The amazing contortionist Rand Paul

Well? they are worried over someone being a contortionist

Is Everybody in the Obama Administration Corrupt? Sure Looks That Way
And nobody gives a damn; this report will be filed and forgotten, and the rich will get richer... thanks to the federal government and its extra-constitutional functions.

Michael Walsh

BioMarch 25, 2015 - 9:19 am

It’s a racket, plain and simple. Two related news items of note. First:

Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas tainted the image and integrity of the immigration program he oversaw by fostering “an appearance of favoritism and special access” in how the agency treated projects that would bring visas and Green Cards to wealthy foreign investors, a new report from the agency’s Inspector General says.

“The juxtaposition of Mr. Mayorkas’ communication with external stakeholders on specific matters outside the normal procedures, coupled with favorable action that deviated from the regulatory scheme designed to ensure fairness and evenhandedness in adjudicating benefits, created an appearance of favoritism and special access,” the Inspector General’s report concluded.

The DHS IG report specifically focused on allegations of special treatment afforded to a Las Vegas casino project championed by Sen. Harry Reid, then the Senate majority leader, and an electric car enterprise led by Terry McAuliffe, who is now Virginia governor, and involving Anthony Rodham, the brother of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

And second: did somebody say Terry McAuliffe?

ALL of it here:
Is i Everybody i in the Obama Administration Corrupt Sure Looks That Way PJ Tatler

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