The biggest fear of socialism isn't the economic system, remember this term: Zersetzung


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's a term worth understanding and appreciating, used by the East German Stasi and embraced by the RCMP in Canada in the 1970's and watered down across our covert police apparatus. Almost certainly these tactics are used broadly in Cuba and more overtly in Venezuela right now.

It is in fact, what will closely follow any system of centralized control, worse than the underlying economic system itself. Some are now trying to silence some media personalities by organizing to have them fired etc, this is at least somewhat transparent (though not entirely). When you become a centralized system, the state will be working to do as they please against you, only covertly. After all, "you owe them" for all the benevolence. You're now a dependent, a child to the adult.

Canadians have experienced, as have the Brits. America ran away from this when you left the monarchy and these tactics didn't have such a fancy German name because it was done openly and violently. Subversion from the state becomes covert, they want you to blame yourself for all your hardships, knowing full well they are behind them.

It's not what people with courage and honor engage in, it will be the main mechanism of control outside of your dependence on state handouts. It was also used against U.S diplomats in Russia, not so surprising. But Canada and other "ally" nations doing so as well against their own citizens? Don't be surprised.

Zersetzung - Wikipedia

Zersetzung (German for "decomposition") is a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s. Zersetzung served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities.
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Zersetzung when twitter, facebook and the rest of the MSM censors conservatives online?
Then again in college, professors punish students for conservative thought with poor grades?
Antifa riots when conservative speakers exercise their free speech, like Milos.

Then again, Trump supporters can get beaten up at Berkeley for handing out literature:
Berkeley campus assault on conservative activist shows intolerance by Trump-hating left – suspect now arrested

I think the Left checks all the boxes for
Zersetzung...just like the nazis

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