The average student loan debt for medical school is $251,600.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
These are two separate articles about it.

Unsurprisingly, physicians are ranked as the world’s most respected professionals. Naturally, the individuals that we entrust with our well-being should be held in the highest regard. Not only do we commonly portray them as perfectly magnanimous and self-sacrificing, but they are also perceived to be wealthy and capable of living extravagant lifestyles.

However, their prestige comes with a price. Becoming a physician is one of the most arduous career paths. After completing 8 years of college and medical school, candidates have to enroll in a residency program and obtain a license before being able to practice.

Eight out of 10 medical school graduates borrow to earn their degree — and most take on six-figure debt with 18% borrowing $300,000 or more.

A roundup of the latest statistics show average medical school debt now exceeds $200,000. While medical school graduates can generally expect to earn six-figure salaries, nearly half plan to apply for student loan forgiveness:

  • Average medical school debt → $232,300
  • Average education debt after medical school → $251,600
  • Average salary with a medical school degree → $210,980
  • Average time to repay medical school debt → 13 years
Average Student Loan Debt for Medical School for 2020
13 years to pay off the debt and then make $250k+/yr for the rest of your career? That's a hell of a deal.

Though if Bernie wins that salary is going to go way down, along with quality if you are anything like Canada.
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That average salary is weighted down by women who work part-time and specialize in low-income areas. For a typical male doctor the number is much higher.

You all understand, right?, that these are the loans that the Democrats think ought to be forgiven?
Mayor Pete says he's re-examining his position on cancelling student loans...HIP HIP HOORAY!


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