The balance is changing.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.
The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.

We don't give a fuck if you do.

And we don't give a fuck if you fall off of a cliff (unless you land on some critter...then we might mourn).
The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber.

The Left has been claiming that for years.
Because rabid right wingnut s are compulsive liars

Just like the loony left wingnuts.

Right, Daffy?

The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.
Or maybe your Liberal "Voices of Reason" wised up and joined #WALKAWAY.
The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.

There is no "balance". We have more supporters, more money, and far more accomplishments than you leftists and your feckless "leaders." If nothing else, the month-long temper tantrum you children threw in the streets is going to cost you the election.

Enjoy the next four years of Trump.
Contrary to popular belief, there IS a topic.

Include it in your posts.
My posts were deleted! I must have hurt someones feelings. Some snowflake.

The balance is certainly changing, there are many more people willing to speak up when they see lies being propagated and people suffering as a result. People don't want the amoral wealthy hoodwinking the gullible any more.
The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.
We just had a libtard thread over the weekend saying us Trump fans are all gone....because we are somehow we get this?....
We don't lie....if you think we do site it....don't just toss out baseless accusations.....
The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.

Agreed. I've noticed that USMB is becoming just a sounding board for right-wing nutjob conspiracy theorists. I don't believe much of what is written here. It's a shame that the right-wingers/"conservatives" really don't have anyone capable of articulating their ideas and policy proposals in an intelligent and organized manner. All they do is call people names, parrot wild theories about Constitutional law, and flip around terms and phrases that they obviously don't know the meaning of.
The tRumplings here seem to be on a recruitment drive.

The place is becoming a Right Wing Nut Job echo chamber. Every other thread seems to be tRumplings stroking each other. It's pretty disgusting.

I see why some of our long term voices of reason are abandoning ship.

Now one tRumpkin posts a lie and seven others chime in and swear to it. Honesty and integrity be damned.

Ok, since I know none of you conservitards can make an intelligent response go ahead and start the name-calling.

If you're lucky I'll even read it.

Agreed. I've noticed that USMB is becoming just a sounding board for right-wing nutjob conspiracy theorists. I don't believe much of what is written here. It's a shame that the right-wingers/"conservatives" really don't have anyone capable of articulating their ideas and policy proposals in an intelligent and organized manner. All they do is call people names, parrot wild theories about Constitutional law, and flip around terms and phrases that they obviously don't know the meaning of.
.....says the very childish poster whose every other post does nothing other than cry about the "orange whore"

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