That Gun Totting Evil White Man that shot that poor black teen.

Sounds like a cse of self defense.

Figures your ignorant ass would say that.:cuckoo:

Only because the injuries were consistent with self defense. We are never going to know what really happened anyway. The government has too much invested in finding the shooter guilty of something. The State wants to uphold their stand your ground law.

To me, if I was in charge and someone made 40 911 calls within such a short period of time, it seems like there would be a review to see if he had a CCW permit and get an evaluation to see if he should keep it. The man is obviously some kind of nervous nellie who doesn't have the judgment to be on any kind of neighborhood watch program.

Thats the biggest problem, and it cost someone their life.
I have searched desperately to find a story that tells me eric holder, al sharpton of the fdle have even paid a wit of attention to this case of hate crime.. sadly I am unable to find anything. nada.

Perhaps you missed it, but the perpetrators in that case were arrested and charged.

did al sharpton arrive on the scene yet? how about holder? they there yet? where is the outrage? oh sorry there is none, it was a white kid so it's okay to burn him alive.. we got it.

I always knew you were not too bright, but now I think you are just a hate filled monster. There really is something seriously wrong with you.
Perhaps you missed it, but the perpetrators in that case were arrested and charged.

did al sharpton arrive on the scene yet? how about holder? they there yet? where is the outrage? oh sorry there is none, it was a white kid so it's okay to burn him alive.. we got it.

I always knew you were not too bright, but now I think you are just a hate filled monster. There really is something seriously wrong with you.

I know,, I know.. I'm wrong for seeing the hypocrisy of the left.. more power to meeeee.
did al sharpton arrive on the scene yet? how about holder? they there yet? where is the outrage? oh sorry there is none, it was a white kid so it's okay to burn him alive.. we got it.

What an asshole you are. A 17 kid was murdered and you justify it. You are really low scum.

where did I justify it you dumbass of a tampon? that's qute a stretch. I know I know,, you don't like for me to mention that black kids set a white kid on fire and told him it's what he deserved.. do ya?

There is no reason to mention it. What's the point?? It was just as wrong as this was, you ignorant bitch. I swear, you have rocks in your idiot head.
What matters is the circumstances of the shooting and the fact that the local police ignored an obvious murder. The race of the individuals involved are critical because of it being in the south. Were it anywhere else, and the people involved of the same or differant races, and the local police reacted in this manner, it would warrant federal investigation, also.

The asshole was out to kill somebody. Had a concealed carry permit, and was packing heat. When you are in that positon, and you initiate the conflict, you are automatically wrong. When you have just been told to back off, as was the case here, you have committed murder.

Havn't read the news report on this yet, but your above statement that I have embolded, is an idiotic statement as is written on your part, and undoubtedly it is a statement written by a possible racist also.

So no matter what goes on in the south eh, if it involves a black and white, then racism is always the case to be involved no matter what ? Kidding me right?

This ideology in thinking, is what opens the door wide open for the devil himself to walk right on through it, and with ease... Like Martin Luther King once said himself, "judge a man based upon his character, and not upon his skin color", then the facts can be truly found out in these cases in a more fair and balanced way..

It could have been just a case of bullyism and chest pounding that got totally out of control between these two individuals who came together in life at the wrong time, where as the shooter could have been just preying on a supposed weaker victim in life (i.e. just was looking for an excuse, because he had finally broke in a volital economy and/or due to many hardships he has had in life), where as if it would have been anyone else, and of any other color to have push this person's button in life at the wrong time, the results & outcome still could have been the same if be the case. Unfortunately for this young man, he may have become a victim of a person who finally broke in his life, where as the results were traggic once this happened, where as it was an anything goes after that type of event or situation takes place in ones life sadly enough. Will be interesting to learn what has happened in this situation....

If it is racism, then the guy needs to be evaluated as such based upon the strong evidence as to be found within what is known to be racism, and yes the investigation should go federal yes, but your blanket statement above is rediculous & reveals your bias in life against white people whom live in the south... I hope you know that !

Well fellow, in the '40s and 50s, when I was a child, lynching in the South was a weekend sport. And it was just one race that was the target of the lynchings. While much change has taken place, from the comments on this board, you can see that there are many that would that we could return to the "good old days".

Wow what an exaggeration.
remember that case in Memphis where the black people kidnapped a young white teenage couple? they sodomized them raped them, set them on fire, and we were'nt allowed to mention race.. you choking on your hypocrisy yet?

So your logic is that because of that incident, what happened to Trayvon Martin is justified. You are so sick.
remember that case in Memphis where the black people kidnapped a young white teenage couple? they sodomized them raped them, set them on fire, and we were'nt allowed to mention race.. you choking on your hypocrisy yet?

So your logic is that because of that incident, what happened to Trayvon Martin is justified. You are so sick.

you guys got stretch o matic on high today don'tya? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
where did I justify it you dumbass of a tampon? that's qute a stretch. I know I know,, you don't like for me to mention that black kids set a white kid on fire and told him it's what he deserved.. do ya?

So, by your own words, one horrible criminal act justifies another one? You are one sick bitch.:cuckoo:

No dumb fuck, Willow is pointing out a double standard, as no hate crime charges have been filed in the case of which she speaks, No fbi investigation nadda.

Get it yet?

Good Lord!!! It is you and your idiot pal that don't get it. But you just don't see that.

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