Thank You President Trump

That's one big one. Here is a list of Donald Trump's 289 accomplishments in his first 2 years.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. It is too obvious for anyone with a brain to ignore. Nothing Obutthole has done benefitted our Country.
That's one big one. Here is a list of Donald Trump's 289 accomplishments in his first 2 years.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
That's one big one. Here is a list of Donald Trump's 289 accomplishments in his first 2 years.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.
That's one big one. Here is a list of Donald Trump's 289 accomplishments in his first 2 years.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.
Sure am glad to know you can prove that money went to the Democrat party. Aren't you? Now what proof can you provide? Or am I going to prove you are a liar for the second time?

And speaking of job growth, do you have a graph of Trump out performing Obama? Lol! What a liar

Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’
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That's one big one. Here is a list of Donald Trump's 289 accomplishments in his first 2 years.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

It actually did as we have had more jobs created in Obama’s last two years than El Blabo’s first two. BTW...what happened to the infrastructure spending The blob promised?
That's one big one. Here is a list of Donald Trump's 289 accomplishments in his first 2 years.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
1100 people jobless? :laughing0301: Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

What the hell are you smoking boss?
On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

It actually did as we have had more jobs created in Obama’s last two years than El Blabo’s first two. BTW...what happened to the infrastructure spending The blob promised?
Who knows?
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
1100 people jobless? :laughing0301: Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

What the hell are you smoking boss?
It's pretty pathetic when Obama tries to take credit for the economy, eh?
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
1100 people jobless? :laughing0301: Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

What the hell are you smoking boss?
It's pretty pathetic when Obama tries to take credit for the economy, eh?
He doesn't have to. The graph of proof spells it out for him. Why brag about the facts when they are there for all to see? Only those with something to lie about need to take credit for someone else's accomplishments. The stimulus is still in effect by the way. Have a nice day.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
1100 people jobless? :laughing0301: Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

What the hell are you smoking boss?
It's pretty pathetic when Obama tries to take credit for the economy, eh?
He doesn't have to. The graph of proof spells it out for him. Why brag about the facts when they are there for all to see? Only those with something to lie about need to take credit for someone else's accomplishments. The stimulus is still in effect by the way. Have a nice day.
As I said, trying to salvage a legacy from the ashes of a failed presidency is pathetic and I can understand why you don't want to discuss it. Be well.
While I never supported Trump's candidacy, I give him credit where credit is due. That said, threads like this are disturbing. The cult of personality built around this one man is disturbing. If Trump ejaculated onto a table some of his supporters would lap it up, and beg for more Trump seed. He's just a man, and a very morally flexible one at that. A lot of what a President accomplishes isn't apparent until long after he's out of office. At least wait until his first term is over before declaring him Lincoln incarnate.
On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.
Sure am glad to know you can prove that money went to the Democrat party. Aren't you? Now what proof can you provide? Or am I going to prove you are a liar for the second time?

And speaking of job growth, do you have a graph of Trump out performing Obama? Lol! What a liar

Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’
It is well documented that Democrats give government contracts to businesses for handsome donations back to the DNC. Are you forgetting wind power and the $538 million given to a company only for that company to give a huge donation to the DNC just before they went bankrupt? If you don't acknowledge that, then you are a hypocrite liar who is just trolling the message board. You're kind is worthless to debate since you're incapable if seeing Truth when we smack you in the face with it.
On this Thanksgiving day I am thankful for Donald Trump.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
Thank you for acknowledging and reminding me of the name Solyndra. Fucking libs will just ignore our proof and either change the subject to "orange man bad" or skip out altogether.
I am thankful for the Obama jobs through the Stimulus package that Trump did not create, and not thankful for the tax cuts going to the wealthy, where my tax load was never reduced, even though he said it would be.
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.
Sure am glad to know you can prove that money went to the Democrat party. Aren't you? Now what proof can you provide? Or am I going to prove you are a liar for the second time?

And speaking of job growth, do you have a graph of Trump out performing Obama? Lol! What a liar

Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’
It is well documented that Democrats give government contracts to businesses for handsome donations back to the DNC. Are you forgetting wind power and the $538 million given to a company only for that company to give a huge donation to the DNC just before they went bankrupt? If you don't acknowledge that, then you are a hypocrite liar who is just trolling the message board. You're kind is worthless to debate since you're incapable if seeing Truth when we smack you in the face with it.
So let's do a little check back on the conversation we had, not the one's you keep inventing. We were talking about shovel ready jobs. The stimulus created millions of jobs, and it is still doing that today. That is documented, and that is what I called you out on. Recently, you pulled out the old Republican coward trick by changing the narrative to kick backs on wind power to the Democrats. That's a different story. I want you to prove to me that the stimulus did not benefit Americans through jobs, and according to you, only went to the Democrat party.

Also, while working your cowardly magic, you never made a counter argument against my graph, where Obama has out performed Trump with jobs. Are you going to continue being a coward about that too?Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’
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The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.

The left has forgotten the Solyndra scandal that cost the taxpayers $535 million and left 1100 people jobless. Then theres the ATF scandal and the ACA scandal. Cash for clunkers was another taxpayer rip-off.
For every Obama "accomplishment" I can name 2 royal screw-ups that cost taxpayers money, lost jobs, factories and businesses bankrupted, closed or moved offshore. Community Organizer? What a farcical joke that Pied Piping carnival barking snake oil salesman was and is. I see a lot of druggies and potheads are the biggest of the Kenyan's disciples.
1100 people jobless? :laughing0301: Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

What the hell are you smoking boss?
It's pretty pathetic when Obama tries to take credit for the economy, eh?
He doesn't have to. The graph of proof spells it out for him. Why brag about the facts when they are there for all to see? Only those with something to lie about need to take credit for someone else's accomplishments. The stimulus is still in effect by the way. Have a nice day.
As I said, trying to salvage a legacy from the ashes of a failed presidency is pathetic and I can understand why you don't want to discuss it. Be well.
It's been discussed and confirmed. Trump is a criminal in a suit who cowardly takes credit for other people's accomplishments. The fact that you can't go toe to toe in that debate, confirms my end of the argument, and destroys yours. Nothing hard about that; Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’ And your random thoughts aren't going to change that an inch.
First time in 63 years NK/SK meet and shake hand at border

When will Trump end the Korean War?

"Aug. 13, 2018

"WASHINGTON — As a reward for its broader foray into diplomacy, North Korea wants a formal and official declared end to the decades-long Korean War that settled into an uneasy truce in 1953. South Korea wants this, too.

"But the United States, which first sent military forces to the Korean Peninsula in 1950 and still keeps 28,500 troops there, is not ready to agree to a peace declaration."

Why Is the U.S. Wary of a Declaration to End the Korean War?
While I never supported Trump's candidacy, I give him credit where credit is due. That said, threads like this are disturbing. The cult of personality built around this one man is disturbing. If Trump ejaculated onto a table some of his supporters would lap it up, and beg for more Trump seed. He's just a man, and a very morally flexible one at that. A lot of what a President accomplishes isn't apparent until long after he's out of office. At least wait until his first term is over before declaring him Lincoln incarnate.
. Talk to us about a cult when one gets the Nobel Peace Prize weeks into his presidency and none of his ass kissers as you say is "disturbed".
I am thankful that liburls like this one above ^^^cant help but lie in order to build up the miserable failure Obutthole. Nothing he has done benefitted our Country.
Can you prove it is a lie? No! Why then are you lying?
The stimulus was supposed to fund "shovel ready" jobs. We all know tithe outcome of that lie. There were no shovel ready jobs. All the stimulus funded was the accounts of the Democrat national Party.
Sure am glad to know you can prove that money went to the Democrat party. Aren't you? Now what proof can you provide? Or am I going to prove you are a liar for the second time?

And speaking of job growth, do you have a graph of Trump out performing Obama? Lol! What a liar

Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’
It is well documented that Democrats give government contracts to businesses for handsome donations back to the DNC. Are you forgetting wind power and the $538 million given to a company only for that company to give a huge donation to the DNC just before they went bankrupt? If you don't acknowledge that, then you are a hypocrite liar who is just trolling the message board. You're kind is worthless to debate since you're incapable if seeing Truth when we smack you in the face with it.
So let's do a little check back on the conversation we had, not the one's you keep inventing. We were talking about shovel ready jobs. The stimulus created millions of jobs, and it is still doing that today. That is documented, and that is what I called you out on. Recently, you pulled out the ohnld Republican coward trick by changing the narrative to kick backs on wind power to the Democrats. That's a different story. I want you to prove to me that the stimulus did not benefit Americans through jobs, and according to you, only went to the Democrat party.

Also, while working your cowardly magic, you never made a counter argument against my graph, where Obama has out performed Trump with jobs. Are you going to continue being a coward about that too?Analysis | Comparing the ‘Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’
Even Obama laughingly admitted there were no shovel ready jobs. We have video. Speaking of videos, did you ever see the video from the Office of Economic Advisors showing graphs of the Obama economy sinking into a valley and the line going up upon the inauguration of President Trump?

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