY decline in persons and households participating in SNAP in the program's history," Trussell wrote in a note to clients on Thursday.
  • The primary driver, according to Trussell, is the reinstitution of work rules by states. During the financial crisis, the federal government allowed states to waive requirements regarding employment for SNAP recipients as the unemployment rate soared.
The number of people on food stamps is plummeting at the fastest rate ever after the government made a key change

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