Leftists Aren’t Capable Of Surviving Economic Collapse – Here’s Why

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Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
This article makes some excellent points even if it is a generalization.
Sure, some proggies can hunt, fish or grow some food but those are not valued traits for the left.
They'd prefer to laugh at any notion things are not going to get better & that all the modern conveniences & technologies they count on for survival may not be available as our systems deteriorate.
The idea of a real life SHTF scenario is no more plausible for them than the fact the medical experts are lying to them.
It clashes with their overpowering cognitive dissonance causing a strong emotional response where they either mock the idea or ignore it completely.
The inner cities would go full Purge & kill each other off while those few law abiding citizens play Escape From New York, looking to the country folk to support them if they can get past the looters & roaming gangs left in the prog infested cities.

Also, the vast majority have a pathological fear of firearms so they will be begging everyone else for protection.
Not many have the mentality or skills necessary to survive if modern society breaks down & they have to fend for themselves.
Especially the younger ones, these are the types that can't find the mailbox with directions from their phone.

This doesn't even mention that most of them are full of clot shots so any health care system breakdowns will be devastating as well.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught, to a point. This is the entire purpose of basic training methods used in the military: To take mundane details and elevate them in the minds of trainees while wearing them down with physical punishment. The goal is to condition the mind to ignore distraction, to ignore fear and pain while focusing on the task at hand. Failure is not an option in war, just as it is not an option in survival. Those who embrace distraction and embrace failure because they think it will make things easier for them are filtered out of the recruitment pool, or the gene pool.

It is no coincidence that the US military today is dealing with some of the worst recruitment conditions they have ever seen in terms of people being physically and mentally incapable of finishing basic training. The Pentagon currently estimates that 77% of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally if there was a major war almost 80% of them would be erased from existence.

The problem has become so bad that militaries in the US and throughout the west are being forced to lower standards just to meet minimum personnel goals. One can argue that many young people don’t want to join the military anyway, but this is besides the point. Even if they wanted to, they would not be up to the task.

There are a number of reasons for this development, but I would suggest that the spread of leftist ideology among 63% of Americans age 18-29 according to polls has created a survival vacuum – A generation of mental weaklings.

Leftists Thrive On Crisis, But Die Out During Collapse

Leftists have a tendency to exploit crisis and tragedy to shore up power and expand their numbers through fear, but there’s a problem with this tactic. If the crisis is fabricated, a tempest in a teapot, then they do very well; if the crisis turns into an actual disaster with real world consequences including financial decline, supply chain disruptions, shortages and civil unrest, they have no tools to deal with the effects other than mob action and looting.

What happens if they use mob action and looting when the rule of law is no longer a factor in a country with millions of guns? They will die, by the tens of thousands, as people defend their businesses and homes. The violent hordes we witnessed during the BLM riots would not last long during a collapse scenario where people are more inclined to use deadly force.

Leftists Are Anti-Preparedness

The political left has spent the better part of the past 15 years demonizing the concept of preparedness as a tinfoil hat philosophy for “right-wing extremists.” They have set themselves up for complete failure by refusing to acknowledge the practicality of prepping, just so they can attack their political opponents. The stupidity of it is truly mind boggling.

There are some indications that the covid lockdowns may have shocked a small number of them out of their foolishness. It’s hard to deny the threat of economic collapse when the beginnings of collapse are right in front of your face. That said, prepping is not the only requirement for survival, and progressives buying a few months of food and some guns is not going to save them.

Leftists Have An Aversion To Hardship

The vast majority of people that argue in favor of an expanding welfare state are on the left. While conservatives support individual charity for those that deserve it, leftists believe that people need to be forced by government to provide and pay for others who may not deserve it. This ideal is driven by their desire to avoid hardship.

I find that leftists often have delusions of grandeur. They assume that they are destined for great things, that they are smarter than the rest of us and that work or sacrifice are problems relegated to the rural “peasants” in “flyover country.” Their vision of work is a daycare, a college campus, a place to socialize, find comfort and self identity, do the minimal amount of labor required and then collect a paycheck. Just look how leftist dominated Twitter was being operated a few months ago – It was not a workplace, it was a day spa for lunatics.

These kinds of people are not equipped to endure the backbreaking struggle necessary to build a survivable environment. They wouldn’t know where to begin. When confronted with hard times, leftists do not ask “How can I fix this problem and improve my situation?” Instead they ask “Who is to blame for my misery and how can I make them pay?”

Leftists Have No Practical Skill Sets

The avoidance of technical skill sets is a real problem for progressives. There are a handful of people on the left that engage in micro-farming and other basic skills as a form of activism, but they are few and their methods are limited by their ideology. As noted above, leftists believe themselves to be too valuable to be wasted on production. Rather, they see themselves as “management,” the people in charge of the people that do the manual labor.

A person could get by on that kind of thinking in a first-world environment where office jobs, tech jobs, government jobs and social work is the norm, but in a collapse environment there are no management positions, there are no office workers, there are no elementary school teachers, there are no trust and safety advisors, there are no platform moderators and there are no bureaucrats. You either have a valued knowledge set that can be traded, or you have nothing. You can either produce necessities for yourself, or you can’t.

The development of the information age and the data driven economy of first world nations has made matters even worse by convincing people that data is a currency. This is a concept that leftists in particular adore because they think labor will become a thing of the past; they will only need their brain and a laptop to provide everything they need. It’s a delusion. The “Metaverse” is a facade, a con, and there will always be a need for humans to dig in the dirt, to forage and hunt, to farm and to build with their own hands. As the economy derails further, progressives are going to realize this too late.

Leftists Rely On Government To Fix Their Problems

If the idea of taking matters into your own hands is abhorrent to you, then you might be a leftist. Leftists view individual action during a crisis as almost criminal; it is important to them that the correct authorities with the correct permissions handle any dangerous situation. Leftists love to defer to the “experts” because this takes the responsibility out of their hands, along with the blame should something go wrong.

But what happens when government is not functional enough to save the day? What happens when inflation or supply chains or personnel shortages make it impossible for government officials to help. What happens when government officials don’t want to help? What happens when they are corrupt and they want to see you suffer?

Leftists rarely consider such possibilities. For them, the idea that government could break down, that the grid could break down and that the rule of law could break down is a conspiracy theory. It has only happened hundreds of times around the world in modern history, but because they have never experienced the threat personally they think it is impossible. These are the kinds of people that die very quickly during collapse.

Leftists Value Feelings Over Reason

The root foundation of leftist ideology is that everything is relative according to one’s personal feelings. That is to say, they believe that their feelings shape their reality, and that “their truth” is the only truth that matters. There are some subjective truths that are near-universal which is why moral conscience is a thing that exists in every culture in the world. That said, personal ideals are still subject to the forces of nature.

You cannot pretend that you are not starving when you are starving. You cannot pretend that you are not dehydrated when you desperately thirsty. You cannot feel your way out of a crisis, the crisis is not subject to your fantasies, the crisis will step on your throat and teach you otherwise.

I'm all for some kind of groomer purge. Most of the left is mentally ill, and that's not a good fit for surviving a crisis. They need a gummint check and validation of their substandard defects to exist, and all that faggotry goes out the window when you're foraging for food and go into survival mode.

I'd love for a few of those pedophiles to climb my fence and jiggle the front door handle looking for food. I have something for them.
This article makes some excellent points even if it is a generalization.
Sure, some proggies can hunt, fish or grow some food but those are not valued traits for the left.
They'd prefer to laugh at any notion things are not going to get better & that all the modern conveniences & technologies they count on for survival may not be available as our systems deteriorate.
The idea of a real life SHTF scenario is no more plausible for them than the fact the medical experts are lying to them.
It clashes with their overpowering cognitive dissonance causing a strong emotional response where they either mock the idea or ignore it completely.
The inner cities would go full Purge & kill each other off while those few law abiding citizens play Escape From New York, looking to the country folk to support them if they can get past the looters & roaming gangs left in the prog infested cities.

Also, the vast majority have a pathological fear of firearms so they will be begging everyone else for protection.
Not many have the mentality or skills necessary to survive if modern society breaks down & they have to fend for themselves.
Especially the younger ones, these are the types that can't find the mailbox with directions from their phone.

This doesn't even mention that most of them are full of clot shots so any health care system breakdowns will be devastating as well.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught, to a point. This is the entire purpose of basic training methods used in the military: To take mundane details and elevate them in the minds of trainees while wearing them down with physical punishment. The goal is to condition the mind to ignore distraction, to ignore fear and pain while focusing on the task at hand. Failure is not an option in war, just as it is not an option in survival. Those who embrace distraction and embrace failure because they think it will make things easier for them are filtered out of the recruitment pool, or the gene pool.

It is no coincidence that the US military today is dealing with some of the worst recruitment conditions they have ever seen in terms of people being physically and mentally incapable of finishing basic training. The Pentagon currently estimates that 77% of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally if there was a major war almost 80% of them would be erased from existence.

The problem has become so bad that militaries in the US and throughout the west are being forced to lower standards just to meet minimum personnel goals. One can argue that many young people don’t want to join the military anyway, but this is besides the point. Even if they wanted to, they would not be up to the task.

There are a number of reasons for this development, but I would suggest that the spread of leftist ideology among 63% of Americans age 18-29 according to polls has created a survival vacuum – A generation of mental weaklings.

Leftists Thrive On Crisis, But Die Out During Collapse

Leftists have a tendency to exploit crisis and tragedy to shore up power and expand their numbers through fear, but there’s a problem with this tactic. If the crisis is fabricated, a tempest in a teapot, then they do very well; if the crisis turns into an actual disaster with real world consequences including financial decline, supply chain disruptions, shortages and civil unrest, they have no tools to deal with the effects other than mob action and looting.

What happens if they use mob action and looting when the rule of law is no longer a factor in a country with millions of guns? They will die, by the tens of thousands, as people defend their businesses and homes. The violent hordes we witnessed during the BLM riots would not last long during a collapse scenario where people are more inclined to use deadly force.

Leftists Are Anti-Preparedness

The political left has spent the better part of the past 15 years demonizing the concept of preparedness as a tinfoil hat philosophy for “right-wing extremists.” They have set themselves up for complete failure by refusing to acknowledge the practicality of prepping, just so they can attack their political opponents. The stupidity of it is truly mind boggling.

There are some indications that the covid lockdowns may have shocked a small number of them out of their foolishness. It’s hard to deny the threat of economic collapse when the beginnings of collapse are right in front of your face. That said, prepping is not the only requirement for survival, and progressives buying a few months of food and some guns is not going to save them.

Leftists Have An Aversion To Hardship

The vast majority of people that argue in favor of an expanding welfare state are on the left. While conservatives support individual charity for those that deserve it, leftists believe that people need to be forced by government to provide and pay for others who may not deserve it. This ideal is driven by their desire to avoid hardship.

I find that leftists often have delusions of grandeur. They assume that they are destined for great things, that they are smarter than the rest of us and that work or sacrifice are problems relegated to the rural “peasants” in “flyover country.” Their vision of work is a daycare, a college campus, a place to socialize, find comfort and self identity, do the minimal amount of labor required and then collect a paycheck. Just look how leftist dominated Twitter was being operated a few months ago – It was not a workplace, it was a day spa for lunatics.

These kinds of people are not equipped to endure the backbreaking struggle necessary to build a survivable environment. They wouldn’t know where to begin. When confronted with hard times, leftists do not ask “How can I fix this problem and improve my situation?” Instead they ask “Who is to blame for my misery and how can I make them pay?”

Leftists Have No Practical Skill Sets

The avoidance of technical skill sets is a real problem for progressives. There are a handful of people on the left that engage in micro-farming and other basic skills as a form of activism, but they are few and their methods are limited by their ideology. As noted above, leftists believe themselves to be too valuable to be wasted on production. Rather, they see themselves as “management,” the people in charge of the people that do the manual labor.

A person could get by on that kind of thinking in a first-world environment where office jobs, tech jobs, government jobs and social work is the norm, but in a collapse environment there are no management positions, there are no office workers, there are no elementary school teachers, there are no trust and safety advisors, there are no platform moderators and there are no bureaucrats. You either have a valued knowledge set that can be traded, or you have nothing. You can either produce necessities for yourself, or you can’t.

The development of the information age and the data driven economy of first world nations has made matters even worse by convincing people that data is a currency. This is a concept that leftists in particular adore because they think labor will become a thing of the past; they will only need their brain and a laptop to provide everything they need. It’s a delusion. The “Metaverse” is a facade, a con, and there will always be a need for humans to dig in the dirt, to forage and hunt, to farm and to build with their own hands. As the economy derails further, progressives are going to realize this too late.

Leftists Rely On Government To Fix Their Problems

If the idea of taking matters into your own hands is abhorrent to you, then you might be a leftist. Leftists view individual action during a crisis as almost criminal; it is important to them that the correct authorities with the correct permissions handle any dangerous situation. Leftists love to defer to the “experts” because this takes the responsibility out of their hands, along with the blame should something go wrong.

But what happens when government is not functional enough to save the day? What happens when inflation or supply chains or personnel shortages make it impossible for government officials to help. What happens when government officials don’t want to help? What happens when they are corrupt and they want to see you suffer?

Leftists rarely consider such possibilities. For them, the idea that government could break down, that the grid could break down and that the rule of law could break down is a conspiracy theory. It has only happened hundreds of times around the world in modern history, but because they have never experienced the threat personally they think it is impossible. These are the kinds of people that die very quickly during collapse.

Leftists Value Feelings Over Reason

The root foundation of leftist ideology is that everything is relative according to one’s personal feelings. That is to say, they believe that their feelings shape their reality, and that “their truth” is the only truth that matters. There are some subjective truths that are near-universal which is why moral conscience is a thing that exists in every culture in the world. That said, personal ideals are still subject to the forces of nature.

You cannot pretend that you are not starving when you are starving. You cannot pretend that you are not dehydrated when you desperately thirsty. You cannot feel your way out of a crisis, the crisis is not subject to your fantasies, the crisis will step on your throat and teach you otherwise.

^ Retarded nonsense
^ Retarded nonsense
Wow, coming from a well known & highly credentialed retard like yourself, I guess I'll defer to your expert opinion.
Did you run to your safe space to recite your pronouns after reading it?
I'm sure if you beg, your BF will spoon you for comfort before plowing your back forty the rest of the day.

Have a great day progponce! :fu:
This article makes some excellent points even if it is a generalization.
Sure, some proggies can hunt, fish or grow some food but those are not valued traits for the left.
They'd prefer to laugh at any notion things are not going to get better & that all the modern conveniences & technologies they count on for survival may not be available as our systems deteriorate.
The idea of a real life SHTF scenario is no more plausible for them than the fact the medical experts are lying to them.
It clashes with their overpowering cognitive dissonance causing a strong emotional response where they either mock the idea or ignore it completely.
The inner cities would go full Purge & kill each other off while those few law abiding citizens play Escape From New York, looking to the country folk to support them if they can get past the looters & roaming gangs left in the prog infested cities.

Also, the vast majority have a pathological fear of firearms so they will be begging everyone else for protection.
Not many have the mentality or skills necessary to survive if modern society breaks down & they have to fend for themselves.
Especially the younger ones, these are the types that can't find the mailbox with directions from their phone.

This doesn't even mention that most of them are full of clot shots so any health care system breakdowns will be devastating as well.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught, to a point. This is the entire purpose of basic training methods used in the military: To take mundane details and elevate them in the minds of trainees while wearing them down with physical punishment. The goal is to condition the mind to ignore distraction, to ignore fear and pain while focusing on the task at hand. Failure is not an option in war, just as it is not an option in survival. Those who embrace distraction and embrace failure because they think it will make things easier for them are filtered out of the recruitment pool, or the gene pool.

It is no coincidence that the US military today is dealing with some of the worst recruitment conditions they have ever seen in terms of people being physically and mentally incapable of finishing basic training. The Pentagon currently estimates that 77% of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally if there was a major war almost 80% of them would be erased from existence.

The problem has become so bad that militaries in the US and throughout the west are being forced to lower standards just to meet minimum personnel goals. One can argue that many young people don’t want to join the military anyway, but this is besides the point. Even if they wanted to, they would not be up to the task.

There are a number of reasons for this development, but I would suggest that the spread of leftist ideology among 63% of Americans age 18-29 according to polls has created a survival vacuum – A generation of mental weaklings.

Leftists Thrive On Crisis, But Die Out During Collapse

Leftists have a tendency to exploit crisis and tragedy to shore up power and expand their numbers through fear, but there’s a problem with this tactic. If the crisis is fabricated, a tempest in a teapot, then they do very well; if the crisis turns into an actual disaster with real world consequences including financial decline, supply chain disruptions, shortages and civil unrest, they have no tools to deal with the effects other than mob action and looting.

What happens if they use mob action and looting when the rule of law is no longer a factor in a country with millions of guns? They will die, by the tens of thousands, as people defend their businesses and homes. The violent hordes we witnessed during the BLM riots would not last long during a collapse scenario where people are more inclined to use deadly force.

Leftists Are Anti-Preparedness

The political left has spent the better part of the past 15 years demonizing the concept of preparedness as a tinfoil hat philosophy for “right-wing extremists.” They have set themselves up for complete failure by refusing to acknowledge the practicality of prepping, just so they can attack their political opponents. The stupidity of it is truly mind boggling.

There are some indications that the covid lockdowns may have shocked a small number of them out of their foolishness. It’s hard to deny the threat of economic collapse when the beginnings of collapse are right in front of your face. That said, prepping is not the only requirement for survival, and progressives buying a few months of food and some guns is not going to save them.

Leftists Have An Aversion To Hardship

The vast majority of people that argue in favor of an expanding welfare state are on the left. While conservatives support individual charity for those that deserve it, leftists believe that people need to be forced by government to provide and pay for others who may not deserve it. This ideal is driven by their desire to avoid hardship.

I find that leftists often have delusions of grandeur. They assume that they are destined for great things, that they are smarter than the rest of us and that work or sacrifice are problems relegated to the rural “peasants” in “flyover country.” Their vision of work is a daycare, a college campus, a place to socialize, find comfort and self identity, do the minimal amount of labor required and then collect a paycheck. Just look how leftist dominated Twitter was being operated a few months ago – It was not a workplace, it was a day spa for lunatics.

These kinds of people are not equipped to endure the backbreaking struggle necessary to build a survivable environment. They wouldn’t know where to begin. When confronted with hard times, leftists do not ask “How can I fix this problem and improve my situation?” Instead they ask “Who is to blame for my misery and how can I make them pay?”

Leftists Have No Practical Skill Sets

The avoidance of technical skill sets is a real problem for progressives. There are a handful of people on the left that engage in micro-farming and other basic skills as a form of activism, but they are few and their methods are limited by their ideology. As noted above, leftists believe themselves to be too valuable to be wasted on production. Rather, they see themselves as “management,” the people in charge of the people that do the manual labor.

A person could get by on that kind of thinking in a first-world environment where office jobs, tech jobs, government jobs and social work is the norm, but in a collapse environment there are no management positions, there are no office workers, there are no elementary school teachers, there are no trust and safety advisors, there are no platform moderators and there are no bureaucrats. You either have a valued knowledge set that can be traded, or you have nothing. You can either produce necessities for yourself, or you can’t.

The development of the information age and the data driven economy of first world nations has made matters even worse by convincing people that data is a currency. This is a concept that leftists in particular adore because they think labor will become a thing of the past; they will only need their brain and a laptop to provide everything they need. It’s a delusion. The “Metaverse” is a facade, a con, and there will always be a need for humans to dig in the dirt, to forage and hunt, to farm and to build with their own hands. As the economy derails further, progressives are going to realize this too late.

Leftists Rely On Government To Fix Their Problems

If the idea of taking matters into your own hands is abhorrent to you, then you might be a leftist. Leftists view individual action during a crisis as almost criminal; it is important to them that the correct authorities with the correct permissions handle any dangerous situation. Leftists love to defer to the “experts” because this takes the responsibility out of their hands, along with the blame should something go wrong.

But what happens when government is not functional enough to save the day? What happens when inflation or supply chains or personnel shortages make it impossible for government officials to help. What happens when government officials don’t want to help? What happens when they are corrupt and they want to see you suffer?

Leftists rarely consider such possibilities. For them, the idea that government could break down, that the grid could break down and that the rule of law could break down is a conspiracy theory. It has only happened hundreds of times around the world in modern history, but because they have never experienced the threat personally they think it is impossible. These are the kinds of people that die very quickly during collapse.

Leftists Value Feelings Over Reason

The root foundation of leftist ideology is that everything is relative according to one’s personal feelings. That is to say, they believe that their feelings shape their reality, and that “their truth” is the only truth that matters. There are some subjective truths that are near-universal which is why moral conscience is a thing that exists in every culture in the world. That said, personal ideals are still subject to the forces of nature.

You cannot pretend that you are not starving when you are starving. You cannot pretend that you are not dehydrated when you desperately thirsty. You cannot feel your way out of a crisis, the crisis is not subject to your fantasies, the crisis will step on your throat and teach you otherwise.

I bet this nonsense made you feel good about yourself when you read it.
I'm all for some kind of groomer purge. Most of the left is mentally ill, and that's not a good fit for surviving a crisis. They need a gummint check and validation of their substandard defects to exist, and all that faggotry goes out the window when you're foraging for food and go into survival mode.

I'd love for a few of those pedophiles to climb my fence and jiggle the front door handle looking for food. I have something for them.

We think along similar lines. Also, throw some entitled illegals into the mix. Then we'll be upholding the Constitution by providing for National Security!!
Closed. Do not copy and paste the entire article. Paste only an excerpt and link to the rest. Second, this is not a current event
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