Thank God republicans won the majority in congress


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Think about it. You radical lefties think about too if you can. Obama said today he is willing to compromise about the debt ceiling and even Pelosi is talking about addressing the debt problem. What would have happened if republicans didn't gain the majority in congress? Democrats would have been taxing and spending and pretending everything was fine like they did before Fannie Mae collapsed. Isn't it obvious that Obama would have been leading the US down the path to ruin if the Tea Party didn't put some backbone into the republican party and stop the foolishness?
Both sides suck, the repubs just suck worse right now.

There's a brilliant concession by bunny. Both parties suck. Think about if you can radicals. The republican majority in the House caused Obama to come to grips with his failied economic policies. If it wasn't for the Tea Party putting some backbone into republicans and winning the majority in the House I guaran-damn-tee you would have seen a collapse in the economy that would make Fannie look like childs play. Maybe that's what Obama wants.
They have the majority in one house.

That's all it takes to avoid a train wreck.'s what's going to cause the next trainwreck..following the trainwreck that was the Bush administration.

Like when Clinton had a balanced budget with a republican House and like when Bush went down in flames with a democrat House? Are we talking about that kind of train wreck?
While the Republicans were in total control the debt ceiling was raised 7 times.

My Point?
Both parties are equally irresponsible and are addicted at spending our money.
The sooner we stop the partisan rock throwing and start DEMANDING both sides do the right thing - we might get somewhere.
Both sides suck, the repubs just suck worse right now.

There's a brilliant concession by bunny. Both parties suck. Think about if you can radicals. The republican majority in the House caused Obama to come to grips with his failied economic policies. If it wasn't for the Tea Party putting some backbone into republicans and winning the majority in the House I guaran-damn-tee you would have seen a collapse in the economy that would make Fannie look like childs play. Maybe that's what Obama wants.

And which party has put any regs/changes in place to prevent another finaincial fiasco meltdown?
Neither one!

both seem to think that more of the same will fix things.
Dumbutts all.
That's all it takes to avoid a train wreck.'s what's going to cause the next trainwreck..following the trainwreck that was the Bush administration.

Like when Clinton had a balanced budget with a republican House and like when Bush went down in flames with a democrat House? Are we talking about that kind of train wreck?

bush did so well with both repub houses too?'s what's going to cause the next trainwreck..following the trainwreck that was the Bush administration.

Like when Clinton had a balanced budget with a republican House and like when Bush went down in flames with a democrat House? Are we talking about that kind of train wreck?

bush did so well with both repub houses too?

For the most part....Bush sucked. All I'm saying is that Clinton did well with a republican House, and Bush sucked with the democrats holding a majority. The failures of this country is bi-partisan....something Sallow can't or refuses to comprehend.
"Thank God republicans won the majority in congress..."

Yes, it's just a crying shame that they seem no more willing to do the work of the people than those who came before them...

When every member of congress is less interested in doing what is best for themselves and more interested in doing what is best for this country we will all be better off. But then you all know that, but, like the politicians you support, your main interests seemingly lie in the desire to play "GOTCHYA!" and in scoring cheap, meaningless political points.
Think about it. You radical lefties think about too if you can. Obama said today he is willing to compromise about the debt ceiling and even Pelosi is talking about addressing the debt problem. What would have happened if republicans didn't gain the majority in congress? Democrats would have been taxing and spending and pretending everything was fine like they did before Fannie Mae collapsed. Isn't it obvious that Obama would have been leading the US down the path to ruin if the Tea Party didn't put some backbone into the republican party and stop the foolishness?[/

Yep. The Fifty Percent of us who pay Federal Income Tax would be relieved of a lot of money if the dims had all three houses locked up. I daresay our rate would be 90%. It takes a lot of money to keep those sugar tits full.
"Thank God republicans won the majority in congress..."

Yes, it's just a crying shame that they seem no more willing to do the work of the people than those who came before them...

When every member of congress is less interested in doing what is best for themselves and more interested in doing what is best for this country we will all be better off. But then you all know that, but, like the politicians you support, your main interests seemingly lie in the desire to play "GOTCHYA!" and in scoring cheap, meaningless political points.

They're doing the work that I want them to do.
Like when Clinton had a balanced budget with a republican House and like when Bush went down in flames with a democrat House? Are we talking about that kind of train wreck?

bush did so well with both repub houses too?

For the most part....Bush sucked. All I'm saying is that Clinton did well with a republican House, and Bush sucked with the democrats holding a majority. The failures of this country is bi-partisan....something Sallow can't or refuses to comprehend.

President Bush never caught a break from the asshole dims and the assholes in the liberal media. He never will either..
That's all it takes to avoid a train wreck.'s what's going to cause the next trainwreck..following the trainwreck that was the Bush administration.

Like when Clinton had a balanced budget with a republican House and like when Bush went down in flames with a democrat House? Are we talking about that kind of train wreck?

Well..if you like to believe that..

There are also unicorns and elves that you could believe in as well.
bush did so well with both repub houses too?

For the most part....Bush sucked. All I'm saying is that Clinton did well with a republican House, and Bush sucked with the democrats holding a majority. The failures of this country is bi-partisan....something Sallow can't or refuses to comprehend.

President Bush never caught a break from the asshole dims and the assholes in the liberal media. He never will either..

He got lots of breaks. That was the problem.

He got lots of breaks and made us broke.
It's an indisputable fact. There would have been no dialog about spending if it wasn't for the Tea Party that helped get a republican majority in congress. There would nave been no debt ceiling. Democrats would have continued to spend and lie to us while the Country was sliding into bankruptcy like the chairman of the House Banking Committee did when Fannie Mae was collapsing.
Think about it. You radical lefties think about too if you can. Obama said today he is willing to compromise about the debt ceiling and even Pelosi is talking about addressing the debt problem. What would have happened if republicans didn't gain the majority in congress? Democrats would have been taxing and spending and pretending everything was fine like they did before Fannie Mae collapsed. Isn't it obvious that Obama would have been leading the US down the path to ruin if the Tea Party didn't put some backbone into the republican party and stop the foolishness?

The reality is that it is a few handfuls of Tea Party backed congressmen that have forced this discussion. I can imagine the typical mindless partisan hack ignoring the basic realities, but the fact is that until the Tea Party tossed out a few REPUBLICAN congressmen and supported enough candidates to trounce the dems in the house, NEITHER party was serious about cutting spending. Republicans ran up debt. Dems ran up debt and couldnt even be bothered to pass a freqin operating budget. Whether he likes it or not, Obama is now...finally...2.5 years after taking the oath of office...FINALLY engaging on spending cuts.
For the most part....Bush sucked. All I'm saying is that Clinton did well with a republican House, and Bush sucked with the democrats holding a majority. The failures of this country is bi-partisan....something Sallow can't or refuses to comprehend.

President Bush never caught a break from the asshole dims and the assholes in the liberal media. He never will either..

He got lots of breaks. That was the problem.

He got lots of breaks and made us broke.

Like I can't or you refuse to comprehend....nobody but you can fix that, Sallow.

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