I Laugh Hard at Those Who Say Biden Snookered Trump into a Bad Debate Deal.

Trump back out? Oh you bet he will. He knows if he steps on that stage, he's done. :)
Biden will eat him alive.

Trump doesn't argue. He berates, he bullies, he blusters, talks over, yells at. That's how he avoids having to answer tough questions.

He's a pussy. And an embarrassment to this nation. Although I blame idiots like you who enable him more than I do him. He's just the result.

Take a look at these Biden demands so that he can "eat him alive:"

Among their concerns were that the audience noise could disadvantage Biden, who sometimes has trouble hearing amid a din. They also wanted to ensure that there was a clean tempo and cadence to the debate and that it not turn into a shouting match or spectacle. Biden aides have envisioned using the forums to pummel Trump on abortion rights, his response to the Covid pandemic and threats to democracy. For that reason, they were also pleased that the debate would, it appears, involve microphones that can be cut off if a candidate speaks when it’s not their turn.

So, they have their own version of a gag order, in the form of Democrat controlled microphones. What makes you think Trump will not ignore that like he ignores the gag order from the judge? What will the moderators do when Trump speaks after they cut off his microphone and his words are picked up by Biden's or the moderators mics?


Take a look at these Biden demands so that he can "eat him alive:"

Among their concerns were that the audience noise could disadvantage Biden, who sometimes has trouble hearing amid a din. They also wanted to ensure that there was a clean tempo and cadence to the debate and that it not turn into a shouting match or spectacle. Biden aides have envisioned using the forums to pummel Trump on abortion rights, his response to the Covid pandemic and threats to democracy. For that reason, they were also pleased that the debate would, it appears, involve microphones that can be cut off if a candidate speaks when it’s not their turn.

So, they have their own version of a gag order, in the form of Democrat controlled microphones. What makes you think Trump will not ignore that like he ignores the gag order from the judge? What will the moderators do when Trump speaks after they cut off his microphone and his words are picked up by Biden's or the moderators mics?

Trump is the only one crying right now. :)
Keep making those excuses. You're gonna need them.
His own arrogance and hubris are what did Trump in here. He thought Biden wouldn't agree to get the debates out of the way before the conventions.
Art of the Deal tried to bluff here...and he got called. No audience. No chance to riff. He's knows he's toast. So now, he's trying every which way he can think of to justify backing out.
Maybe we should ask Trumpers if Trump will Welch out on the debate, due to being a lousy negotiator, so wanting a "do-over", as in little kid games.
Maybe we should ask Trumpers if Trump will Welch out on the debate, due to being a lousy negotiator, so wanting a "do-over", as in little kid games.
He may well change his mind if - as I predict now - Team Biden insists on rules that make it into a farcical non-debate.

What will the moderators do when they cut off Trump's microphone and he talks anyway, easily heard through Joe's mic, which will have to be very sensitive to catch his faltering voice?
Trump back out? Oh you bet he will. He knows if he steps on that stage, he's done. :)
Biden will eat him alive.

Trump doesn't argue. He berates, he bullies, he blusters, talks over, yells at. That's how he avoids having to answer tough questions.

He's a pussy. And an embarrassment to this nation. Although I blame idiots like you who enable him more than I do him. He's just the result.
Well, you never know what will happen during a debate. The thing about the blob is that his applause lines during his rallies are going to turn off independent voters.
He may well change his mind if - as I predict now - Team Biden insists on rules that make it into a farcical non-debate.

What will the moderators do when they cut off Trump's microphone and he talks anyway, easily heard through Joe's mic, which will have to be very sensitive to catch his faltering voice?
There are more rules to be discussed? I thought they had it agreed. Is that planned microphone shutoff if one of them goes over time or interrupts thing, actually part of it?
I would like to see what the debate actual rules are, for sure. If one of them backs out, I am pretty sure, we will get a glimpse of the rule request, reject, insisted on, and then object by bowing out. It is true, though, neither side's partisan nut balls will see it as anything but cowardice of the opponent side, for the purpose of getting out of the debate in public.
Has anyone officially stated why Biden doesn’t want an audience? Not you people here at usmb, I mean from his team. I’m curious as to why he made that request.

I’m fine with the mic rule as long as they use it fairly. And by that I mean, not let one candidate set up a situation where they can make all kinds of accusations and then the other candidate doesn’t get a chance to refute them.

Actually, what I think should happen is, they ask a question, and if the candidate starts going off on a tangent that is not related to the question, they cut their mic off and tell them to stick to the question..
Trump has already trotted out "I demand that Biden take a drug test before the debate." And he wants a third debate. Joe will refuse both of those, and DJ will duck out completely, because reasons.
His own arrogance and hubris are what did Trump in here. He thought Biden wouldn't agree to get the debates out of the way before the conventions.
Art of the Deal tried to bluff here...and he got called. No audience. No chance to riff. He's knows he's toast. So now, he's trying every which way he can think of to justify backing out.
You base your assumptions on Biden being able to function, much less debate. The more biased the 'moderators' are the worse it looks for Biden. This will backfire just like the clown show 'trials'.
Honestly, I couldn't give one tiny shit about your perception of Biden's ability to complete a sentence. If that's the case, then your man just got bamboozled by someone you perceive as in "cognitive decline". I have a small newsflash for you. Biden will soundly beat Trump in the debate..assuming Trump even shows up. Trump agreed to the terms of the debates. Now...he is THE ONLY ONE I hear making a fuss about it. Because he knows he's screwed. :)

Ah yes.....a left-winger farts out another "I know what is going on" post.

The debate is already happening. That's what appears to be happening.

Trump has been in court and this is his chance to get his hooks into our Stuttering Incontinent Celery Stalk in Charge and start mixing it up. The debate itself is a already a disaster. Two old fools reminding American that out of 330,000,000 peopole this is the best they could do.
Trump has already trotted out "I demand that Biden take a drug test before the debate." And he wants a third debate. Joe will refuse both of those, and DJ will duck out completely, because reasons.

Yep, it's all for show. Trump just wants to get out of court and mix it up.

And he's doing that. Biden was a fool to accept.
There are more rules to be discussed? I thought they had it agreed. Is that planned microphone shutoff if one of them goes over time or interrupts thing, actually part of it?
Both Trump and Team Biden are known for agreeing to something and then negotiating the details.
I would like to see what the debate actual rules are, for sure. If one of them backs out, I am pretty sure, we will get a glimpse of the rule request, reject, insisted on, and then object by bowing out. It is true, though, neither side's partisan nut balls will see it as anything but cowardice of the opponent side, for the purpose of getting out of the debate in public.
I have to think that the kind of “debate” Team Biden has in mind is taking turns making mini speeches in response to questions his handlers are fed well in advance. With Trump actually physically controlled to tame his assertiveness that Biden now lacks.

It wouldn’t hurt them any to give Trump the questions also. Trump always has an answer and the questions don’t have to be given in advance.

Biden’s failed policies and corruption will provide plenty of fodder for Trump to answer anything they throw at him.

I cannot imagine a question that would be hard for him.
Yep, it's all for show. Trump just wants to get out of court and mix it up.

And he's doing that. Biden was a fool to accept.
Biden proposed the two debates. So the fool was the other guy, which is OK because DJ will weasel his ass right out of them like he always does.
I turned on Smerconish on CNN this morning. He's saying Biden hornswoggled President Trump into a bad debate deal, that he out-negotiated the author of "The Art of the Deal". I've heard that take on other leftwing news outlets. I laugh whenever I hear it. See, Trump has said before that he doesn't start negotiating until the other side thinks it's a done deal. It's why he's the top negotiator in the world. There's no way in hell Trump is going to do something that isn't favorable to him. He could dissolve this whole thing as easily as it started by saying "I never agreed to the terms Biden's team set up". What's Biden and the media going to say? "Oh, that Trump. He's a despicable liar". Well, they've already said that 10,000 times, so it will have zero effect. That's what happens when you cry wolf 100 times a day.

The left can't outmaneuver this guy no way no how.

Even leftwing Jen Psaki agrees with me.

Boy are you drinking the Kool-Aid on this one. You may be easily fooled but in the REAL world, Trump is a joke.

Trump is the world's WORST negotiator. Those who try to re-negotiate terms after a deal has been set, end up in court. Trump has been involved in more than 3500 civil law suits - a record for an American businessman, and not in a good way.

This means that any contract Trump signs, is worthless and cannot be relied upon. That is why, in the real world of real estate and business development, Donald Trump is considered a "joke" and a "buffoon".

Trump negotiates in "bad faith" and that means has no intention of completing the deals he''s made. Trump has also had 7 bankrtupcies - a world record, and again, not in a good way.

Trump has never been a success businessman and mogul. He only plays one on television. All of your trade deals that Trump re-negotiated, resulted in much LARGER trade deficits with your trading partners. Your trade deficit has gone from $635 billion in 2016, to more than a $1 trillion dollars after Trump renegotiated your trade deals. Biden is starting to bring that back down but it will take generations to get back to where you were BEFORE Trump wrote the worst trade deals that the USA has ever had.

Does anyone agree that hypothetically Candidate A could demand terms for the debate rules that are so unfavorable to candidate B that if candidate B refuses, it could be fairly said that it was candidate A who prevented the debate from happening?

I believe that one or both may try to set terms that they know the other who will not accept. no matter who sets the terms or who refuses them, each candidate’s supporters will blame the other candidate.

I don’t know that we need a debate, honestly. There is very little new information about either candidate to be gleed that way. It would make a nice show, if it is not utterly sanitized to the point of being a Snoozefest. But the swing voters will be swung one way, or another by the economy, if history is any guide.
Both Trump and Team Biden are known for agreeing to something and then negotiating the details.

I have to think that the kind of “debate” Team Biden has in mind is taking turns making mini speeches in response to questions his handlers are fed well in advance. With Trump actually physically controlled to tame his assertiveness that Biden now lacks.

It wouldn’t hurt them any to give Trump the questions also. Trump always has an answer and the questions don’t have to be given in advance.

Biden’s failed policies and corruption will provide plenty of fodder for Trump to answer anything they throw at him.

I cannot imagine a question that would be hard for him.
I am sure team trump would like to see Joe at a disadvantage also. I am content to wait until they work it out, or see who chickens and runs from further negotiation or the debate itself. However the internet rules debate works out, it will be interesting and telling to see how the campaigns handle whatever negotiations take place, and if they can actually negotiate settled rules for a simple debate, as these are two vying for the office placing the winner in position to have to be involved in negotiations (national and international) of actual consequence. So, who can negotiate? Who can negotiate to their advantage or mutual advantage? Who can keep negotiations alive until appropriate desired action (in this case a debate) actually takes place? This is all just the pre-game show of the debate itself. I can wait for the actual kickoff, to decide on the play.
Boy are you drinking the Kool-Aid on this one. You may be easily fooled but in the REAL world, Trump is a joke.

Trump is the world's WORST negotiator. Those who try to re-negotiate terms after a deal has been set, end up in court. Trump has been involved in more than 3500 civil law suits - a record for an American businessman, and not in a good way.

This means that any contract Trump signs, is worthless and cannot be relied upon. That is why, in the real world of real estate and business development, Donald Trump is considered a "joke" and a "buffoon".

Trump negotiates in "bad faith" and that means has no intention of completing the deals he''s made. Trump has also had 7 bankrtupcies - a world record, and again, not in a good way.

Trump has never been a success businessman and mogul. He only plays one on television. All of your trade deals that Trump re-negotiated, resulted in much LARGER trade deficits with your trading partners. Your trade deficit has gone from $635 billion in 2016, to more than a $1 trillion dollars after Trump renegotiated your trade deals. Biden is starting to bring that back down but it will take generations to get back to where you were BEFORE Trump wrote the worst trade deals that the USA has ever had.

Many people are worth less than they were near 4 years ago.
Honestly, I couldn't give one tiny shit about your perception of Biden's ability to complete a sentence. If that's the case, then your man just got bamboozled by someone you perceive as in "cognitive decline". I have a small newsflash for you. Biden will soundly beat Trump in the debate..assuming Trump even shows up. Trump agreed to the terms of the debates. Now...he is THE ONLY ONE I hear making a fuss about it. Because he knows he's screwed. :)
No dimwit. Trump will now force Xiden to cave to HIS demands. No teleprompter. Drug test. No wire to tell Xiden what to say. Xiden and his handlers never thought Trump would agree to a debate and now THEY are shitting their pants because YOUR guy is screwed.
The blob’s biggest problem is that none...zero...zippo...none of his applause lines that he uses at his rallies are going to appeal to independents. He’s going to actually talk about issues. He doesn’t understand them...so it should be a hoot.
Too bad for you that Trump has already talked about the issues. And your boy Xiden is underwater on all those issues and has less than 30% support from independent voters. But keep laughably lying to yourself as Xiden embarrasses himself yet again.

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