The 2020 presidential election created the lowest math scores for 4th & 8th graders in 50


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This comes as the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—sometimes referred to as the nation’s report card—showed the steepest declines in 2020 math scores among fourth- and eighth-graders in nearly 50 years. Reading scores declined across the board in most states as well.
The latest example of the 2020 election being affected by public opinion is the attached two articles.
The public's information was so skewed by democrat supporting MSM that including the above two articles as examples of how the Democrats benefited even FACTs have been altered today!
For example: here is a headline: "Covid is officially America’s deadliest pandemic as U.S. fatalities surpass 1918 flu estimates
Now when you read that headline you are convinced.
But the facts are this:
In 1918 The USA population in was 103,208,000. Source: US Population: From 1900 and Pandemic deaths 675,000
In 2021 The USA population was 333,287,557 Source: and Covid deaths 845,745
Hmmm... let's see 675,000 deaths divided by 103,208,000 population equals 0.65% of 1918 population... while 845,745 deaths is 0.25% of US population in 2021.
Near.y 2.5 times the population in 1918 than the population in 2021... but has anyone pointed that out, in the MSM that donated 96% to Hillary and when she
lost, the MSM spent the next 4 years presenting to the public 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive in just July 29, 2020 through October 20,2020.
and then they donated 90% to Biden.

And so the net results of the BIASED COVID news concluding the extremely Democrat favored teachers unions advocating school closures, when the FACTS are that of the 73 million kids under age 18 that the vast Majority didn't go to schools... less than 1,473 or 0.002018% of the 73 million died!

Consequently NOW we have math and reading scores for these kids the lowest in 50 years!
All because of politics biased by the MSM extreme biased reporting and donations to the Democrats!
YOU Democrat/communist sympathizers should be so ashamed! Disgusting!
It's been suggested by an anonymous source that the major reason Randi Weingarten, president American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
and the 1.7 million teachers was such an advocate of school closures was because it allowed teachers to work on the Democrat campaign elections.

When you consider that In 2008, AFT provided a campaign contribution of $1,784,808.59 to Hillary Clinton and $1,997,375.00 to Barack Obama.
In July 2015, AFT endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. Clinton and AFT president Randi Weingarten are longtime friends.AFT's official endorsement of Clinton caused controversy among some AFT members who felt that the endorsement came too soon and did not reflect the wishes of rank-and-file AFT members, some of whom supported Bernie Sanders.
Randi Weingarten, earned nearly $560,000 in total compensation during the 2013–2014 school year
Since 1980, AFT and the NEA have contributed nearly $57.4 million to federal campaigns, an amount that is about 30 percent higher than any single
corporation or other union. About 95 percent of political donations from teachers unions have gone to Democrats.

Combine the work of the AFT and the MSM in helping get Biden elected by doing several things, i.e. advocating schools' closing, promoting COVID even though less than 0.002018% of school age kids died from Covid and finally with the MSM on the nightly news promoting the FEAR of COVID is it no wonder what with the extreme promotion of mail in ballots (that could have been facilitated by at home teachers...) Biden won by less than
"just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."

Just asking, but how many of those 44,000 votes were mail in ballots where the signatures had to be compared with about 5 seconds to review and more importantly how many of the election workers were teachers?


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