Thank you Tea Party!

Interest rates are now falling just like they did during the 1995 gov shutdowm. A government shutdown for the rest of the year will help, not hurt this country.
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Just wrote my Republican Congressman and told him that if he wanted to be a one term congressman, he should vote with the Tea Party. Let's see what he does. He is a moderate and not a loon like the baggers.
The left is so shallow.

Tell us how the Tea Party is racist....

I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Surely you're not that concerned about intolerance within the Tea Party when you can't even be bothered to refer to them correctly.
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The left is so shallow.

Tell us how the Tea Party is racist....

I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Democrats were and are the most racist organization in the History of this country.

If you need some schooling. One link will do it.

Well do ya?
Why do the Dems insist that the tax issue be now, when present taxes won't expire till 2013?
They are the ones being unreasonable.
The left is so shallow.

Tell us how the Tea Party is racist....

I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Democrats were and are the most racist organization in the History of this country.

If you need some schooling. One link will do it.

Well do ya?

Aren't you forgetting about the KKK, Neo-Nazi's and other white supremacist groups?:eusa_whistle:
The left is so shallow.

Tell us how the Tea Party is racist....

I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Surely you're not that concerned about intolerance within the Tea Party when you can't even be bothered to refer to them correctly.

Teabagger is a term coined by one of the tea parties.

It doesn't bother me one bit that he used a term that gays coined a few years ago for ball sucking.
I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Surely you're not that concerned about intolerance within the Tea Party when you can't even be bothered to refer to them correctly.

Teabagger is a term coined by one of the tea parties.

It doesn't bother me one bit that he used a term that gays coined a few years ago for ball sucking.

I bet you have brown eyes.
The left is so shallow.

Tell us how the Tea Party is racist....

I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Democrats were and are the most racist organization in the History of this country.

If you need some schooling. One link will do it.

Well do ya?

See LBJ's track record on the Civil Right Act. Most of the White Racist left the party after that.
Surely you're not that concerned about intolerance within the Tea Party when you can't even be bothered to refer to them correctly.

Teabagger is a term coined by one of the tea parties.

It doesn't bother me one bit that he used a term that gays coined a few years ago for ball sucking.

I bet you have brown eyes.

ROTF, I bet you like taking it in your brown eye don't-cha?
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?

Hey Dummy, I'm not going to spend too much time on this, because you dont care to hear the truth, but here goes....

The Dems have been in control of spending since 2006. Yes, GW did his part too, but DONT ACT LIKE ITS ALL THE TEAPARTY'S FAULT.

They are the ones wanting to reign in the spending!

Kerry on jackass
You have created one of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Rather than handle the deficit though negotiation and scaling back, you are now holding the country hostage refusing to budge in you insistance that the rich need tax breaks.
What happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?
The Independent Voter has been watching and ALL polls say they want compromise, but you refuse. So you will pay in November 2012. I assure you, YOU WILL PAY!

You are all one termers. I hope it was worth it.

The irony and hypocricy meters are both burned out and broken and cannot be fixed unless they're recalibrated.

During Clinton's presidency, I listened to conservatives howl and wail about how the president was going to destroy the country. It didn't happen, of course. But that didn't stop the right from trying to remove Clinton from office against the will of an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Then Bush took over and screwed up EVERYTHING he touched. It's remarkable, really, if you look at the sheer scope of how Bush drove this country into the ground. And conservatives, what did they do? By and large, they mostly defended his decisions and his actions when they weren't actually cheering him on.

Now Obama is president. He took over a mess. Everyone knows it.

So, Republican teapartypoopers win big in 2010, and come to Washington determined to do what? Fix things? Hardly! They're figuratively burning down the nation right before our eyes.

A downgrade in the US credit rating would unnecessary add 100s of billions of dollars to service our debt, thereby making it exponentially more difficult to cut the deficit. And, of course, average Americans will be hurt as they have to pay more for credit which will end up causing a drop in consumer spending which can only hurt any recovery.

These Republican freshman are nothing more than ignorant ideological assholes, and their ignorant queen bee is actually vying for the Republican nomination to be president. If this was a book of fiction that was written twenty years ago, it probably couldn't have been published because it would have been considered too far-fetched.

Truth really is stranger than fiction. If this ever gets made into a movie, it will have to be directed by Steven Spielberg because he's known for his signature use of the OMG moment when his characters' facial expressions reveal that they simply cannot believe/fathom/comprehend what they are witnessing. That's what Americans are experiencing today. Christ, conservatives are making America look like a banana republic. Conservatives are turning America into a laughing stock just a few short years after the previous president destroyed American credibility.

One can't help but wonder what's next with them. But whatever it is, the record and the trend line favors more mind-numbing blunders on a monumental scale. The sooner they're voted out of office, the safer we'll all be.
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Oh for Gods sake just crash the freaking thing, im ready, anyone who cant last 6 months on their own doesnt make it good, tough luck, Darwin at work.

Clean up all the dead wood holding the US back.

Guess all that matters is you then? THIS is right wing ideology at it's finest. I'm good... fuck the rest of you... just don't raise my taxes.... just don't cut my loopholes... You are a gubmint welfare recipient and you don't even know it. And if the letters CEO underneath your nickname is true... then you are getting a hell of a lot more subsidies than the crackhead you think is dragging the country down.

I think what we need is some reverse Darwinism. If you people can't "create jobs" on one of the lowest effective tax rates in US history... maybe it ought to be cranked up to the 70-90% range like it was in the 50's when the country was thriving, people were working for a living wage, paying their homes off in 10-15 years, getting new cars every 2... you know... like a Consumer driven economy SHOULD BE?

But people like you... who want it all for yourselves as soon as possible, don't give a shit what happens after you "get yours".
I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Surely you're not that concerned about intolerance within the Tea Party when you can't even be bothered to refer to them correctly.

Teabagger is a term coined by one of the tea parties.

It doesn't bother me one bit that he used a term that gays coined a few years ago for ball sucking.

Even if that wasn't bullshit (and it is), you think it's right to apply that name to everyone in the Tea Party (even though they've expressly stated it's derogatory to them) and then decry their supposed intolerance?

Plenty of black people refer to themselves as the n-word. Does that mean the "teabaggers" are justified in referring to them in the same way? Hell no.

Come back when you're not completely full of shit. Thanks.
The left is so shallow.

Tell us how the Tea Party is racist....

I've seen several Teabaggers (even self proclaimed leaders) who were racist. Are you saying that there are no racist involved with the tea parties?

Surely you're not that concerned about intolerance within the Tea Party when you can't even be bothered to refer to them correctly.
Perhaps when you learn to refer to the Democratic Party properly.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in the fucking President and Democrat-controlled Senate hasn't proposed shit while the House has passed two clear budget proposals.

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