The proof of the first cause can be found in the proof of reality


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
We live in a universe where there has never been an uncaused event except for the creation of space and time. The proof of the first cause can be found in the proof of reality. There is a final state of fact for all things. Once the final state of fact is discovered it will be known that it was always true and will always be true. In effect... it is eternal. Therefore, God is both truth and reality. To say it differently as it was first said... I am.

Cause and effect is fundamental to all natural science. In fact, it is the foundation upon which science is laid. The cause and effect of single every physical phenomenon since the creation of the universe has been controlled by the laws of nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
Space and time were created by the Big bang. Now you know.
I don't believe that everything was created from nothing. I believe that creation is the organization of things that have always existed.
Space and time were created by the Big bang. Now you know.
"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning." Leon Lederman, American experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate
Space and time were created by the Big bang. Now you know.
"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning." Leon Lederman, American experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate
How does that contest what I said? The Big Bang spat out space and time. Before that it's only a guess for now. So I guess Leon and I agree.
In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. Eddington’s experiment had confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount he had predicted in his theory of gravity, general relativity. Since then, general relativity has been reaffirmed in a myriad of other ways.

General relativity was applied to the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. The leading cosmological theory, called the Big Bang theory, was formulated in 1922 by the Russian mathematician and meteorologist Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann began with Einstein's equations of general relativity and found a solution to those equations in which the universe began in a state of extremely high density and temperature (the so-called Big Bang) and then expanded in time, thinning out and cooling as it did so.

That the universe had a beginning is widely accepted within the scientific community. The Big Bang theory has been independently validated by Hubble and Slipher - who discovered that spiral galaxies were moving away from earth - and the discovery and confirmation of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964.
Space and time were created by the Big bang. Now you know.
"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning." Leon Lederman, American experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate
How does that contest what I said? The Big Bang spat out space and time. Before that it's only a guess for now. So I guess Leon and I agree.
That is doubtful.
Space and time were created by the Big bang. Now you know.
"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning." Leon Lederman, American experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate
How does that contest what I said? The Big Bang spat out space and time. Before that it's only a guess for now. So I guess Leon and I agree.
That is doubtful.
Ok, he says only god knows, but what he's really saying is that he has no clue what happened before the BB.
There is a competing theory to the most accepted scientific trends of today, which center around a Big Bang model. Buddhism is the only "religion" that doesn't bother with a fake creation story, but predicts the age of the universe with a 50 % accuracy, in its scriptures as early as written 2500 years ago. No religion managed to achieve such scientific accuracy.
There is a competing theory to the most accepted scientific trends of today, which center around a Big Bang model. Buddhism is the only "religion" that doesn't bother with a fake creation story, but predicts the age of the universe with a 50 % accuracy, in its scriptures as early as written 2500 years ago. No religion managed to achieve such scientific accuracy.

There is a competing theory to the most accepted scientific trends of today, which center around a Big Bang model. Buddhism is the only "religion" that doesn't bother with a fake creation story, but predicts the age of the universe with a 50 % accuracy, in its scriptures as early as written 2500 years ago. No religion managed to achieve such scientific accuracy.

Only if you don't believe that Genesis isn't allegorical. Genesis correctly predicted that the universe had a beginning and that what we see was created in steps.
We live in a universe where there has never been an uncaused event except for the creation of space and time. The proof of the first cause can be found in the proof of reality. There is a final state of fact for all things. Once the final state of fact is discovered it will be known that it was always true and will always be true. In effect... it is eternal. Therefore, God is both truth and reality. To say it differently as it was first said... I am.

Cause and effect is fundamental to all natural science. In fact, it is the foundation upon which science is laid. The cause and effect of single every physical phenomenon since the creation of the universe has been controlled by the laws of nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
I am going to correct your statements:

We live in a universe where there has never been an uncaused event THAT WE KNOW OF.

There is no proof of the first cause. First Cause is simply the Philosophical hypothesis of Aquinas.

Cause and effect ARE fundamental to all natural science.

OBSERVATION AND HYPOTHESIS are the foundation upon which science is laid.

The laws of nature are all just Scientific theory.
There is a competing theory to the most accepted scientific trends of today, which center around a Big Bang model. Buddhism is the only "religion" that doesn't bother with a fake creation story, but predicts the age of the universe with a 50 % accuracy, in its scriptures as early as written 2500 years ago. No religion managed to achieve such scientific accuracy.

Only if you don't believe that Genesis isn't allegorical. Genesis correctly predicted that the universe had a beginning and that what we see was created in steps.

Genesis (aka BERESHET in Hebrew) is Moses' intro to his autobiography (which begins in Exodus).

There is no way to know how or why Moses dreamed up Genesis. It could all be pure fiction -- just like The Odyssey. We cannot tell and we cannot know.
There is a competing theory to the most accepted scientific trends of today, which center around a Big Bang model. Buddhism is the only "religion" that doesn't bother with a fake creation story, but predicts the age of the universe with a 50 % accuracy, in its scriptures as early as written 2500 years ago. No religion managed to achieve such scientific accuracy.
Buddhism doesn't claim to be a revealed religion either. Did you know that the account of Genesis is captured in the symbols of the early Chinese language. Do you know about ShangDi? Do you know that the Bible references a chosen people before the Jews?

Don't you have a thread on Mormonism? Are you a Mormon?
There is a competing theory to the most accepted scientific trends of today, which center around a Big Bang model. Buddhism is the only "religion" that doesn't bother with a fake creation story, but predicts the age of the universe with a 50 % accuracy, in its scriptures as early as written 2500 years ago. No religion managed to achieve such scientific accuracy.

Only if you don't believe that Genesis isn't allegorical. Genesis correctly predicted that the universe had a beginning and that what we see was created in steps.

Genesis (aka BERESHET in Hebrew) is Moses' intro to his autobiography (which begins in Exodus).

There is no way to know how or why Moses dreamed up Genesis. It could all be pure fiction -- just like The Odyssey. We cannot tell and we cannot know.

Not true. I know. I also know it wasn't dreamed up. The Jews were not the first people he chose to spread His message.
I wonder why the Hebrew God did not give a ratz azz about the Africans, the Asians, or the Meso-Americans?

He only seems to care about the Hebrews and the Europeans.

I wonder why that is?

Food for thought.

Asian religions are all bullsh!t and they all suck.

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