The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical. It is the account of how man knows right from wrong and when he violates it he rationalizes that he didn't violate it, but he never abandons the concept of right and wrong.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something.
You won't see that message if you don't have the key, that being understanding where the message comes from and it's purpose. You all see the messages coming from the past to warn the future forgeting Heaven is the perfected kingdom to come thus Future which is warning the past.
Most don't notice these things, because they think of time in a linear sense when the message is from the non linear capability advanced future. You were given clues when the OT said in Isaiah, the begining is at the end. Now read Genesis representing warnings to man from those who know where we mess up.
In the Zohar Lilith the first woman is equated as Israel. Lilith left man when man refused her equality and she refused his "missionary" position.
Adam (meaning man) was then given a partner which came out of his rib (not out of God's creation) as soon as she saw Eve (adam-man's second bride)clinging to his side she (Lilith- the Night Spector) fled from man .
Lilith thus was cast into the depths of the sea (Rome), where she abode until the time that Adam and his wife (the church) sinned. Then the Holy One, brought her out from the depth of the sea (Rome) and gave her power over all those children by "bringing back" the first bride (Israel).
Remember it was Eve(the church) who was convinced by the fallen false prophet Jesus =serpent to partake of his fruit(teachings) claiming to believe in his tree (cross) and you'll be eternal(in death not life).
Eve(church) talked Adam (man) to partake on this serpents(Jesus) teachings both good and evil mixed in a way unrecognizable to what was benefit and what was harmful and thus they did die from partaking this fruit.
The word regarding naked is spelled in Hebrew in the same manner as being unveiled(exposed) of deceptions, therefore they covered their deceptions as in covering up the naked truth.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something.
You won't see that message if you don't have the key, that being understanding where the message comes from and it's purpose. You all see the messages coming from the past to warn the future forgeting Heaven is the perfected kingdom to come thus Future which is warning the past.
Most don't notice these things, because they think of time in a linear sense when the message is from the non linear capability advanced future. You were given clues when the OT said in Isaiah, the begining is at the end. Now read Genesis representing warnings to man from those who know where we mess up.
In the Zohar Lilith the first woman is equated as Israel. Lilith left man when man refused her equality and she refused his "missionary" position.
Adam (meaning man) was then given a partner which came out of his rib (not out of God's creation) as soon as she saw Eve (adam-man's second bride)clinging to his side she (Lilith- the Night Spector) fled from man .
Lilith thus was cast into the depths of the sea (Rome), where she abode until the time that Adam and his wife (the church) sinned. Then the Holy One, brought her out from the depth of the sea (Rome) and gave her power over all those children by "bringing back" the first bride (Israel).
Remember it was Eve(the church) who was convinced by the fallen false prophet Jesus =serpent to partake of his fruit(teachings) claiming to believe in his tree (cross) and you'll be eternal(in death not life).
Eve(church) talked Adam (man) to partake on this serpents(Jesus) teachings both good and evil mixed in a way unrecognizable to what was benefit and what was harmful and thus they did die from partaking this fruit.
The word regarding naked is spelled in Hebrew in the same manner as being unveiled(exposed) of deceptions, therefore they covered their deceptions as in covering up the naked truth.
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?
Same reason Moshiach is deemed a lepper.
Man and the church can talk about a HaShev (return) but will guarantee hide from any HaShev.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something.
You won't see that message if you don't have the key, that being understanding where the message comes from and it's purpose. You all see the messages coming from the past to warn the future forgeting Heaven is the perfected kingdom to come thus Future which is warning the past.
Most don't notice these things, because they think of time in a linear sense when the message is from the non linear capability advanced future. You were given clues when the OT said in Isaiah, the begining is at the end. Now read Genesis representing warnings to man from those who know where we mess up.
In the Zohar Lilith the first woman is equated as Israel. Lilith left man when man refused her equality and she refused his "missionary" position.
Adam (meaning man) was then given a partner which came out of his rib (not out of God's creation) as soon as she saw Eve (adam-man's second bride)clinging to his side she (Lilith- the Night Spector) fled from man .
Lilith thus was cast into the depths of the sea (Rome), where she abode until the time that Adam and his wife (the church) sinned. Then the Holy One, brought her out from the depth of the sea (Rome) and gave her power over all those children by "bringing back" the first bride (Israel).
Remember it was Eve(the church) who was convinced by the fallen false prophet Jesus =serpent to partake of his fruit(teachings) claiming to believe in his tree (cross) and you'll be eternal(in death not life).
Eve(church) talked Adam (man) to partake on this serpents(Jesus) teachings both good and evil mixed in a way unrecognizable to what was benefit and what was harmful and thus they did die from partaking this fruit.
The word regarding naked is spelled in Hebrew in the same manner as being unveiled(exposed) of deceptions, therefore they covered their deceptions as in covering up the naked truth.
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?
Adam hadn't cum yet.
Same reason Moshiach is deemed a lepper.
Man and the church can talk about a HaShev (return) but will guarantee hide from any HaShev.
That doesn't make any sense at all. What was the reason they hid? Did they used to hide from Him? What had they done immediately before they hid from Him?
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?

The story represents a shift into the ego-centered mind. Animals have a sense of body awareness and to some extent self-awareness. Other mammals seem to experience twinges of pride or embarrasment. But human self-awareness is on a whole nuther level.

Hold on, I gotta take a selfie...

Okay I'm back. The human mind is divided btwn conscious and subconscious, represented by male and female in this story. The experience of our lives is processed in dreams. In a sense, the conscious impregnates the subconscious. This process leads to re-births of understanding.

In the story the serpent intercedes and plants a concept or mode of thought into the human psyche: knowledge. Humans were given a double-edged sword. This makes me think of the Greek story of Prometheus who gave humans the secret of fire. Zeus was pissed.
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?

The story represents a shift into the ego-centered mind. Animals have a sense of body awareness and to some extent self-awareness. Other mammals seem to experience twinges of pride or embarrasment. But human self-awareness is on a whole nuther level.

Hold on, I gotta take a selfie...

Okay I'm back. The human mind is divided btwn conscious and subconscious, represented by male and female in this story. The experience of our lives is processed in dreams. In a sense, the conscious impregnates the subconscious. This process leads to re-births of understanding.

In the story the serpent intercedes and plants a concept or mode of thought into the human psyche: knowledge. Humans were given a double-edged sword. This makes me think of the Greek story of Prometheus who gave humans the secret of fire. Zeus was pissed.
That selfie thing cracked me up. You are ok.

So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?

The story represents a shift into the ego-centered mind. Animals have a sense of body awareness and to some extent self-awareness. Other mammals seem to experience twinges of pride or embarrasment. But human self-awareness is on a whole nuther level.

Hold on, I gotta take a selfie...

Okay I'm back. The human mind is divided btwn conscious and subconscious, represented by male and female in this story. The experience of our lives is processed in dreams. In a sense, the conscious impregnates the subconscious. This process leads to re-births of understanding.

In the story the serpent intercedes and plants a concept or mode of thought into the human psyche: knowledge. Humans were given a double-edged sword. This makes me think of the Greek story of Prometheus who gave humans the secret of fire. Zeus was pissed.
That selfie thing cracked me up. You are ok.

So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?
Right and wrong are subjective. We are born with an innate ability to survive.
So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?

Do I believe we are born with a conscience? I think it's a combo of nature and nurture. We are born with a capacity to empathise. Our moral consciousness develops over time.

Pinocchio is assigned an external conscience (Jimminy Cricket), which he internalizes. But other guides are introduced. His ego stoked, he begins to test the boundaries set by Jimminy Cricket. He ends up venturing down a path which leads to selfishness and lying. He feels remorse, and in feeling remorse he becomes human.
So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?

Do I believe we are born with a conscience? I think it's a combo of nature and nurture. We are born with a capacity to empathise. Our moral consciousness develops over time.

Pinocchio is assigned an external conscience (Jimminy Cricket), which he internalizes. But other guides are introduced. His ego stoked, he begins to test the boundaries set by Jimminy Cricket. He ends up venturing down a path which leads to selfishness and lying. He feels remorse, and in feeling remorse he becomes human.

Yup, and the others boys who lingered on Pleasure Island for too long, mute captivity was their unfortunate fate for life and those donkey ears were there to stay.

A very very sad story.......
So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?

Do I believe we are born with a conscience? I think it's a combo of nature and nurture. We are born with a capacity to empathise. Our moral consciousness develops over time.

Pinocchio is assigned an external conscience (Jimminy Cricket), which he internalizes. But other guides are introduced. His ego stoked, he begins to test the boundaries set by Jimminy Cricket. He ends up venturing down a path which leads to selfishness and lying. He feels remorse, and in feeling remorse he becomes human.
Sure, there is a morality progression (see Kohlberg), but according to science we are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. But putting that aside, some atheists accept as a matter of course that we are born with an innate sense of right and wrong and that there is no need for religion.

Do you believe that when we violate the principle of right and wrong that many rationalize that they didn't?
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?

The story represents a shift into the ego-centered mind. Animals have a sense of body awareness and to some extent self-awareness. Other mammals seem to experience twinges of pride or embarrasment. But human self-awareness is on a whole nuther level.

Hold on, I gotta take a selfie...

Okay I'm back. The human mind is divided btwn conscious and subconscious, represented by male and female in this story. The experience of our lives is processed in dreams. In a sense, the conscious impregnates the subconscious. This process leads to re-births of understanding.

In the story the serpent intercedes and plants a concept or mode of thought into the human psyche: knowledge. Humans were given a double-edged sword. This makes me think of the Greek story of Prometheus who gave humans the secret of fire. Zeus was pissed.
That selfie thing cracked me up. You are ok.

So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?
Right and wrong are subjective. We are born with an innate ability to survive.
I would have been shocked if you had had any other opinion.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.
I am rather shocked by the widespread rejection across the belief spectrum that man is not born knowing right from wrong. I would not have expected theists and atheists to reject this self evident belief. I can only conclude they have not thought through their logical conclusions.
So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?

Do I believe we are born with a conscience? I think it's a combo of nature and nurture. We are born with a capacity to empathise. Our moral consciousness develops over time.

Pinocchio is assigned an external conscience (Jimminy Cricket), which he internalizes. But other guides are introduced. His ego stoked, he begins to test the boundaries set by Jimminy Cricket. He ends up venturing down a path which leads to selfishness and lying. He feels remorse, and in feeling remorse he becomes human.

Yup, and the others boys who lingered on Pleasure Island for too long, mute captivity was their unfortunate fate for life and those donkey ears were there to stay.

A very very sad story.......
Do you know why Adam and Eve hid when they heard God approaching?
What is the significance of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God approaching?

The story represents a shift into the ego-centered mind. Animals have a sense of body awareness and to some extent self-awareness. Other mammals seem to experience twinges of pride or embarrasment. But human self-awareness is on a whole nuther level.

Hold on, I gotta take a selfie...

Okay I'm back. The human mind is divided btwn conscious and subconscious, represented by male and female in this story. The experience of our lives is processed in dreams. In a sense, the conscious impregnates the subconscious. This process leads to re-births of understanding.

In the story the serpent intercedes and plants a concept or mode of thought into the human psyche: knowledge. Humans were given a double-edged sword. This makes me think of the Greek story of Prometheus who gave humans the secret of fire. Zeus was pissed.
That selfie thing cracked me up. You are ok.

So... you don't believe that we are born with an innate ability to know right from wrong?
Right and wrong are subjective. We are born with an innate ability to survive.
I would have been shocked if you had had any other opinion.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.
What proof do you have that we are born with a sense of right and wrong?

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