The Big Bang Theory Of Creation Is A MYTH


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The "Big Bang Theory Of Creation" (Wiki) is a Myth based upon errant human thinking, reverse engineering and a blind acceptance of false fundamental doctrinal precepts with no basis in reality. Rather than explaining the method through which "This Creation" (Heavens, Heaven and Earth) was called into existence (Jn 1:3), the Big Bang Theory tells the story of how a previous "This Creation" (Singularity Expression = Adam) was ‘destroyed.’ In the beginning every particle of matter in this universe was one thing and that one thing was Adam or ‘eth-Erets of Genesis 1:1.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.
These ten English words are actually seven Hebrews terms working in unison to describe a ‘perfect’ and ‘mature’ Creation contained within ‘the Heaven’ (‘eth-Shamayim) like the yoke inside the white of an egg as a “Singularity Expression.” The ‘three witnesses’ of Genesis 1:1 are God, the Heaven (The Word/Christ) and the Earth (This Creation = Adam) described here:

“He (The Heaven/Word) is the image of the Invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in Him (the Word/Heaven/Christ) all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and “IN” Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:15-17.
The perfect ages of Genesis 1:1 passed with God, His Word (Heaven/Son) and Creation (Adam/Son) having this perfect triune relationship between three “Singularity Expressions” where the three witnesses (1Jn 5:8) of each were ‘one’ and the same thing. This Creation had no ‘heavens’ invisible realm nor any ‘earth’ physical realm, because the spirit, soul and body were the same thing rolled into one. There was no such thing as angels (spirit witnesses) or men (water witness counterparts), because the hosts of this perfect Creation (during Gen. 1:1) were mirror image ‘singularity expressions’ of the Creation (Adam) itself. There was no such thing as the “Father” or the “Son” or the “Holy Spirit,” because They too were represented by “The Word” (John 1:1-3 = "before the world was.") contained within the “Singularity Expression” containing this entire Universe as ‘one thing’ very much perfect, whole, mature and complete. Try to imagine all the matter in this universe contained within a singularity expression, then realize the ‘heavens realm’ is many times the size of this current visible universe, then you begin gaining some perspective on the ‘eth-Erets’ size from Genesis 1:1. However, that perfect Creation was ‘destroyed’ by what men call the Big Bang:

“The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.” Genesis 1:2.
This entire Creation (heavens and earth, visible and invisible) was ‘one thing’ (Adam), but became divided into exactly ‘two things’ (spiritual and physical waters) separated by an expanse; so that every particle of physical matter was separated from the spiritual counterpart.

Adamic Creation Pic

If ‘the earth’ of Genesis 1:1 is represented by one perfect sphere (in blue), then the ‘formless and void’ condition is depicted by two spheres (heavens and earth) completely separated in a ‘dead, separated’ void condition. “The Deep” represents the last circular location where the heavens and earth touched ‘before’ the final separation ‘and’ the first place they touched again when ‘heaven’ was called to exist by the overlapping ‘begotten’ process.

“Then God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters [heavens and earth], and let it separate the waters [invisible heavens above] from the waters [visible earth below]." God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse [earth] from the waters which were above the expanse [heavens]; and it was so. God called the expanse heaven [where the two overlap]. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.” Genesis 1:6-8.
Scripture is describing how the perfect ‘eth-Erets (the earth) Singularity Expression became ‘two’ witnesses (heavens and earth) to then become ‘three witnesses’ (heavens, heaven and earth) making up the current ‘broken universe’ where men are basing their Creation theories on just ‘one third’ of the physical universe you ‘can’ see. Relativity and Quantum Physics represent the ‘same thing’ in the Singularity Expression Creation, but they have no reconciliation in this ‘broken universe,’ because of the vast discrepancies between the ‘relationships’ of the invisible and visible realms themselves. Since you believe the “Big Bang” Theory explains the ‘creation’ of this universe, and not the destruction of a previous Singularity Expression, then all your precepts and axioms are based upon a Myth rather than the true ‘triune’ nature of creation groaning (Romans 8:18-22) to become ‘whole’ (Adam) once again. This is like working to define a man by observing his physical body without even acknowledging the existence of his soul and spirit, when the unseen facets of man’s existence define humanity far more accurately than examination of this also flawed and deteriorating 'water witness' (charts here and here) vehicle of expression. This broken universe will be remade time and time again (like in Rev. 21:1+), so that each reconstitution of the heavens and earth finds them resembling the original Singularity Expression more and more throughout the ages to come.

The “cosmic microwave background radiation” noise (Wiki) has nothing to do with the creation of this universe, but is the resonation signature of the Singularity Expression (the earth) shattered (pierced) into a kazillion itsy bitsy pieces when the perfect 'This Creation' became ‘formless and void.’ The current ‘red shift’ characteristics (Wiki) on display in the visible universe today will be replaced in the ages to come by the ‘blue shift’ qualities of a creation on the way to becoming ‘one’ once again. The key to understanding the true nature of this universe is acquired by realizing this creation is just one ‘son of God’ (Luke 3:38) and the ‘visible universe’ (bottom of Fig 3 = lower left of Fig 2) is only representative of Adam’s ‘broken body.’ We are all ‘gods’ in God’s Infinite Realm, but Adam is the one murdered by Satan exactly like Cain murdered Abel in the beginning. However, we are all members of one another (like Rom 12:4+5) in God’s Infinite Realm, which means we died “IN” Adam in the moment Satan murdered him.

“For as “IN” Adam all die, so also “IN” Christ all will be made alive.” 1Corinthians 15:22.
All died “IN” Adam when this creation became ‘formless and void’ at the very moment the “Big Bang” separated the Singularity Expression hosts into angels (spirit witnesses) and men (water witnesses). The method through which all things in the universe shall become ‘one’ and ‘whole’ once again is described by Paul to the Ephesians:

“He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed “IN” Him (Christ/Word/Heaven of Gen. 1:1) with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things “IN” Christ, things in the heavens (spirit witness) and things on the earth (water witness).” Ephesians 1:9-10.
Many errantly believe the current universe expansion process is natural and normal, when in fact we have been looking at a previous Singularity Expression becoming formless and void. This creation requires a summing up process of the invisible and visible realms into a ‘New Creation’ that mirrors the original ‘eth-Erets of Genesis 1:1 to a tee. As it is written,

“That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, "See this, it is new"? Already it has existed for ages which were before us. There is no remembrance of earlier things; and also of the later things which will occur, there will be for them no remembrance among those who will come later still.” Ecclesiastes 1:9-11.

In Christ Jesus (The Word = F+S+HS),

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I'm waiting for you to start a thread proving Santa Claus isn't real.
ACtually the BIG BANG theory is the proof supporting the metphorical Biblical theory for existence which suggests to us that GOD said

Let there be light

We, meaning science, are light years away from understanding existence and being.

Science knows some stuff about our universe, but it's always ready to consider a better explanation.

Science and religion are, in my never humble opinion, not in any way in opposition to each other.

Many religious people are, quite frankly, nuts, but hey! if they take more comfort in metaphors designed for bronze age shepherds than science, I say go for it.

ACtually the BIG BANG theory is the proof supporting the metphorical Biblical theory for existence which suggests to us that GOD said

Let there be light

We, meaning science, are light years away from understanding existence and being.

Science knows some stuff about our universe, but it's always ready to consider a better explanation.

Science and religion are, in my never humble opinion, not in any way in opposition to each other.

Many religious people are, quite frankly, nuts, but hey! if they take more comfort in metaphors designed for bronze age shepherds than science, I say go for it.

That's the REALLY funny part about this. The Big Bang Theory was actually more capable of justifying the "sudden existence" myths, since it didn't really answer anything. The more accurate and modern Expansion theory doesn't even really disprove the myths, however some keep trying to prove these wrong ... thus they must not believe their own myths anymore than the hardcore scientists who came up with a few other theories that do not support the myth at all.
The "Big Bang Theory Of Creation" (Wiki) is a Myth based upon errant human thinking, reverse engineering and a blind acceptance of false fundamental doctrinal precepts with no basis in reality. Rather than explaining the method through which "This Creation" was called into existence, the Big Bang Theory tells the story of how a previous "This Creation" was ‘destroyed.’ In the beginning every particle of matter in this universe was one thing and that one thing was Adam or ‘eth-Erets of Genesis 1:1.

I didn't read the links, but I agree that the Big Bang theory doesn't address the creation of the universe at all, since it offers no explanation of where the singularity came from to begin with.

I LOVE the way you tied together the Big Explosion story and the Biblical creation story, with the perfection and unity of the One/Singularity shattering out into diverse and seperate forms.

I also really enjoy the aesthetics of the idea of an expanding-then-contracting (or shattering-then-recombining) universe, as you suggest here:

The current ‘red shift’ characteristics (Wiki) on display in the visible universe today will be replaced in the ages to come by the ‘blue shift’ qualities of a creation on the way to becoming ‘one’ once again.

I think it would be an absolute blast to get thoroughly intoxicated with you, Terral.
Hi Kitten:

While I would like to write defending arguments supporting my original hypothesis, a real debate requires at least two parties able to present their opposing views using some kind of evidentiary support . . .

That's the REALLY funny part about this. The Big Bang Theory was actually more capable of justifying the "sudden existence" myths, since it didn't really answer anything.

The Big Bang Theory of Creation did not answer anything? :0) For those unaware:

Wiki: Big Bang

The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the initial conditions and subsequent development of the universe supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation.[1][2] As used by cosmologists, the term Big Bang generally refers to the idea that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past, and continues to expand to this day.
The more accurate and modern Expansion theory doesn't even really disprove the myths, however some keep trying to prove these wrong ... thus they must not believe their own myths anymore than the hardcore scientists who came up with a few other theories that do not support the myth at all.

What in the heck is the “Expansion Theory?” :0) Maybe you are talking about “Hubble’s Law and the Expansion of Space” (link) or the “Metric Expansion of Space” (link). The problem with that explanation is that "Metric expansion is a key feature of Big Bang Cosmology" like Hubble’s Law ‘remains the cornerstone of the Big Bang Theory as developed by Friedmann, Lemaitre, Robertson and Walker" (link). In any case, all of these people are providing solutions to Einstein’s field equations of general relativity (link) that my OP hypothesis works to refute.

The premise of my argument is based upon a really simple concept that perhaps somebody here can understand without the Bible and without science books and equations. The Big Bang Theory of Creation says that everything in this universe was created by a Big Bang about 14 billion years ago, which my explanation says is nothing more than a MYTH. In fact, nothing in this universe was created by any Big Bang at all. NOTHING.

When you look out into the cosmos on a clear moonless night, then you are looking at the remains of a previously-existing perfect universe that was DESTROYED by the Big Bang taking place just about 14 billion years ago. The Big Bang Theory actually teaches how that perfect and mature universe was blown to smithereens, until God began ‘reconstituting’ those remains in the descriptions you see in Genesis 1. The short of a very long story is that eventually every particle of matter and antimatter in this currently ‘broken’ universe will become ‘one’ again in the time that God becomes “all in all” (1Cor. 15:28 = pic).


ACtually the BIG BANG theory is the proof supporting the metphorical Biblical theory for existence which suggests to us that GOD said

Let there be light

We, meaning science, are light years away from understanding existence and being.

Science knows some stuff about our universe, but it's always ready to consider a better explanation.

Science and religion are, in my never humble opinion, not in any way in opposition to each other.

Many religious people are, quite frankly, nuts, but hey! if they take more comfort in metaphors designed for bronze age shepherds than science, I say go for it.

Light years away? Please, tell me where that understanding can be found. I wasn't aware it was even at a specific location, much less that we had located it. :tongue:
Greetings to All:

The "Big Bang Theory Of Creation" (Wiki) is a Myth based upon errant human thinking, reverse engineering and a blind acceptance of false fundamental doctrinal precepts with no basis in reality. Rather than explaining the method through which "This Creation" (Heavens, Heaven and Earth) was called into existence (Jn 1:3), the Big Bang Theory tells the story of how a previous "This Creation" (Singularity Expression = Adam) was ‘destroyed.’ In the beginning every particle of matter in this universe was one thing and that one thing was Adam or ‘eth-Erets of Genesis 1:1.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earthGenesis 1:1.
These ten English words are actually seven Hebrews terms working in unison to describe a ‘perfect’ and ‘mature’ Creation contained within ‘the Heaven’ (‘eth-Shamayim) like the yoke inside the white of an egg as a “Singularity Expression.” The ‘three witnesses’ of Genesis 1:1 are God, the Heaven (The Word/Christ) and the Earth (This Creation = Adam) described here:

“He (The Heaven/Word) is the image of the Invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in Him (the Word/Heaven/Christ) all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and “IN” Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:15-17.
The perfect ages of Genesis 1:1 passed with God, His Word (Heaven/Son) and Creation (Adam/Son) having this perfect triune relationship between three “Singularity Expressions” where the three witnesses (1Jn 5:8) of each were ‘one’ and the same thing. This Creation had no ‘heavens’ invisible realm nor any ‘earth’ physical realm, because the spirit, soul and body were the same thing rolled into one. There was no such thing as angels (spirit witnesses) or men (water witness counterparts), because the hosts of this perfect Creation (during Gen. 1:1) were mirror image ‘singularity expressions’ of the Creation (Adam) itself. There was no such thing as the “Father” or the “Son” or the “Holy Spirit,” because They too were represented by “The Word” (John 1:1-3 = "before the world was.") contained within the “Singularity Expression” containing this entire Universe as ‘one thing’ very much perfect, whole, mature and complete. Try to imagine all the matter in this universe contained within a singularity expression, then realize the ‘heavens realm’ is many times the size of this current visible universe, then you begin gaining some perspective on the ‘eth-Erets’ size from Genesis 1:1. However, that perfect Creation was ‘destroyed’ by what men call the Big Bang:

This entire Creation (heavens and earth, visible and invisible) was ‘one thing’ (Adam), but became divided into exactly ‘two things’ (spiritual and physical waters) separated by an expanse; so that every particle of physical matter was separated from the spiritual counterpart.

Adamic Creation Pic

If ‘the earth’ of Genesis 1:1 is represented by one perfect sphere (in blue), then the ‘formless and void’ condition is depicted by two spheres (heavens and earth) completely separated in a ‘dead, separated’ void condition. “The Deep” represents the last circular location where the heavens and earth touched ‘before’ the final separation ‘and’ the first place they touched again when ‘heaven’ was called to exist by the overlapping ‘begotten’ process.

Scripture is describing how the perfect ‘eth-Erets (the earth) Singularity Expression became ‘two’ witnesses (heavens and earth) to then become ‘three witnesses’ (heavens, heaven and earth) making up the current ‘broken universe’ where men are basing their Creation theories on just ‘one third’ of the physical universe you ‘can’ see. Relativity and Quantum Physics represent the ‘same thing’ in the Singularity Expression Creation, but they have no reconciliation in this ‘broken universe,’ because of the vast discrepancies between the ‘relationships’ of the invisible and visible realms themselves. Since you believe the “Big Bang” Theory explains the ‘creation’ of this universe, and not the destruction of a previous Singularity Expression, then all your precepts and axioms are based upon a Myth rather than the true ‘triune’ nature of creation groaning (Romans 8:18-22) to become ‘whole’ (Adam) once again. This is like working to define a man by observing his physical body without even acknowledging the existence of his soul and spirit, when the unseen facets of man’s existence define humanity far more accurately than examination of this also flawed and deteriorating 'water witness' (charts here and here) vehicle of expression. This broken universe will be remade time and time again (like in Rev. 21:1+), so that each reconstitution of the heavens and earth finds them resembling the original Singularity Expression more and more throughout the ages to come.

The “cosmic microwave background radiation” noise (Wiki) has nothing to do with the creation of this universe, but is the resonation signature of the Singularity Expression (the earth) shattered (pierced) into a kazillion itsy bitsy pieces when the perfect 'This Creation' became ‘formless and void.’ The current ‘red shift’ characteristics (Wiki) on display in the visible universe today will be replaced in the ages to come by the ‘blue shift’ qualities of a creation on the way to becoming ‘one’ once again. The key to understanding the true nature of this universe is acquired by realizing this creation is just one ‘son of God’ (Luke 3:38) and the ‘visible universe’ (bottom of Fig 3 = lower left of Fig 2) is only representative of Adam’s ‘broken body.’ We are all ‘gods’ in God’s Infinite Realm, but Adam is the one murdered by Satan exactly like Cain murdered Abel in the beginning. However, we are all members of one another (like Rom 12:4+5) in God’s Infinite Realm, which means we died “IN” Adam in the moment Satan murdered him.

All died “IN” Adam when this creation became ‘formless and void’ at the very moment the “Big Bang” separated the Singularity Expression hosts into angels (spirit witnesses) and men (water witnesses). The method through which all things in the universe shall become ‘one’ and ‘whole’ once again is described by Paul to the Ephesians:

“He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed “IN” Him (Christ/Word/Heaven of Gen. 1:1) with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things “IN” Christ, things in the heavens (spirit witness) and things on the earth (water witness).” Ephesians 1:9-10.
Many errantly believe the current universe expansion process is natural and normal, when in fact we have been looking at a previous Singularity Expression becoming formless and void. This creation requires a summing up process of the invisible and visible realms into a ‘New Creation’ that mirrors the original ‘eth-Erets of Genesis 1:1 to a tee. As it is written,

“That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, "See this, it is new"? Already it has existed for ages which were before us. There is no remembrance of earlier things; and also of the later things which will occur, there will be for them no remembrance among those who will come later still.” Ecclesiastes 1:9-11.

In Christ Jesus (The Word = F+S+HS),


All of this or... It was just another creation story among thousands of creation stories, created by a people with no scientific literacy trying to explain their world and this is just a metaphorical stretch trying to reconcile bronze age myths with modern cosmology.

Got to go with Occam on this one, but it was a very creative OP. Thanks for sharing it.
Many religious people are, quite frankly, nuts, but hey! if they take more comfort in metaphors designed for bronze age shepherds than science, I say go for it.


I think it would be an absolute blast to get thoroughly intoxicated with you, Terral.

Now that's for sure... :lol: Your crazed yet highly imaginative blabber might yet become a hot commodity, Terral!
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Psst...The Creation story in the Bible is also a myth.

And what's more, myth does not necessarily equal false. Look it up.

Prove it.

Your ignorance is showing ... with myths the weight of evidence lies with those who want to make it fact, not the other way around. While many myths can be debunked ... this is one written by humans who were no where around when it happened and have no proof it is nothing more than a bedtime story ... thus it is myth.
Psst...The Creation story in the Bible is also a myth.

And what's more, myth does not necessarily equal false. Look it up.

Prove it.

Pronunciation: \ˈmith\
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek mythos
Date: 1830
1 a: a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.

If you don't think the creation story in the Bible qualifies, then I guess you must not believe in it.
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Greetings to All:

The "Big Bang Theory Of Creation" (Wiki) is a Myth based upon errant human thinking, reverse engineering ...
(emphasis added)

Definitions of Reverse engineering on the Web:

* Reverse engineering (RE) is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object or system through analysis of its ...

* The process of analyzing the construction and operation of a product in order to manufacture a similar one

* the process of analyzing an existing system to identify its components and their interrelationships, and to create representations of the system ...
Rigi Glossary of Terms

* The process of learning how a product is made by taking it apart and examining it.

You fail at today's vocabulary lesson

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